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12 Golden Rules for Caring for Your Regal Maine Coon Cat

12 Golden Rules for Caring for Your Regal Maine Coon Cat

Caring for a Maine Coon shouldn’t be a tough task because these fluffy felines deserve the world. Maine Coons are affectionate, appreciative, and adorable, and they’re one of the most popular pets out there for a reason. Coons are a cool crowd to have around, and here’s why.

Right off the bat, nobody truly knows where these mysterious mousers came from. Rather than searching for answers, humans seem to have accepted that there are tales aplenty trying to make sense of where these curious creatures originated.

Whether they’re a combination of a raccoon and a cat, descendants of none other than Marie Antoinette’s Turkish Angora cats, or Charles Coon’s comrades, the world might never know.

On the other hand, we do know that Maine Coons are sought-after because they’re gentle with humans; friendly with cats, dogs, and any animals you might own; and happy to cuddle whenever and wherever you might want. Coons are the purrfect pets, whether or not they’re high maintenance.

Caring for a Maine Coon might be the simplest thing you’ll ever do. Sure, they’re a little fluffier than average moggies, which means you might need to bathe, brush, and groom them more often. But, that’s nothing compared to the sheer amount of attention you’ll get from them.

1. Provide your Maine Coon with a balanced, nutritious, and delicious diet

Caring For A Maine Coon 12 Tips And Tricks For A Happy Coon
credit: Unsplash

Cats are obligate carnivores which means they need meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced nutrients to survive and thrive. Maine Coons are no different. Offer them a bite of chicken here and there, but make sure you provide them with enough dry kibble, wet food, and treats throughout the day.

Maine Coons are large, lovable cats, which means they’re going to need much more food than the average cat. Moreover, some Coons prefer to eat whenever they want while others prefer to be fed at the same time every day.

Not to mention that some of them don’t even want to eat dry kibble, and would rather munch on wet foods on a regular. Now, you might be exhausted by the time you figure out what works for you and your fluffer. But we’re rooting for you!

2. Make sure your Maine Coon drinks enough water (they’re really bad at that)

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Of course, you don’t need to worry about water when you make sure to arrange different drinking stations throughout the apartment.

On top of that, you might want to add something to the water (some gravy from the wet food packets, maybe?) because these frisky felines never remember to drink water.

Maine Coons aren’t different from other cats – they aren’t keen on water that tastes bad, but they’re drawn to take a sip or two when you offer them running water or water that resembles chicken broth. Coons aren’t afraid of getting wet, though, which might make sipping on water simpler for them.

3. Get your Coon a large litter box

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Now, large cats need large litter boxes. Maine Coons are perfect the way they are, but we do need to reiterate that they’re bigger than average cats. They’re gorgeous giants, known to grow as tall as 10-16 inches, and as heavy as 8-18 pounds.

Because of that, they’re not enthusiastic about doing their business when they’re hanging on by a thread. Fortunately, there are XL and XXL litter boxes available on the market, so there’s nothing stopping you from offering your Coon the “bathroom” experience she deserves.

4. Urge your Coon to exercise, move, and maintain a healthy weight

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Cats are cute when they’re cuddly, right? When you’re hanging out with your Maine Coon, you’re focused on offering her treats, rubbing her tummy, and playing with her floof.

We’re aware that your four-legged friend might not get excited about the prospect of running around, hopping on kitchen counters, or even going for a walk.

But, Coons need exercise even more than some of the other, smaller cats because they’re “large and in charge.” Most are prone to gaining weight, which means you’ll need to focus on providing your meower with enough physical activity to keep her healthy.

5. Purchase a scratching post, a climbing tree, or cat shelves

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Caring for a Maine Coon means bestowing them a safe space to nap, hang out, and exercise. Now, you might think your big fluffer’s only goal is to scratch your furniture and destroy your brand-new Urban Outfitters sofa. But, she’s not the one to blame.

