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350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

Maine Coons are mysterious moggies that make for the purrfect pets because they’re gorgeous, giant, and gentle. Hence, they’re known as gentle giants of the feline world. Coons are a popular breed among humans, too, and that’s why you might be wondering about the best Maine Coon cat names.

Whether you’re planning on getting your hands on a Maine Coon cutie pie or you’re already chasing the curious creature around the apartment, you might be struggling to come up with a name appropriate for a beast of her stature. Choosing the right name can be an arduous task, there’s no question about that.

Maine Coon cats are big, bold, and beautiful animals that adore hanging out with humans, showcasing their kittenish playfulness, and confirming the myths claiming that they aren’t big on personal space or privacy. Coons are fun, friendly, and patient – even with small humans that don’t understand boundaries.

What does that tell you? When you’re naming your Coon, you might want to consider all these things and opt for a name that represents everything that makes her, well, her. Whether you want to play on her purrsonality or poke fun at her appearance, we’re positive you can come up with something special.

What are the cutest Maine Coon cat names, then? Read more down below!

Sweetest Maine Coon cat names guaranteed to snatch your heart

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

We’re aware that the sheer number of names appropriate for a Maine Coon cat can quickly become overwhelming, but that’s why you need to consider your cat’s temperament, base the name on your cat’s appearance, or even KonMari your cat’s name when you’re struggling with too many syllables.

With that out of the way, we’re bringing you a bunch of Maine Coon cat names guaranteed to become one of your favorite words ever. Moose, Bubba, or Fluffer – whichever name you opt for, we’re keeping our fingers crossed that your Coon loves her moniker as much as we do. Let’s go!

Maine Coon cat names that play on personality

Deep down, Maine Coons are soft, snuggly fluffers that can’t get enough of human affection and attention. When you’re picking out the perfect tag for your fluffy friend, you might want to play on her purrsonality because that’s what matters the most.

After all, why wouldn’t you want to scream Goofy or Naughty whenever your Coon causes trouble?

1. Queen

2. King

3. Snowflake

4. Scaredy Cat

5. Sweets

6. Sweetie

7. Honey

8. Beast

9. Beastly

10. Bubba

11. Bubbly

12. Popcorn

13. Fluffy

14. Pillowy

15. Chilli

16. Hush

17. Hurricane

18. Wolf

19. Wallflower

20. Naughty

21. Goofy

22. Ghostly

23. Giant

24. Munchkin

25. Mousey

26. Happy

27. Lazy

28. Beauty

29. Poofy

30. Wooly

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

31. Clawdia

32. Jennifur

33. Tabbytha

34. Tweety

35. Birdy

36. Sandy

37. Gollum

38. Catniss

39. Captain

40. Pickles

41. Pepper

42. Purrty

43. Alley

44. Catzilla

45. Funny

46. Funky

47. Smelly

48. Picatso

49. Furball

50. Furby

51. Kitty Purry

52. Purrfect

53. Catrick Swayze

54. Sassy

55. Silly

56. Willy

57. Julius Sneezer

58. Mr. Bigglesworth

59. Jigglypuff

60. Snagglepuss

61. Snuggly

62. Cuddly

63. Curious

64. Cutie

65. Cheddar

66. Pancake

67. Taco

68. Couch Potato

69. Nacho

70. Goalie

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

71. Zoomie

72. Gizmo

73. Bingo

74. Dumpling

75. Goblin

76. Mr. Pounce

77. Captain Snooze

78. Professor Purrington

79. Forty Winks

80. Winky

Cat names that poke fun at Maine Coon’s appearance

What’s one thing about Maine Coon cats that everyone can agree on? Maine Coons are one of the fluffiest breeds out there, and they’re more than happy to shower you with long, luscious strands of hair every time you pick them up. Why wouldn’t you want to name your Coon something that reflects that?

We suggest getting creative and going for Rapunzel, Goldilocks, or even Medusa rather than Fluffy or Mittens – but we do need to underline that there’s nothing wrong with simple, straight-to-the-point monikers, either. Whatever floats your boat, right?

81. Marshmallow

82. Mittens

83. Rapunzel

84. Goldilocks

85. Medusa

86. Cinderella

87. Cleopatra

88. Aurora

89. Hagrid

90. Shaggy

91. Sparrow

92. Sirius

93. Tarzan

94. Rambo

95. Zoro

96. Cottonball

97. Cottie

98. Cotton Cutie

99. Fluffer

100. Fluffy

101. Poofball

102. Poofers

103. Fuzzy

104. Fuzzy Wuzzy

105. Snowball

106. Paws

107. Mr. Fluffy Paws

108. Mrs. Fluffy Socks

109. Tubby

110. Tiger

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

111. Churro

112. Nugget

113. Ramen

114. Purrincess

115. Purrince

116. Hairy Styles

117. Furry

118. Furball

119. Silky

120. Feathers

121. Fluffmaster

122. Flannel

123. Furby

124. Teddy

125. Whiskers

126. Fleecy

127. Scruffy

128. Ruffles

129. Ruffly

130. Linty

131. Velvety

132. Nimbus

133. Cirrus

134. Cloud

135. Cashmere

136. Winston Furrchill

137. Mariah Hairy

138. Hairy Pawter

139. Wookiee

140. Chewbacca

141. Foo-Foo

142. Nala

143. Simba

144. Paddington

145. Baloo

Big names for a big Maine Coon cat

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

What better way to decide on a Maine Coon cat name than to make fun of the fact that your Coon’s a little chunky? Coons are born to be big, bold, and beautiful, and we’re pretty sure your Coon would appreciate the thought of you celebrating her body. What are you waiting for?

