Training a cat is unusual in itself, so asking how to train a Maine Coon cat must mean that you’re serious about this topic. You know that your beautiful cat is intelligent, so you want to try and teach her a couple of tricks.
You know that you can’t train a cat like you can train a dog. You’re well aware of the stubbornness of felines.
However, you’re ready for the task. You don’t think that she’ll learn everything in a matter of days, but you’re ready to give her the time and attention she needs to learn a couple of tricks.
I mean, training your Maine Coon cat isn’t just about fun party tricks. It can also help you work on some behavioral problems that your kitty may have. You can also use this to train your cat to use her sandbox instead of your carpet as a toilet.
Either way, there are so many things that will become simple once she’s trained. She’ll become even more perfect than she already is.
1. Be patient and persistent

If you want to know how to train a Maine Coon cat, you need to understand that this entire process will need a lot of patience. At times, you’ll feel like you’re going insane because she doesn’t want to listen.
She’s stubborn and has a mind of her own. Why would she play fetch with you if she wants to attack the couch right now?
Well, that’s when persistence comes in. Trying to teach your cat a trick by simply repeating a command a couple of times and then getting frustrated won’t help anyone.
You need to understand that you’ll have to repeat the commands millions of times and not lose your focus while doing so. If you choose to give up then you’ll never be successful.
2. Strengthen your bond

How is your cat going to trust you if you don’t have a strong connection? Once you start to wonder how to train a Maine Coon cat, you’ll also have to understand that you have to bond with your cat.
Let her sit in your lap all the time, be the person who feeds her the most, help her when she has troubles, and don’t be aggressive when you’re playing with her. All of those things can make you and your cat become closer.
Once you strengthen your connection, she’ll trust you more with the commands that you’re giving her.
I mean, if your cat doesn’t like you at all, she won’t stick around for the food, much less for something else.
3. Set simple goals

If you want to teach your cat how to jump through hoops right off the bat, you’ll be disappointed and discouraged right away.
You have to set simple goals. For example, don’t put a deadline on the goal. Simply work on something with your cat to make her understand that you’re asking something from her.
For example, I would start with simple commands such as “speak.” She’ll meow anyway, but she’ll understand that you’re asking something of her, and she’ll get a treat after each meow.
4. Set time aside to train her

The best thing you can do is have a certain time every day when you’ll train her. For example, if you have certain pills that you have to take at a certain time, you can give your cat a treat each day at the same time.
Your Maine Coon is extremely intelligent and she’ll know when to come and get her treat each day. This will remind you that you have to take your pills.
If you train her at a certain time each day, you’ll see that she’ll expect you to play with her. That’s when she’s completely focused on you.
5. Don’t encourage bad behavior

If you want to know how to train a Maine Coon cat, the first thing you need to remember is that you can’t encourage bad behavior.
For example, if she does something bad, don’t try to distract her with toys or treats. If she sees that you’ll give her a treat for bad behavior, then she’ll continue doing those bad things.
Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to simply take her away from what she’s doing and put her in time-out. Don’t ignore her, because that’s when she’ll think that what she’s doing is normal.
6. Use positive reinforcement

We already talked about using treats to affirm your cat’s behavior. They can’t really understand praise in the sense that humans can, but treats will always be her favorite thing in the world.
You can use different treats so that she feels like she’s being surprised with something delicious each time.
If you’re concerned about weight gain, then you can use affection. If your cat is a very affectionate one, then you can pet her or let her sit in your lap afterward.
Find something that makes your cat happy and use it as positive reinforcement for her good behavior.
7. Avoid boredom

If you want to understand how to train a Maine Coon cat, you also have to know that you need to avoid boredom. Your Maine Coon is the smartest domesticated cat out there, she’ll know when you’re bored.
Cats feel their owner’s emotions, and they react to them. If you’re not invested in the task, then she won’t be interested either.
Be enthusiastic when you’re giving her a command, be playful, don’t lower your voice too much, and be constantly engaging. Boredom can only make her look for something more entertaining.
8. Use a clicker

Many experts recommend using a clicker when you’re training your cat. The sound of the clicker will let your cat know that she’s doing something good and that praise or treats are coming her way.
She’ll associate this sound with something good. This means that the absence of this sound will make her work harder to get that approval.
At one point, you won’t even have to provide any treats. You can pet your cat and cuddle her after using the clicker, but you won’t have to give her treats.
This is great because she’ll do the tricks even when you don’t have any special food with you at that moment.