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500+ Powerful Viking Cat Names For Your Little Warrior

500+ Powerful Viking Cat Names For Your Little Warrior

Sometimes, cats will act all tough but can melt right into your hands. Other times, they are the true warriors who don’t have time for play. So, are you looking for some Viking cat names to suit your feisty little furball?

Felines are known for their courageous spirits. I’m not really sure where that “scaredy cat” saying comes from (mind you, can you give a true warrior name to a cat that’s scared of water!?)

“Viking” is actually a modern term for a seafaring person who came from Scandinavia a long time ago. Therefore, they had to travel some distance and cross many seas to get to places. They did this very successfully because they reached various locations across the world.

But there’s another thing that Vikings are well known for. Their warrior skills and ruthless raids are what earned them fame and fear across the globe. It wasn’t uncommon for them to use violence to achieve their goals, such as settling down and establishing colonies.

Even though they seem hostile to some, they are well respected to this day because of their power. However, your cute, fluffy feline is nothing like those ruthless Vikings. On the other hand, she can be a handful sometimes.

For instance, my pet is really adamant about getting what she wants. She will take it as far as even putting in some muscle work, AKA fighting, to achieve her goal. This is especially true when it comes to food or her favorite toys.

So, cats and Vikings are similar in their resilience and achieving whatever they put their mind to. But when these skills and traits combine with a furball, it can look more cute than warlike. That’s not to say you can’t choose one of these Viking cat names for your ferocious feline!

Viking cat names perfect for your pet

500+ Powerful Viking Cat Names For Your Little Warrior

During the excavations of Viking sites, many things have been discovered. From tweezers to ear cleaners made of animal bones. Vikings also made sure to bathe at least once a week. Nowadays, this doesn’t sound like much but at the time, these people took more baths than any other European nation.

So I guess there’s another thing that cats and Vikings have in common – their hygiene. Not only were they fierce warriors, but they also looked clean and fresh while raiding the villages. It really sounds like my cats who sneak in the kitchen at night to raid my whole pantry.

Now that you know who were the Vikings and what they were like, you can choose one of these amazing Viking names for your cat. They seem even more powerful when you find out the meanings of some of these. Trust me, they’re as good as the meanings of Turkish cat names.

Most Viking names translate to something related to a god. The Vikings followed the Old Norse religion, now known as Norse Paganism, and its mythology and legends are preserved in Eddic poetry.

Old Norse religion was polytheistic, which means that they worshiped several gods and goddesses. So, it’s safe to say that the Vikings wanted to pay respect and honor their gods by these beautiful names.

If you have a rambunctious feline who likes to have things his own way, these might be a perfect name choice. Besides, I think it’s more unique to call your cat by some godlike name than give her a name based on her physical appearance.

Fortunately, we picked out some of the best Viking cat names so you can emphasize your cat’s inner god or goddess. All you have to do is choose the one that’s best suited!

Norse vs. Scandinavian vs. Viking?

Before we start with the names, let’s first clear some things up. Do “Norse,” “Scandinavian” and “Viking” all have the same meaning? Is there a difference between these three terms?

The word Norse refers to Scandinavians who lived between the ninth and eleventh centuries and were not involved in seafaring, adventure, or colonization.

Today, the word Scandinavian refers to those who live in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, or Finland. And Viking refers to a style of warfare used by Norsemen who traveled large distances by water-raiding other nations.

The name normally showed the father’s name first, followed by an extra suffix indicating the son’s name. For example, once the son was born, the name “Ragnar” would become “Ragnarsson.”

Furthermore, most Viking names were made up of two parts: a prefix and a suffix. Perhaps you can spice things up with these Viking names for cats. I know what I would definitely do if my cat had a kitten!

