Snacks are hard to resist, especially sweet treats like Oreos. The crunchy sound and creamy taste are what make it so desirable among both adults and children. This probably makes you wonder, “Can cats eat Oreos?”.
Oreos are one of the most popular store-bought cookies, and Oreo lovers have grown increasingly committed as the company has released more and more unique flavors every year. If felines can eat them, then it will translate into constant begging and stare-downs.
But, the real question is should cats eat Oreos? While humans can safely indulge in these tasty cookies, your pet may have to control herself. It doesn’t mean human treats are always safe for cats as well. Let’s see if you can share some of these snacks with your fluff.
Are Oreos bad for cats?
Oreos come in a variety of flavors such as pumpkin spice, brownie butter, fruity pebbles, and double stuffed. It’s safe to say this snack isn’t the healthiest option for your feline.
This treat doesn’t meet a feline’s nutritional needs and should thus be avoided. Cats have long been humans’ life partners. Thankfully, this resulted in a number of cat treats and, in general, a variety of alternatives to Oreos for cats.
Oreos are harmful to your cat because they have the potential to raise your cat’s blood pressure, which can lead to death if not treated promptly. As a result, even if cats could eat Oreos in small amounts as a treat, it causes more harm than good.
Chocolate, as a dangerous ingredient

Cats can’t eat chocolate Oreos, which is unfortunate for our four-legged friends. But don’t be too downhearted about it. It’s damaging in a variety of ways and poisonous to your feline. You’ll be glad you didn’t give in to your cat’s wish afterward.
It’s incredibly harmful to felines and the worst thing that can happen is kill them. Caffeine and theobromine are the two poisonous chemicals that are found in this deadly treat.
Because cats can’t digest these molecules as quickly as humans, they can be harmful to their health. This can result in an accumulation of said components. As a result, several medical problems will emerge.
Vomiting, diarrhea, and tiredness are all symptoms of chocolate toxicity. Tremors and seizures, in addition to these modest symptoms, are some of the more serious indicators. Pay a visit to the vet if your cat gets a hold of chocolate, whether it’s milk or dark.
Sugar and high fructose syrup in Oreos
Sugar is a carbohydrate, and cats don’t need it in their diet. It’s is difficult for them to digest because the stomach of your small carnivore isn’t built to break down plant matter, but rather to process meat.
This ingredient isn’t necessarily harmful to cats, but it does have certain negative consequences. Too much sugar in your cat’s diet can lead to tooth damage and other dental issues. It can cause cavities, gingivitis, and other dental illnesses for your feline friend. Oral infections can harm your cat’s health in addition to generating unpleasant symptoms like pain and bad breath.
Corn syrup, in addition to normal sugar, is used to sweeten these cookies. This isn’t good for humans, let alone cats, because it raises the risk of heart disease. This means that cats can eat small amounts of Oreos, but there is no guarantee that they will have no negative consequences. Cats can also become overweight and develop chronic conditions like diabetes.

Artificial sweeteners and flavors
The name is self-explanatory. Artificial means unnatural and, in the majority of circumstances, unhealthy. Artificial sweeteners, particularly in sweet treats, are commonly utilized nowadays.
They are used by businesses since they are less expensive than extracting natural ones. They can be harmful to cats since the substances used in them irritate their stomachs.
There are some dangerous sweeteners out there, which is unfortunate for cats. Oreos, for example, contain xylitol, which is particularly harmful to cats.
When xylitol interacts with your pet’s digestive system it can cause many problems. It quickly absorbs into your pet’s bloodstream and causes the pancreas to release insulin. This can lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, which can lead to death if left untreated.
Lack of nutrients
“Can cats eat Oreos and are these cookies beneficial to my feline?”
Sugar and sweets are unnatural in a cat’s diet and will be difficult for her to digest. Oreos are high in calories, in addition to the sweeteners indicated above.
Cats require calories to produce energy, but excessive amounts can accumulate in their bodies. These extra calories are subsequently deposited as fat, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, an increased risk of heart disease, joint pain, and other health problems.
Sugar isn’t appealing to cats because they don’t have a sweet tooth. However, the fat levels in this treat are the issue. The creamy element of the cookie is more likely to be licked away by your cat than the crunchy part.
What about other types of Oreos?

