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Bengal Cat Grooming: How To Keep Yours Purrfectly Groomed

Bengal Cat Grooming: How To Keep Yours Purrfectly Groomed

Absolute athletes, Bengal cats are more than happy to roam around your apartment pretending that they’re outside, scratch your furniture, and climb on the highest counters. Whether they’re young or grown, they’re away getting down and dirty. What’s the tea on Bengal cat grooming?

When you finally get a Bengal kitten, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tips and tricks you’re bombarded with on the regular. Between spending all your money on cat gear and feeding your Bengal cat with high-quality cat foods, you might not even have the time to think about grooming.

Wait, Bengal cats are supposed to groom themselves, right? Worry not, you’re not expected to spend hours and hours grooming your four-legged friend every day. Bengal cats are purrfectly capable of doing that themselves. However, you are expected to offer them a helping hand here and there.

Before you regret your decision to get a pedigreed cat, know that your little Bengal beast won’t be as high maintenance as a Maine Coon or a Norwegian Forest cat. Bengals might be big and bold, but they’re not as fluffy as some of the other pedigreed cats. What’s the rundown on Bengal cats, anyway?

What’s the tea on Bengal cat grooming?

Bengal Cat Grooming: How to Keep Yours Purrfectly Groomed

Bengal cats are the closest you can get to owning a wild cat without breaking the law. Because Bengal cats are descendants of Asian leopard cats, you can only assume that your Bengal cat might be a bit of a wild child. Climbing on the fridge, exploring the great outdoors – stuff like that.

We’re not surprised that most pet parents end up getting overwhelmed with caring for a Liliputian leopard. Bengal cats get a bad reputation because of their temperament, but with proper care, training, and attention, they’re perfectly cuddly and well-behaved. Bengal cat care doesn’t have to be hard.

Starting from the beginning, Bengal cats are extremely easy to discipline because they’re incredibly intelligent, intuitive, and in tune with their instincts. Bengals cats are a healthy breed, too, and that plays a big part when you’re trying to figure out how to care for a boisterous beast of your own.

When referring to Bengal cat grooming, they are low-maintenance because they’re blessed with short, dense coats that are not prone to tangling, matting, or shedding. What’s even better about Bengal cats seems to be the fact that they’re obsessed with water and they’re more than happy to bathe – all the time.

With a proper grooming routine, plenty of playtime, regular vet visits, and a healthy diet, there’s no reason why you wouldn’t be able to raise a happy and healthy Bengal cat. What’s there to know about Bengal cat grooming? Read more!

What does a Bengal cat’s grooming routine consist of?

1. Brushing

With a proper grooming routine, you’re guaranteed to have a clean and cuddly cat, there’s no question about that. Bengal cats are often deemed hypoallergenic because they’re blessed with shorter coats that aren’t prone to shedding. While they’re not hypoallergenic, they’re pretty stress-free.

A good grooming routine needs to start (and end!) with brushing. Whether you’re a pet parent to a fluffy Maine Coon or a Bengal cat, you’re going to need to get your hands on a high-quality brush. Brush your Bengal cat weekly with a soft bristle brush and you’re going to notice a world of difference.

2. Washing

We mentioned beforehand that Bengal cats are quite fond of water, unlike other cats. We do need to underline that Bengal kittens should be exposed to water from a young age to ensure that they’re comfortable with getting wet, swimming, and bathing.

Grown Bengal cats are typically already accustomed to baths. Before you bathe your Bengal, though, take some time to brush her coat, inspect her skin for abnormalities, and bond with her.

Gently place her in a tub filled with warm water and bathe her with a vet-formulated feline shampoo. Massage the shampoo into her fur and rinse it out thoroughly. Use a soft cloth to pat her dry and you’re done.

3. Ear and eye cleaning

When you’re in the process of bathing your cat, make sure you avoid getting her ears and eyes wet. It’s highly unpleasant and it’s guaranteed to make your cat irritable (or even scared of bathing). You’ll get a chance to pamper your cat’s ears and eyes afterward.

Bengal cats require regular ear and eye cleaning. Because you’re not allowed to wash her ears and eyes, you might be wondering how you’re supposed to care for them. Apply a special, vet-approved cleaner that won’t irritate your kitty’s sensitive skin on a cotton ball and wipe them clean.