146. Titan

147. Magnum

148. Meaty

149. Meatball

150. Big Foot

151. Big Ben

152. Goliath

153. Zeus

154. Athena

155. Demeter

156. Hermes

157. Artemis

158. Dionysus

159. Poseidon

160. Ares

161. Hades

162. Apollo

163. Hera

164. Hercules

165. Czar

166. Monster

167. King Kong

168. Hulk

169. Thor

170. Tubby

171. Chubby

172. Pork Belly

173. Bubba

174. Mammoth

175. Athos

176. Atlas

177. Atilla

178. Jupiter

179. Mars

180. Mercury

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

181. Venus

182. Neptune

183. Saturn

184. Storm

185. Rebel

186. Diva

187. Vixen

188. Blob

189. Meatloaf

190. Tsunami

191. Butch

192. Mufasa

193. Sultan

194. Husky

195. Whale

196. Heathcliff

197. Maximus

198. Shrek

199. T-Rex

200. Bruno

201. Big Boi

202. Boomer

203. Raven

204. Echo

205. Puma

206. Cheetah

207. Lion

208. Lynx

209. Panther

210. Cougar

211. Beefcake

212. Fridge

213. Bread

214. Beef

215. Chunk

216. Gordo

217. Waddles

218. Donald Duck

219. Meaty

220. Mighty

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

221. Mondo

222. Leo

223. Pudge

224. Porridge

225. Pork Chops

Maine Coon cat names that are perfect for different coat colors

Fluffy’s a cute name, but why not name your Maine Coon cat Midnight because her coat’s the color of the sky? We already told you – you need to get creative when you’re deciding on a name for your feline friend because you’re going to utter that name a million times a day.

With an orange Maine Coon cat, you can’t go wrong with Garfield or Clementine, for example. When settling on a name for a white Maine Coon, you can go for Snow, Pearl, or even Blizzard. What can we say, the possibilities are endless when you know what you’re doing.

226. Midnight

227. Onyx

228. Blackberry

229. Batman

230. Bandit

231. Blueberry

232. Stormy

233. Smokey

234. Licorice

235. Coal

236. Dust

237. Dusty

238. Granite

239. Silver

240. Stone

241. Lavender

242. Lilac

243. Lily

244. Noir

245. Night

246. Clementine

247. Garfield

248. Apricot

249. Orange

250. Dorito

251. Cheeseball

252. Cheese

253. Butterscotch

254. Cheeto

255. Butternut Squash

256. Pumpkin

257. Pumpkin Spice

258. Latte

259. Snow

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

260. Pearl

261. Blizzard

262. Avalanche

263. Sparkle

264. Icy

265. Ghost

266. Frost

267. Boo

268. Glacier

269. Sugar

270. Coconut

271. Copper

272. Mango

273. Coral

274. Honey

275. Milky

276. Flame

277. Fuego

278. Curry

279. Sunflower

280. Cinnamon

281. Clove

282. Saffron

283. Tiger Lily

284. Goldie

285. Marmalade

286. Nutella

287. Chocolate

288. Ash

289. Sterling

290. Chrome

Cute cat names for Maine Coon foodies

“Argh, you’re so sweet, I could eat you with a spoon!” We know you’ve thought about sniffing your cat’s paws, biting her ears, and munching on her belly on more than one occasion. Maine Coon cats are cute and cuddly, and there’s something about them that makes you want to eat them with a spoon.

Why not use that to your advantage? We’d argue that some of the sweetest Maine Coon cat names are based on food and that’s why we’re bringing you a few of our favorites you’re guaranteed to eat right up.

291. Bean

292. Bagel Bites

293. Blueberry Muffin

294. Muffin

295. Cupcake

296. Pop Tart

297. Sprinkles

298. Tater Tot

299. Tuna

300. Matcha

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

301. Mochi

302. Miso

303. Buns

304. Soup

305. Burrito

306. Spaghetti

307. Cookie

308. Crumble

309. Cookie Dough

310. Donut

311. Custard

312. Croissant

313. Baguette

314. Olive

315. Sesame

316. Brie

317. Banana

318. Butter

319. Candy

320. Cauliflower

321. Chai

322. Chickpea

323. Sweet Pea

324. Edamame

325. Green Bean

326. Snap Pea

327. Cocoa

328. Cocoa Puffs

329. Honey Bun

330. Honey Dew

331. Lemon

332. Lime

333. Pie

334. Margarita

335. Martini

336. French Fry

337. Chick

338. Chips

339. Panini

340. Taffy

350 Cutest Maine Coon Cat Names For Your Gentle Giant

341. Thyme

342. Rosemary

343. Catnip

344. Noodle

345. Queso

346. Tofu

347. Waffle

348. Chia

349. Oats

350. Pudding