Cats are known to possess an instinctive, intuitive urge to scratch. Maine Coons might scratch furniture to express how they’re feeling, relieve some of the stress they’ve been under, spread their scent, and sharpen their claws. Scratching posts, climbing trees, and cat shelves are great for keeping your furniture safe and secure.

If you want to spoil your gentle giant, this huge cat tree by Prestige is the way to go. It’s specifically designed for large cat breeds such as your feline which means it offers plenty of space for uninterrupted play.

6. Proper toys are a must-have for entertainment

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Maine Coons adore hanging out with humans, napping, cuddling, and even running around the apartment. While you might think you’re doing everything you can to keep your furry friend entertained, chances are you can’t spend every moment of your waking hour with her.

Coons are great with humans, but that doesn’t mean they’re not fond of playing with toys when they’re unattended. Buying toys might be out of the question for some pet parents, but there are affordable alternatives available on the market these days, which means you’re out of excuses.

We suggest going for trees, balls, floppy fish toys, and toys that’ll keep your Coon entertained for hours and hours while you’re watching your favorite TV show.

If you were a cat, I’m sure you would enjoy playing with a fish that keeps moving around your living room. So order one for your kitty and let her experience the same pleasure.

7. Consider getting another Coon to prevent anxiety, stress, and depression

Maine Coons are everyone’s favorite felines because they’re more affectionate than average cats. Cats are often described as detached, reserved, and standoffish because they’re aggressive when you try to touch them without consent.

But Maine Coons are clingy – they’re over the moon the moment you show them any attention. Because of that, your furry friend might follow you around the apartment, wait for you to wake up and hang out, or even follow you to the bathroom. Get her a friend and you won’t have to worry about that ever again.

8. Schedule regular veterinary checkups

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When you’re a pet parent to a Maine Coon cat, you’re probably aware that these fluffers are healthy, strong, and destined to live a long life. But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any health problems to keep an eye on.

Maine Coons are susceptible to conditions such as hip dysplasia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, polycystic kidney disease, and spinal muscular atrophy. While these terms might not mean anything to you, they’re frequent and familiar conditions to the vet.

Rather than trying to figure out what to do every time your Coon coughs, schedule regular veterinary checkups to ensure you’re staying on top of things.

9. Brush and trim your Coon’s coat when necessary

Caring For A Maine Coon: 12 Tips And Tricks For A Happy Coon
credit: Unsplash

Caring for a Maine Coon demands numerous hours of deshedding, detangling, and dematting. Coons are adorned with heavy, fluffy coats that crave brushing and grooming.

We’re sure that your four-legged friend takes great care of her floof, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need anyone’s assistance.

We suggest getting a sturdy shedding brush and brushing your Coon’s coat once a week or once every two weeks, depending on the state of your cat’s coat. Matted and knotted coats tend to take much more time and effort, so it’s best to stay on schedule.

10. Bathe your Coon when necessary

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When you sneak a peek at your Coon from the other room, you might notice that she’s licking her paws, rubbing them over her face, and nibbling on her beans.

Cats are clean creatures – they’re known to spend a lot of time on hygiene. Coons are no different, which is why you don’t need to bathe her more than once a month.

On the chance that she’s not capable of cleaning her coat (because she’s under the weather or hurt), you might need to bathe her more often. Other than that, once a month sounds perfect.

11. Spay or neuter your Coon

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Spaying or neutering your Maine Coon provides her with medical and behavioral benefits. Caring for a Maine Coon means making sure you’re doing everything you can to offer her a happy and healthy life, and these two simple procedures afford exactly that.

Spaying your female Coon prevents UTIs, uterine cancer, and breast cancer, keeps her hormones in check, and alleviates stress. Neutering your male Coon prevents testicular cancer and prostate problems, reduces aggressive behavior, and ensures a better overall mood.

12. Shower your Maine Coon with affection, attention, and appreciation

At the end of the day, Maine Coons need to know they’re adored and appreciated at all times. Make sure you spend quality time with your purrecious pet – playing with toys, taking a walk, napping on the sofa, or snuggling under the covers. Maine Coons can sense when they’re safe and secure.