The lemon wafer is tart and delightful, the filling is creamy and sweeter than an actual lemon, but still retains a delicate zing. However, felines should stay away from lemon and other citrus fruits like oranges, lime, and grapefruits.
Citrus fruits contain oils and other components that make them unfit for your cat’s consumption. Diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort are all common side effects in cats.
When it comes to pistachio-flavored Oreos, it’s best to avoid them too. Pistachios, like all nuts, are high in fat, which is bad for your companion’s diet. Pistachios are usually salted or artificially flavored, which is a big no-no for your fur-kid. If you want to give nuts a go, perhaps almonds are a better choice.
Caramel is difficult to digest, therefore, caramel-flavored Oreos aren’t advisable. As a result, it could be harmful to her health. You might not notice any weird behavior right away if she ate too much of it, but the harmful effects of swallowing this much sugar will show themselves soon enough.
Feeding Oreos to cats is a bad habit
I hate to be pessimistic, but it’s our obligation as cat owners to instill good habits in our felines, or we will pay the price. An emergency trip to the veterinarian can be expensive. Besides, I’m sure you don’t want to see your pet suffering.
If your cat grows acclimated to the flavor of Oreos, she will continue to pester you for more. You’re teaching your cat bad eating habits this way.
The best thing you can do is get your cat used to the sound and taste of cat treats made specifically for cats. If you prefer to manufacture your own cat treats, dried anchovies will make your life easier.
Can cats eat Oreo ice cream?

Ice cream doesn’t have to be bad for your cat. However, it has the potential to upset her stomach, resulting in diarrhea. A few licks of ice cream are acceptable, but they should only be done on rare occasions.
It’s not because of the flavor or color that your cat adores ice cream. It’s due to the high-fat content. Milk fat is frequently added in larger amounts in order to make the ice cream richer.
There is a wide variety of tastes to suit every taste and desire. Chocolate, vanilla, and fruits, as well as Oreo, are all well-known ice cream flavors.
What about Oreo pudding?
Pudding, whether Oreo or chocolate, shouldn’t be eaten by cats. Vanilla pudding is no better than chocolate or Oreo-flavored pudding because of some other elements like milk and butter that are off-limits for felines.
Lactose intolerance affects cats, making milk and other dairy products difficult to digest. Furthermore, the amount of sugar and salt in Oreo pudding is concerning. If you want your cat to experience the delights of pudding, offer banana or rice pudding in small amounts.
Can cats eat biscuits and crackers?
Cats are allowed to eat biscuits on occasion. Make sure you get the ones with the least amount of flavor and avoid the ones with chocolate or cinnamon.
These two flavored biscuits have the potential to cause a variety of medical problems, ranging from a mild allergic reaction to death. What is safe for us is not always safe for our beloved pets.
Even if crackers are cat-friendly, it’s probably best not to feed this human delight to your kitties. Instead, go to your local pet store and look for crackers designed specifically for cats.
Also, see if you can find some that aren’t sweet or salty. In the long run, your cat will appreciate your thoughtfulness. You may also create sugar-free biscuits and crackers at home, which is excellent for both of you!

To wrap it up
Cats can eat Oreos, but it’s really not recommended. Due to high sugar content and other ingredients like chocolate and fats, these snacks can be dangerous to felines. Cookies in general don’t hold any nutritional value to cats and should be avoided.
Oreo-flavored treats like pudding and ice cream are also best left to the two-legged companions. Certain flavors like lemon and pistachio are best replaced with some cat-appropriate treats. Caramel-flavored Oreos are hard to digest and can be a choking hazard.
While your cat is unlikely to experience any life-threatening symptoms as a result of eating an Oreo, this food is not advised for cats. Oreos include nothing that will be beneficial to your pet’s health in the long or short term. However, there are several substances in Oreos that can harm your cat’s health over time.
Make sure you stick with your feline’s regular diet, meat. If she steals some of your Oreos, there’s no room for panic. But monitor her closely the next few hours just in case she experiences some gastrointestinal upset.