Male Viking names for your ferocious furball

1. Ragnar (army and counsel)

2. Borr

3. Odin (yellow flowers)

4. Loki

5. Ver

6. Thor (God of thunder)

7. Modi

8. Calder 

9. Vili

10. Tyr

11. Magdi

12. Geirod

13. Sigurd (victorious adviser)

14. Hermod

15. Alf

16. Mani

17. Alvis

18. Sindri

19. Tiki

20. Gunnar (army)

21. Njord

22. Balder

23. Buri

24. Fitch

25. Orvar

26. Heimdall

27. Vidar

28. Mimir

29. Bragi

30. Ull (to the top)

31. Austri

32. Hoenir

33. Kvasir

34. Hoor

35. Andvari

36. Blesi (blessed man)

37. Fjalar

38. Hugi

39. Garm

40. Hler

41. Harbor

42. Aric

43. Hermodr

44. Leif

45. Asgard (city of the gods)

46. Magus

47. Frey (god of weather)

48. Ulrik

49. Embla

50. Mjolnir

500+ Powerful Viking Cat Names For Your Little Warrior

51. Valkyrie

52. Gandalf

53. Rune (secret)

54. Hel

55. Saga

56. Aren

57. Åge

58. Bjarke

59. Asger (spear of God)

60. Bjarne

61. Bjolf

62. Brynjar

63. Bjørn

64. Ebe

65. Bo (the resident)

66. Einar

67. Brandt

68. Cuyler

69. Geir

70. Eivor (island or good luck)

71. Gisli

72. Frode

73. Halfdan

74. Harald

75. Gudbrand

76. Herleif

77. Halvar (defender of the earth)

78. Hoder

79. Helge

80. Hrafen

81. Ivar

82. Hjalmar

83. Hrooar

84. Holger

85. Magnus

86. Ødger

87. Roar (famous spear)

88. Njal

89. Knud

90. Sten

91. Olaf (great success)

92. Skarde

93. Randolph

94. Sune

95. Toke

96. Viggo (battle)

97. Svend

98. Erik

99. Kåre

100. Trygve

101. Troels (Thor’s arrow)

102. Aesir

103. Erling 

104. Asbjorne

105. Espen

106. Arkyn

107. Arlan

108. Angrboða 

109. Arvid

110. Oddmund

111. Fenrir

112. Audun

113. Freyre

114. Axel

115. Bodil (fight and penance)

116. Dane

117. Eskel

118. Frigg

119. Hod

120. Garda

121. Inge (ancestor)

122. Kari

123. Gerd

124. Kirk

125. Lange

126. Lumi

127. Niel

128. Lyall

129. Lemond

130. Olav (sweet home)

131. Ralf

132. Rayner

133. Roald

134. Olen (secret spectator)

135. Randi

136. Osborn (warrior of God)

137. Rikki

138. Rolo

139. Stian

140. Selby

141. Skeet

142. Thorin

143. Storm

144. Thorsson

145. Sven (freeman who serves another)

146. Ulli

147. Torra

148. Torrey

149. Vondell

150. Vonn

500+ Powerful Viking Cat Names For Your Little Warrior

More Norse male cat names

151. Anders

152. Ari

153. Colby

154. Carr (from the marsh)

155. Arknell

156. Arnfinn

157. Canute

158. Andor

159. Colborn 

160. Dag

161. Fell

162. Eluf

163. Crosby

164. Darby

165. Erland

166. Dustin

167. Friske

168. Gudmund

169. Hagen

170. Garth

171. Gustaf

172. Fiske

173. Ingvar

174. Ingolf

175. Halstein

176. Hjalmar 

177. Ingmar

178. Hemming

179. Igor

180. Holmes

181. Kettil

182. Hrafn 

183. Jari

184. Kirkland

185. Jarl

186. Kory

187. Lamont

188. Ole

189. Ove

190. Kirkwood 

191. Corey

192. Manning

193. Oluf

194. Rangvald

195. Roscoe

196. Osmon

197. Steen

198. Stig

199. Tarben

200. Per

201. Aegir

202. Aelffrith

203. Aelfhun

204. Aelfled

205. Aeric

206. Fraener

207. Alfrothul

208. Aelfgar

209. Alfarin

210. Aeldit

211. Alfegir

212. Aelfraed

213. Aelfhere

214. Aelfred

215. Aelflead

216. Andvaranaut

217. Asgaut

218. Aslak

219. Armod

220. Amund

221. Arvakl

222. Askel

223. Aros

224. Annar

225. Aulay

226. Asbiom

227. Bakli

228. Baug

229. Baldur

230. Bersi

231. Balmung

232. Baldr

233. Bergthor

234. Biorn

235. Baugi

236. Biyn

237. Bionbyr

238. Beini

239. Bodmod

240. Birgir

241. Bjame

242. Borg

243. Bruni

244. Clotuali

245. Bothi

246. Cnute

247. Buri

248. Broderick

249. Danhi

250. Danal

500+ Powerful Viking Cat Names For Your Little Warrior

251. Brondolf

252. Danb

253. Brun

254. Darbi

255. Rothwell (red spring settler)

256. Denby

257. Fjall

258. Gamble

259. Finnbogi

260. Ganger

261. Duatr

262. Evinrude

263. Forseti

264. Hoskuld

265. Oeric

266. Merowald

267. Illugi

268. Hildeburh

269. Olanda

270. Har

271. Hrolleif

272. Osfrith

273. Osgarus

274. Pollerd

275. Dellingr

276. Ohthere

277. Osgar

278. Tate

279. Torgny

280. Oskar

281. Orm

282. Torvald

283. Torfi

284. Tuck

285. Torold

286. Torbjorn

287. Olan

288. Isrod

289. Tord

290. Torhild

291. Tappen

292. Sceldwa

293. Tron

294. Ormarr

295. Molde

296. Royd

297. Ingemur

298. Odd

299. Isolf

300. Ingharr

301. Hunbogi

302. Gartheride

303. Hildebeorht

304. Hrosskel

305. Hreidmar

306. Finnbogi

307. Hromund

308. Elvis

309. Hrolf

310. Freki

311. Fasolt

312. Egil

313. Dikibyr

314. Eirik

Female Viking cat names for your warrior

When people hear the word Viking, they mostly associate it with big, muscular, loud men who fought on their way to victory. However, they oftentimes forget that these people also had female warriors who didn’t do any less.

