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Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Pillow? Where Should I Sleep?

Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Pillow? Where Should I Sleep?

A few days ago, it was raining cats and dogs, so I spent my whole day chilling. I made myself my favorite tea and turned on a new TV show. After an hour, I figured that I hadn’t seen Pearl for a long time. I went to my room and found her there. But wait a minute. Why does my cat sleep on my pillow?

I mean, my new pillows are amazing. I just got them the other day and all my friends were asking me about them. So, it’s safe to say my kitty has good taste! Well, you are who you surround yourself with.

At first, the whole scene looked so sweet. She curled up there and I’m sure that at that moment, she was the cutest cat in the whole world. I took hundreds of photos and went back to the living room to continue watching the show.

But then it hit me…Wait! “Why does my cat sleep on my pillow? Is that normal? Should I call a vet, or would he laugh at me for asking such a question? Should I stop her from doing that? Is it bad for her posture?”

I had tons of questions but no answers. So I decided to find them all and share them with the rest of the world. Now that I’ve done my research, it’s time for me to help you out. I promise you, you’re in for a real treat. Enjoy!

1) She loves you

Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Pillow? Where Should I Sleep?
Source: Shutterstock

Do you remember when you were a kid and you always tried to make small surprises for your parents? Maybe you would draw them something nice or even try to clean the house? However, most of the time, you would end up making even more mess than there was before.

Your parents used to get mad at you sometimes, but most of the time they would figure out you were just trying to show them your love. Well, cats also feel the need to express their feelings from time to time. Of course, they can’t speak, draw you something, or write a poem, so they need to figure out a new way.

Some of them think that sleeping on your pillow is a great option! Why? Because you spend lots of time there which means you love that spot, and if they spend some time there too, they will show you how much they appreciate it too. Isn’t that such a sweet thing to do?

2) She misses you

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Even though kitties are mostly described as cold and independent animals who like you because you feed them and take care of them, it’s not really true. Yes, they can behave like that sometimes, but deep down, all of them are still little kittens who can’t wait for you to come back home so they can be around you.

If your cat is sleeping on your pillow, it’s likely that she misses you. Do you spend a lot of time outside? Working, training, going out with friends, or maybe visiting your family? If the answer is yes, then it means you don’t have much time to play and cuddle with your fluffball.

That’s why she curls up on your pillow and takes a nap there. It’s a thing that smells like you and she loves it! If you come home and see her sleeping there, cuddle with her because she was definitely waiting for you the whole day.

3) It’s warm

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I’m sure you already know that cats like to choose the warmest place in the house to chill. It’s usually the spot on the floor that gets warm because of the sun’s rays. If it’s not that, then it’s somewhere near the fireplace or even your fluffiest pillow.

Felines get cold much easier than dogs. And that’s why it’s very important for them to find a good spot when the winter days arrive. That’s exactly the reason why they enjoy sleeping in your bed, wrapped up in a soft blanket. Or even in a cardboard box because it’s small and it gets warm easily.

So if your kitty starts sleeping on your pillow during winter, it’s most likely because she found that spot very comfortable and warm enough for her to relax completely. Always keep in mind that if you feel a bit cold, your cat is feeling it much more than you. So try to keep your home warm enough for her.

4) She feels safe on your pillow

Cats are one of the strongest and most famous predators in the world. They know how to survive in the wilderness and almost every other animal is afraid of them. Most of the time, they are predators, and rarely they are the prey. However, those are the big cats like lions, tigers, or jaguars.

What you have at home is their little cousin. Oh no, now I made her sound helpless. No, your kitty is still powerful and one of the best hunters ever. However, she gets scared a bit easier than her big cousins who need to be tough if they want to survive in the wild.

Sometimes when your kitty gets scared of something, she’ll go and lie down on your pillow. And when she relaxes there, she’ll probably also fall asleep. She feels safe because she sees you as her protector. The pillow is full of your scent and it reminds her that you’re always gonna be there for her.

5) Your kitty is anxious

Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Pillow? Where Should I Sleep?
Source: Shutterstock

Just as they get scared from time to time, felines can also get anxious easily. Do you remember the last time you got anxious? What was the reason? We need to admit that it doesn’t always have to be about a big issue we had to face recently. Sometimes even the smallest things can trigger us.

And what do we do when we feel that way? We seek comfort in the things that make us feel calm. It can be our favorite playlist, a good book, a movie we’ve watched a hundred times, or even a place that always helps us relax. We choose something that’s gonna help us the most that day.

Well, when your cat feels a bit blue, she’ll also try to look for something that’s gonna make her feel better. Since she doesn’t have a favorite movie or a playlist she made for days like that, she’ll need to look for something else. Most of the time, it’s something connected to you.

You’re her safe space and if you’re busy or away, she’ll probably choose your pillow as a place where she’d like to relax.

6) She wants you to know that she’s the boss

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Now that I’ve told you about all the cute answers to “Why does my cat sleep on my pillow?”, it’s time to talk about the other side of your kitty. I mean, not just yours since every fluffball has two sides. But it’s not a surprise, as we’re just the same.

Did you know that your cat probably thinks you’re a guest in her house? She let you sleep there because she needs you to protect her and feed her a few times a day. And on top of that, she gets someone she can cuddle and play with.

However, sometimes she feels like she needs to set some things straight. So she goes to your pillow, makes it hers, and it feels like she’s almost telling you: “Look, I like you. But don’t let it fool you. I’m still the boss here.”

Or if it’s not about you, it could be about the other pet you have in your house. If you have one more cat, or a dog, then your fluffball might be trying to show them she’s the one sitting on the throne.

7) You toss a lot in your sleep

And finally, I need to ask you one more thing. Do you usually sleep next to your feline? Maybe you like having her around because she’s warm, and it feels nice to have her close. If that’s the case, then you should think about what you do while you’re asleep.

Cats are careful animals. If you toss a lot in your sleep, they will conclude that it’s dangerous for them. Why? Because you can squish them while you’re moving. That’s why your fluffy friend might choose to sleep on the pillow.

That probably seemed like the best option. She’ll still be close to you, but she won’t have to worry about you tossing the whole night. Such a smart move, right?