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6 Ragdoll Cat Behavior Problems: Beauty And The Beast?

6 Ragdoll Cat Behavior Problems: Beauty And The Beast?

Trying to understand your Ragdoll cat’s behavior problems might not be an easy task. We tend to see our pet as the most perfect thing to ever exist. It’s hard to admit to yourself that your feline has some unenviable traits. However, we all have our flaws, right?

When you’re getting a cat of a specific breed for the first time, you have to make sure you know as much as possible about it. Most people are in awe when they read about all the pros of owning a Ragdoll cat. However, they sometimes forget to take the cons seriously.

Perhaps this has something to do with this breed’s looks. Humans often fall in love with the Ragdoll cat at first sight, which can make them oblivious to their behavior problems.

Well, I’m not really the one to judge because I totally understand them. These beautiful furry companions can easily take your breath away. However, you know how they say that looks can be quite deceiving.

It’s your job to do thorough research, even to the slightest of details. I know a Ragdoll cat looks like a big fluffy pillow you can sleep on. Sure, they love cuddling and are usually docile animals. But did you ever think about how all of this is just one generalization of the breed?

It’s like saying, “This group of people are all easy-going and they love when you hug them.” What I mean to say is that we can’t guarantee every Ragdoll cat will have textbook behavior.

If you’re adamant about purchasing or adopting one, it would be best to talk to their breeder about it. They’ll tell you which feline will suit your needs best and vice versa.

On the other hand, if you’re an experienced cat owner and always in for a challenge, perhaps you don’t mind a cat with a bit of fuss. Either way, you need to find out all about the Ragdoll cat’s behavior problems.

1. Bathroom problems

Source: PangoVet

Ragdolls were bred to be lap cats and cuddle all day long. This fluff is supposed to chill around the house and just be beautiful, nothing else. I can already hear you say, “Where’s the behavior problem in this?”

Well, there’s one activity to which your pet just can’t say no. That is the natural urge to go to the toilet. We approximately know how long can cats go without using the bathroom, so if you see your Ragdoll delaying the restroom break, don’t worry. It’s probably your cat just being lazy.

However, one thing she can also be lazy about is learning how to use her litter box properly.

You see, felines have natural instincts to bury their waste once they’re done using the bathroom. But, your pet’s indifferent personality might not care about the mess she leaves behind.

This might be shocking for you because you know cats are meticulous creatures. Well, I guess you ended up with a feline that doesn’t clean up after herself.

To avoid this from happening in the future, make sure you train your Ragdoll cat properly. Usually, felines don’t need help with toilet training but if you notice your pet struggling, you can definitely lend her a hand.

One more thing you can do is make sure her litter box is always clean and has fresh litter. Also, make sure she’s comfortable enough to use it. This implies buying a litter box that is big enough for your purrincess’s size, as well as putting it in a private spot.

2. “Love me, pet me, care about me!”

Source: Shutterstock

For some Ragdoll cat owners, this isn’t considered to be a behavior problem. Some people like it when they’re taking care of their pet all the time, as that’s really the point, right? There’s nothing sweeter, and nothing can make you more proud than knowing you’re caring for such a delicate and helpless animal.

On the other hand, felines are also known to be quite independent. This is one of the reasons why someone would opt for a cat when choosing between feline and canine companions. You can go outside to do your chores without worrying if your pet’s home alone for too long.

However, things are a bit different when it comes to Ragdolls. This breed can be very needy, especially in the mornings. We know cats’ greed has no limits and most pet owners have to deal with the same problem of waking up too early.

Felines will come to your room at ungodly hours screaming for their food bowl to be filled up with kibble. However, this behavior problem is more of an individual thing and isn’t entirely tied to the cat breed.

That is unless you own a Ragdoll cat. These beautiful creatures can be too clingy for some people’s liking. I’m talking about climbing up on your bed and proceeding to lay on your face when you’re still sleeping.

This is some weird way of asking for attention but they find that this strategy totally works. You wanted a pet whose life depends on cuddles and kisses? You got one!

There isn’t really much you can do about it. However, you can try tiring your pet out at night so she sleeps in during the morning hours. Perhaps this will get you some more sleep!

3. Poor protection skills

6 Ragdoll Cat Behavior Problems: Beauty And The Beast?
Source: Shutterstock

I know what you’re thinking. “How could this be the case with such amazing creatures? After all, they’re the descendants of some of the feistiest beings on the planet.”

If you thought that every cat knows how to fight, you were wrong. As I already said, Ragdoll cats were mostly bred for one thing. They’re supposed to keep you company and not fight for their lives.

This isn’t much of a problem if she’s your only pet in the household or an indoor cat. Otherwise, she could be in serious trouble.