Apart from that, you can also resort to vet-approved grooming wipes that might be a better choice for when you’re in a hurry. Remove any goo from her ears and gently dab the area around her eyes, and you’re good to go.

4. Nail clipping

Bengal Cat Grooming: How to Keep Yours Purrfectly Groomed

We’ve all been there – crying over the scratched furniture, mending the cuts we deserved because we got too close and comfortable to scratch machines, and wondering where we went wrong. Worry not, your Bengal cat can have a happy and healthy life without them, too.

Clipping your cat’s nails might be the best way to keep her from hurting you, your furniture, or even herself. Clip your Bengal’s nails every two to three weeks, using sharp clippers designed for cats. We suggest starting from a young age to get your cat accustomed to the procedure.

Scratching posts are a great way to deal with your cat’s claws, too. Cats that spend a lot of time outside get their nails trimmed naturally in contact with hard surfaces. Cats that live in apartments and buildings might not have the luxury of doing that and that’s why you need to take care of their claws.

5. Oral hygiene

We’re ending the grooming routine with proper teeth cleaning. You might think that your little leopard doesn’t need a toothbrush and toothpaste because she’s wild. Her ancestors survived living in the wilderness which means that she doesn’t need to be pampered. You might be wrong about that.

Dental diseases, such as gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth resorption are quite common among all cats. Moreover, they’re painful and can cause bad breath. Not to mention that they’re extremely dangerous when left untreated and can cause heart, liver, and kidney problems.

Brush your Bengal’s teeth daily with a vet-approved toothbrush and toothpaste and you have nothing to worry about.

What products do you need for a proper grooming routine?

1. A shampoo

Whether you need to give your cat a quick wash or help treat a skin condition, you’re going to need a proper, vet-approved shampoo. We do need to underline that you’re not supposed to use human shampoo on your cat because cats and humans have different skin pH balances.

We suggest opting for the Breezytail PetO’Cera Cat Shampoo because it’s great for soothing and replenishing your cat’s skin. We’re pretty happy with the CatFresh Oatmeal Skin & Coat Spray because it’s a great alternative for cats that aren’t big on baths. Whichever one you decide to go with, good luck!

2. A brush or a comb

No proper Bengal cat grooming routine would be complete without a brush or a comb. Brushing your cat’s coat can help you maintain the health of her coat and skin, as well as prevent tangling, matting, and shedding. Bengal cats might not shed a lot, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t shed at all.

We suggest going for a soft bristle brush because it’s much more gentle on your cat’s skin. We’re obsessed with the Mars Coat King Boar Bristle Cat Hair Brush because it’s the softest brush on the market and it’s guaranteed to do its job. Poodle Pet Essentials Detangling Pet Comb might be a good comb, too.

3. A toothbrush and a toothpaste

We know you might be confused about brushing your cat’s teeth, but that’s going to prevent a whole lot of medical conditions down the line. Get a good, high-quality toothbrush and vet-approved toothpaste, and try getting your cat accustomed to a routine.

Whether you brush her teeth in the morning, after a meal, or before going to bed, that’s up to you. We recommend the Kitty Teeth The Cat Toothbrush because it’s effective, reasonably affordable, and made from safe, quality materials.

4. A set of nail clippers

Bengal Cat Grooming: How to Keep Yours Purrfectly Groomed

A Bengal cat grooming routine requires a set of nail clippers, too. We mentioned beforehand why clipping your cat’s nails might be the right thing to do, but that’s up to you to decide – and check with your vet.

We do need to mention that there are cat grooming salons that offer the service of getting your cat’s nails clipped and that might be something you’d prefer. If not, you might want to get your hands on a set of nail clippers and DIY it.

We recommend the Gonicc Dog & Cat Pets Nail Clippers or the Shiny Pet Pet Nail Clippers for Small Animals.

5. A variety of wipes for grooming, ear cleaning, and eye cleaning

Grooming wipes are great for cleaning your cat in between baths to ensure she’s fresh and clean after a day of rolling around the backyard. Other than that, ear-cleaning and eye-cleaning wipes are handy for cleaning your cat’s crevices after the bath.

We recommend the TropiClean Fragrance-Free Hypoallergenic Pet Wipes grooming wipes or the Pet MD Cat and Dog Ear Cleaner Wipes ear cleaning wipes. Good luck!