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Do Cats Imprint On One Person? 13 Proofs She Chose You

Do Cats Imprint On One Person? 13 Proofs She Chose You

The other day, I heard one of the cutest questions ever: “Do cats imprint on one person?” It wouldn’t be strange if a 9-year-old kid wasn’t asking. I mean, when I was his age, I had no idea what imprinting even meant, and I sure as hell couldn’t connect that word with cats.

Anyway, after he politely asked, I gave him the answer. I swear his eyes got watery, and he murmured something and ran away. His mum was there, and she saw a confused look on my face. “Our kitty passed away a couple of weeks ago, but she liked him the most.”

My heart broke into a million pieces, but when I saw how happy he was that he’ll get a new one, I swear the whole day got better. Yes, you hear a lot of sad stories when you work in a pet shop. But you also witness the ones that are priceless, and you actually help someone find a furry buddy.

If you want to learn more about imprinting, felines, and people, stick around. We’ll talk about cats and their imprinting habits, how you can know that you’re the chosen one, and why that actually happened. Thank you for mentioning this, kiddo, this one is for you and your Charlie!

1. They feel safe when you’re around

Source: Unsplash

I guess you always wanted to go out with that one cousin simply because you felt safe when they were around you, right? Or you have a friend who you like to travel with, and you can even fall asleep while they’re driving the car, otherwise, you’re wide awake?

When cats imprint on you, it’s simply because they feel extra safe when you’re around. You don’t have to hold her close all the time, but if your feline wants to be only with you when she’s feeling stressed or anxious, you can be sure that you’re her favorite hooman.

2. They were orphaned or abandoned kittens

Source: Catster

Sometimes bad things happen to our fluffs during their early age. Their mother could have passed away while giving birth, or she simply left them. It’s also possible that they were separated from their mom as soon as she brought them into the world or just a couple of days after.

Whatever the reason, your kitty was basically orphaned or abandoned, and neither feels good. So, for that reason, she’ll choose a human being to take care of her and, in return, she’ll show her endless affection.

3. They are comfortable in your company

Source: Cats

This one is pretty simple. When cats feel comfortable in someone’s company, it’s possible that they imprint on that one person. If you saved her from the street, or you adopted her after she was abused in a previous household, you’ll be her favorite everything.

She’s going to stick around because you provide her shelter from all the dangers of her surroundings. You give her food and water, and you also sometimes help her with grooming. Would you easily leave all that behind? Probably not.

4. They’re simply a more affectionate cat breed

Do Cats Imprint On One Person 13 Proofs She Chose You
Source: Shutterstock

I hope that when you’re adopting or buying cats, someone explains to you that there are certain cat breeds that require constant attention. For that reason, Siamese or Ragdoll cats are not supposed to be adopted by people who spend the majority of their time outside their homes.

These felines hate to be alone, but you’ll know that because they are pretty vocal about their needs (Siamese cats especially).

Other such “clingy” breeds are Bombays, Chantilly, Manx, Norwegian Forest cat, Ocicat, Russian Blue, Siberian, Somali and Turkish Angora.

5. They need food

Source: Hepper

I think this reason is the most obvious one. Domestic cats don’t exist because we took them from the wilderness and brought them to our homes. It’s because they came to our homes in search of food, and well, we provided it to them. They didn’t have to hunt or stay hungry for a long period of time.

Some cats simply imprint on one person because that person is feeding them regularly. If you’re ready to find out all the wholesome ways she’ll show her love toward you, keep reading.

6. She’s grooming you

Source: Shutterstock

What do felines do with their kittens? They groom them, right? When your cat starts licking you and cleaning your skin, you can start bragging around. That’s actually one of her ways of expressing love for you.

She’s going to help you clean up, but don’t worry. That’s not her subtle attempt to advise you to take a shower more often. It’s her way of stating the obvious to others – you’re her owner and nobody can come between the two of you.

7. She’s kneading on you

Source: Purely Pets

This is one of the cutest things cats do when they want to show their affection. They are going to “make biscuits” on your legs when sitting on your lap, for example. They’ll also do that next to you on your sofa or a bed.

I absolutely love when Nora does that because I find it truly irresistible. My heart melts every time I see her moving those little paws and massaging me, the pillow, or the blanket next to me. So, if your fluff does this too, it means that she has imprinted on you.

8. She’s purring when you’re around

Source: Cats

Purring is widely known as a universal sign of a content cat, right? In this case, she’s not doing it because she’s feeling happy, but because she wants to tell you that you’re her favorite human. She’s going to loudly vocalize that, and she’ll surely make everybody else jealous.

In reality, kittens start purring very early simply because they need to communicate with their parents and let them know that everything is okay. Some cats, when they move to a new environment, purr to let you know that it’s safe.

There are some rare occasions when cats are making these content sounds because your presence is calming them down, or you’re soothing the pain while you’re petting them.

In case you suspect that she may be in pain, and you notice some changes in your fluff’s behavior that may indicate that she’s not feeling well, don’t hesitate to contact your vet.

9. She’s rubbing on you

Do Cats Imprint On One Person 13 Proofs She Chose You
Source: Shutterstock

What are cats doing when they’re rubbing onto something? Marking their territory, right? These beautiful creatures have glands in their paws, cheeks, and flanks (or butts, to put it simply) that help them with marking their territory.

So, if your cat starts rubbing on you, (your legs, face, or arms mostly) she’s actually marking you as her most beloved and most valuable family member. She surely isn’t going to share you with anyone in that case, and as soon as she leaves her scent, everybody else knows that.

10. She checks up on you

Source: Catster

When I say that she checks up on you, I don’t mean it lightly. She’s going to make sure you’re safe almost 24/7. No matter if you’re taking a nap on your bed, or you’re chilling on a sofa in your living room; she’ll join you.

If you go to the kitchen and leave her in another room in the house, she’ll find you in no time, because your feline wants to make sure that you’re okay. You won’t be able to go to the bathroom anymore on your own, and she may even watch you while you shower. Weird, I know, but that’s her way of saying “I love you”.

11. She requires your attention

Source: My Pet’s Health

I’ve mentioned that she’s going to vocalize her needs loudly, but this time, she’s going to require your attention. When cats imprint on one person, there’s no other human being they’d rather spend time with – I can promise you that.

Therefore, even though she played with your boyfriend, she’ll approach you once she’s tired, so you can offer your lap for her to rest. She’ll often ask you to spend time with her, but if you notice anything different in her routine or behavior, take her for a checkup. Maybe she’s trying to tell you that something’s wrong.

12. She slowly blinks while looking in your direction

Source: Shutterstock

I swear this is cuteness overload. There will be moments when your cat will invite you to a staring contest if she has imprinted on you. Those moments will usually be followed by a slow blink in the end. Maybe you’ll even see a loving smile that her mouth is forming.

When your feline does this, it simply means that she trusts you enough to be vulnerable in your company. It’s her way of sending you a kiss, and she shows appreciation for everything you do. I’ve told you – cuteness overload!

13. She follows you everywhere

Do Cats Imprint On One Person 13 Proofs She Chose You
Source: Shutterstock

I think this one is known all over the world – if your cat likes you, she’ll follow you everywhere you go. But, does that really mean that cats imprint on one person? It surely does.

When your fluff is going with you to the toilet, and if you’re stumbling upon her all the time, there’s no doubt about you being her favorite person in the household.

Whether you like it or not, she chose you as her bestie, and you have to respect that. She’ll also come to you if she’s hungry and patiently wait for you to serve her the meal. You’ll be her go-to person; there’s no doubt about it.