We can’t get enough of our four-legged friends, but they’re known to become hyperactive and start acting up at 3 a.m. when everyone’s trying to sleep. What are you supposed to do then?
We suggest checking out “cat music.” Music seems to have quite an effect on humans, but we’ve never thought about how music affects cats. Moreover, cats don’t seem to have the same tendencies to listen to music when they’re napping, munching on paw-licking treats, or going about their business.
But that’s not to say that music doesn’t affect them at all. Cats have super sensitive ears because they’re hunters and they’re likely to need great hearing when they’re hunting for food. A cat’s ears are even more sensitive than those of dogs – take that, Frodo!
Because of that, cats don’t perceive sounds the same way humans do. At the end of the day, cats have been proven to appreciate certain sounds more than others. But can these sounds help cats fall asleep faster? More on that down below!
Can music help cats fall asleep faster?

Sure, but – there’s always a but when we’re talking about what cats can and can’t do. Cats have sensitive ears which means they’re not predisposed to appreciate the same sounds (a.k.a music) you do. Cats don’t care for Beyoncé, Harry Styles, or whoever’s topping the charts these days.
Now, that doesn’t mean that your cat can’t react to the type of music you listen to. Your cat’s more likely to fall asleep while listening to the calming sounds of classical music, white noise, or even sounds of nature than “I can buy myself flowers…” We’re pretty sure your cat can’t relate to Miley Cyrus, but go off.
What’s the verdict, then?
Researchers have spent years and years trying to figure out which music works best on our fluffy friends and they’ve come to the conclusion that classical music works better than pop, rock, or hip-hop. Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart might be the thing your fluffer needs to stop freaking out during your bedtime.
What type of music do cats like?
OK, have you ever noticed that most vets play classical music to soothe cats before their checkups, surgeries, and other procedures? Of course, that’s because classical music has been proven to have calming effects on humans and pets which makes vet visits much, much easier for everyone.
On one hand, you can experiment with different composers to check which one of them works best for your cat. On the other, you don’t have to rely on classical music only. Different cats have different preferences and there’s a chance your cat might appreciate Ed Sheeran or Adele, too.
We do, however, urge you to shy away from rock, heavy metal, and music with heavy bass sounds.
What type of music do cats not like?

We’ve talked your ears off with the fact that cats have sensitive ears, right? But we’ve done that because we don’t want you to cause an overwhelming amount of stress to your cat because you’re a fan of Metallica. We certainly don’t want you to subject your cat to Metallica before bedtime, either.
We do have to underline that different cats appreciate different sounds. Researchers suggest that most members of the feline world despise heavy bass sounds, as well as loud sounds. Whichever type of music you decide to play for your cat, make sure you keep the volume low.
What’s cat sleep music?
What do you do when you’re not a fan of classical music, though? Worry not, you’re probably not the only one. Classical music can have a calming effect on your cat and cause her to fall asleep faster. However, cat sleeping music can do the same thing. Wait, what on Earth’s cat sleeping music?!
Cat sleeping music mimics the sounds that cats love. Classical music contains beats that are close to a human’s pulse for example. Cat sleeping music does the same thing for cats – it includes sounds like purring, thrilling, and chirping, as well as frequencies that are within a cat’s vocal range.
Because of that, cat sleeping music can lower your cat’s heartbeat, calm her down, lower her stress levels, and make her relaxed enough to fall asleep right away.
What can you play for your cat to help her fall asleep faster?
1. David Teie – Scooter Bere’s Aria
On the chance that you opt to experiment with cat sleeping music, start with David Teie’s Scooter Bere’s Aria. Of course, there’s a myriad of songs to choose from on Youtube, Spotify, and other streaming platforms. But Scooter Bere’s Aria seems to be the most popular one.
And, to make matters even better, that’s the song researchers used for the study we mentioned above. Scooter Bere’s Aria consists of purring sounds, high-pitched noises, and ambient music. Arrange a pampering night, snuggle with your fluffy friend, and give David Teie a chance.
2. David Teie – Katey Moss Catwalk

David Teie’s one of the few people that took the time to figure out what type of music affects cats positively or negatively. Also, David’s not a regular person who woke up one day and decided to research the odd relationship between cats and Taylor Swift.
David’s a soloist with the National Symphony Orchestra who teamed up with a bunch of scientists and behaviorists to develop “Music for Cats.” Other than Scooter Bere’s Aria, Katey Moss Catwalk (we love the name!) seems to provoke a reaction out of cats, too.
Emotional, expressive, and at times squeaky would be the right words to describe Katey Moss Catwalk – but we urge you to give the song a listen before you make up your mind.
3. Relax My Cat – Relaxing Music For Cats
David might be the most popular and prominent figure in the feline world, but that doesn’t mean that others haven’t tried to achieve the same success. Relax My Cat, for example, offers an array of videos featuring relaxing, classical music both you and your cat can listen to before bedtime.