The Valkyries were a group of female warrior deities that served Odin. They were frequently seen riding horses and carrying spears.

Many female cats are linked with strong deities in Norse mythology. Old Norse female names from mythology and fiction generally conjure up ideas of strong animals, often with cat features.

A feline named after the goddess Freyja, for example, would be connected with love, fertility, and riches. A rural or farm-based cat might be called Sif, Thor’s wife and the goddess of agriculture.

Viking women were known for their feistiness and fierceness. They didn’t shy away from engaging in a fight and were deemed true, worthy opponents. Even though your cat might be soft on the outside and not looking for trouble, you never know what warrior hides underneath appearances.

This idea is great for pets who are a bit more on the naughty side. And while you’re at it, you might want to look at some mischievous cat names if your feline’s a rambunctious one.

Viking cat names for felines whose background isn’t so pretty could be a way to honor your pet’s past. Both of my friend’s cats were adopted and had no fairytale life before coming into her home.

They went through some stuff, so she decided to give them Scandinavian names. This way, she’ll always remember where they come from and how strong they are.

1. Brit

2. Unni

3. Marte

4. Svea (of the Swedes)

5. Annelie

6. Lova

7. Alma

8. Solvi

9. Athena

10. Nora

11. Dorit

12. Ulfhild

13. Kiara

14. Kaia

15. Urd

16. Aurelia

17. Dahlia

18. Eva

19. Thea

20. Blenda

500+ Powerful Viking Cat Names For Your Little Warrior

21. Hrefna

22. Sofia

23. Hanne

24. Linnea

25. Elena

26. Mila

27. Thurid

28. Torra

29. Rindr

30. Eostre

31. Mille

32. Hildr

33. Fulla

34. Henny

35. Nerthus

36. Yggdrasil

37. Elli

38. Laga

39. Hlin

40. Groa

41. Weth

42. Lofn

43. Joro

44. Sjofn

45. Lounn

46. Vor

47. Sigyn

48. Sol

49. Hulda

50. Snotra

51. Angrboda

52. Heidrun

53. Verdandi

54. Skadi

55. Estrid

56. Astrilde

57. Torri

58. Gefjun

59. Jord

60. Thyra

61. Ingrid

62. Sieglinde

63. Siv

64. Sif

65. Thordis

66. Sidsel

67. Siya

68. Siri

69. Runa

70. Pernilla

71. Sassa

72. Randalin

73. Rika

74. Rebecka

75. Sia

76. Sanna

77. Riecka

78. Petra

79. Ossi

80. Ola

81. Nekisha

82. Monika

83. Olessa

84. Marna

85. Olaug

86. Nanja

87. Moa

88. Odina

89. Magda

90. Lycka

91. Mikaela

92. Malena

93. Lovisa

94. Magli

95. Mari

96. Kajsa

97. Lulla

98. Klara

99. Lindy

100. Karina

101. Lif

102. Lotta

103. Aldith

104. Krista

105. Lili

106. Lena

107. Elise

108. Atalie

109. Carita

110. Else

111. Evelina

112. Cilla

113. Embla

114. Eira

115. Brenna

116. Abellona

117. Carin

118. Ama

119. Anja

120. Ailse

500+ Powerful Viking Cat Names For Your Little Warrior

More female Viking names for your feline

121. Agneta

122. Astride

123. Annalina

124. Agnetha

125. Chara

126. Freda

127. Elsha

128. Etoile

129. Dagmar

130. Brynhild

131. Halley

132. Erika

133. Lagertha

134. Nanna

135. Helga

136. Revna

137. Herja

138. Hela

139. Liv

140. Gunhild

141. Hedda

142. Frida

143. Gertrude

144. Solveig

145. Tove

146. Yrsa

147. Sigrid

148. Svana

149. Siegrun

150. Viveka

151. Oula

152. Solvej

153. Aloisa

154. Serrilda

155. True

156. Thelma

157. Thudrid

158. Serhilde

159. Branka

160. Triska

161. Mariuerla

162. Verina

163. Ulka

164. Lulita

165. Yanka

166. Valen

167. Moja

168. Yulla

169. Vinga

170. Wlberga

171. Morag

172. Neci

173. Orsolla

174. Noma

175. Labrenda

176. Olga

177. Kindra

178. Ilde

179. Kelda

180. Isane

181. Kelby

182. Ilka

183. Kara

184. Holde

185. Gudrun

186. Humla

187. Hildi

188. Gudren

189. Hilda

190. Gerde

191. Gale

192. Agda

193. Genowefa

194. Erlene

195. Aina

196. Brendette

197. Edlen

198. Dagny

199. Prima

200. Mist

201. Svipul

202. Atla

203. Ran

204. Brina

205. Hjalmprimul 

206. Batilde

207. Urszula 

208. Freydis

500+ Powerful Viking Cat Names For Your Little Warrior