Sometimes, even cats who grew up together can pick a fight. If your pet gets attacked, she probably won’t know how to protect herself. It’s possible she’ll just plop down on the ground just like she does when you pick her up. After all, this is the thing they’re most wanted for.

So, if you want to get a Ragdoll cat, you have to keep her inside. She shouldn’t be an outdoor feline at all because she isn’t likely to survive in hostile environments. Dogs, cars, and other factors are just one of the risks in the outside world.

Unless you have a big, fenced yard or live in a quiet, peaceful neighborhood, perhaps you should decide on getting another breed.

4. Play aggression

Source: Shutterstock

“This just doesn’t make any sense! How can one of the Ragdoll cat’s behavior problems be aggression when they can’t even fight in order to protect themselves?”

When you put it like that, it truly doesn’t make any sense. However, the key word here is “play.” Ragdolls aren’t aggressive on their own but they can turn into huge meanies when they let themselves loose.

It’s not rare to see two felines having a go at it from time to time; this behavior can have multiple reasons behind it.

Perhaps you notice a mother cat kicking and biting her kittens when she’s teaching them some life lessons. However, your Ragdoll fluff doesn’t have a goal of sharing something positive with you or other pets.

Instead, she’s throwing some harsh punches which can leave you with scratch marks all over your hands and arms. This can be tricky if you have a child that wants to engage in play with your pet.

It’s true that Ragdolls don’t usually exercise much. Still, your feline will want to play, and perhaps you don’t have enough time on your hands when that happens. She may get mad at you for this, especially if you’ve been staying at work longer.

You might want to teach your feline what’s allowed in play and what’s not during her early years. This will save you some trouble later when she and her claws grow big. If she’s an only pet, you might want to look into getting her a feline friend to play with.

That way, she’ll get the excess energy out of her body. The two would eventually come to terms with play strategy on their own and learn to respect each other’s boundaries.

5. Excessive grooming

6 Ragdoll Cat Behavior Problems: Beauty And The Beast?
Source: Shutterstock

One thing that’s pretty obvious when it comes to Ragdolls is the amount of fur they have. This magnificent, soft-looking coat is what makes you bury your head in it and sleep through the rest of the day.

When you see your feline sound asleep on the couch, you can’t help but notice how she adorably resembles a nice, fluffy pillow. However, this beauty also comes with a price.

To keep her fur healthy and shiny all year long, the Ragdoll cat needs regular combing and brushing. The long coat can be a deal-breaker for some people because not everyone is prepared to deal with it.

Sometimes, the Ragdoll cat may exhibit a behavioral problem concerning its fur. This means that your feline might groom herself excessively. She might lick and bite her fur more often than necessary.

Well, cats are supposed to bathe themselves, so what’s the problem?” Sure, these meticulous creatures try to keep themselves clean and brushed all day long. They value every single detail, so it should be a normal thing, right?

If your pet’s grooming herself to the point where she might irritate her skin or even take out a bit of her fur, it isn’t normal behavior. Perhaps she’s been under stress lately or has an underlying condition.

All this licking and bathing can make her pile up hair in her stomach. Because the fur isn’t digestible, this will result in her vomiting clumps of coat or hairballs.

Therefore, make sure you brush your pet regularly and take proper care of her coat. If this is a hard task for you, I recommend visiting the groomer at least once a week. This might help tone down your pet’s excessive grooming.

6. They’re REALLY picky eaters

Source: Shutterstock

One of the Ragdoll cat’s behavior problems is that they can be rather picky. I know what you’re going to say, “Every cat is picky!”

Well, I can’t say you’re entirely right but I won’t say you’re wrong either. Usually, we spoil our pets so much because we love them to bits. Who wouldn’t offer them everything they want?!

However, this can turn back to bite you in the face. When you give in to your feline’s wants more than her needs, you end up with a spoiled cat who doesn’t want to eat her dinner.

There are some pets who will eat literally anything and ask for more of it. Usually, it’s the way felines are because they’ll wake you up in the morning hours if their food bowl is empty.

Some cat breeds can be too greedy. On the other hand, Ragdolls can be a handful. Perhaps your pet’s been refusing to eat the kibble you’ve recently bought for her and they weren’t cheap.

This is a common thing in Ragdoll cats because they’re really finicky eaters. However, they’re also prone to some health conditions so you might want to do your research regarding their diet!

All in all, owning a Ragdoll cat has its pros and cons. Sure, this breed looks amazing and you’re certain you could never get tired of cuddling them. On the other hand, you’re aware that you’ll need a lot of patience if you opt for this pet.

The decision may be hard but if you take your lifestyle into consideration and objectively analyze the good and the bad sides these felines possess, I’m sure you’ll make the right call.