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This Poor Cat Mama-To-Be Is So Terrified That You Just Want To Hold Her And Pet Her

This Poor Cat Mama-To-Be Is So Terrified That You Just Want To Hold Her And Pet Her

Everyone, meet Persephone, an adorable cat mama-to-be facing her biggest fears, all with a brave heart. I’m always weak to stories about terrified kitties. All I want to do is make them feel safe, loved, and protected. Luckily, our lovely Persephone is in good hands with her foster momma.

Fostering semi-feral kitties can be challenging. All you want to do is shower them with love and comfort, and let them know that they’re safe. But, for furbabies like Persephone, the best approach is to simply let them be. No matter how heartbreaking it is for the people who are looking after them.

On her page, Persephone’s foster momma shared some of her small victories, such as the day when Persephone finally ate. It was a beautiful and heartwarming sign that she was getting comfortable in her surroundings. She even had some small explorations, leaving evidence behind her, like items she accidentally knocked over.

Oh no, those accidents don’t anger her foster momma. Persephone’s little touch of mischief brings joy to her heart. All she wants is for her lovely feline to feel safe and comfortable enough to act like a normal kitty.

Persephone’s foster family gave her space to make herself at home, but they were eagerly waiting for the day when they can finally snuggle her and help her bring her precious ones into this world. They watched her tummy grow, and the wonderful momma-to-be became more and more comfortable around them.

Credit: @emiliexfosters

They can’t wait for the day they get to see those adorable tiny paws all over their furry momma. But, they have to be patient, and most importantly, they have to make Persephone feel safe enough to deliver her babies in her new foster home.

In moments like these, all you need is a friend. Luckily, our lovely momma-to-be is surrounded by people who want nothing more than to share their love with her. I get tears in my eyes just thinking about how lucky this terrified furbaby really is. All I want for her is to realize she’s in safe hands…

Luckily, her foster family is patient enough to watch their feline friend become more comfortable around them. Day after day, Persephone grows more confident. She came a long way from her fearful and semi-feral state. Slowly, but surely, she started transforming into the snuggly companion they dreamed she’ll become.

They are so proud of her progress, and it makes them happy to see how brave and strong their feline buddy is. Her due date is coming near, and they’re on a real rollercoaster of emotions. Excited that her babies will arrive soon, nervous about the way she’s going to behave, and incredibly proud of how far she’s come.

Persephone’s foster mom played a game with her readers, as they tried to guess how many kittens Persephone would bring into the world. She expected her little feline to give birth in the next two weeks and prayed for a litter of three to four adorable rays of sunshine, that will one day be running around their forever homes.

Her foster momma and Persephone created a special bond, and she shared that her love for her new feline friend knows no bounds. She’s on the edge of her seat waiting to meet those precious babies, but they simply refuse to leave their momma’s safe and comfy belly.

Credit: @emiliexfosters

Persephone seems incredibly proud of her round tummy, earning the nickname Saddlebags. However, as the days go by, her foster family begins to wonder how much more can her belly stretch before the day arrives?! They’re rooting for her little ones to come out and finally meet the world.

One day, Persephone’s foster family was brimming with excitement when they saw her nesting. Right there and then, they knew – the labor was close. The signs were clear as day: nesting, loss of appetite, morning mood changes, and hisses… Her kittens were on their way.

They began preparing to meet the newest members of their feline family, excitement overflowing them. They had been waiting for so long, and they simply couldn’t believe that their little furry blessings were about to become a part of their lives.

However, Persephone was still waiting longer than what they were hoping for. The hearts of her family were filled with impatience, excitement, and longing. They gave her some space in case that’s what she needed, while closely monitoring her over a system her momma designed – a laptop and FaceTime.

As days go by, her family is getting more and more nervous about the late arrival of her kittens. Luckily, Persephone is in a good mood. She’s active, alert, and eating – all of which are good signs that there’s no cause for concern.

Although they have a plan B if she doesn’t end up giving birth naturally, they hope Persephone won’t need their help. We’re all rooting for you, Persephone, with our fingers crossed and anticipation to meet your lovely furbabies!

This Poor Cat Mama-To-Be Is So Terrified That You Just Want To Hold Her And Pet Her