Whether you’re searching for the perfect pet or planning on opening a cattery (you do you, boo!), you might be wondering about the Applehead Siamese. We’ve got your back because we’ve prepared a myriad of fun facts and deets on the royal cats of Siam.
Right off the bat, the cat most people picture when thinking of a Siamese is not the sole representative of the Siamese breed. What do we mean by that? While Applehead Siamese cats are a part of the breed, there are numerous other types distinguished by distinct markings, colors, and patterns.
Knowing how to tell them apart might not be at the top of your priorities, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t check what a Wedgie, a Steal Point, or a Chocolate Point looks like. Lilac Point, Blue Point, and Seal Point might be the most mysterious ones, but Red Point and Cream Point aren’t far behind, either.
We are, however, going to focus on the most traditional of them all: Applehead Siamese. While we’re used to seeing long, lean, and muscular bodies with sharp, angular faces, the traditional Siamese didn’t look like that. Traditional Siamese cats we’re chubbier, stockier, and rounder.
Read more on the breed’s appearance, temperament, common health problems, and nutritional needs down below!
Okay, what are Applehead Siamese cats?

Applehead Siamese cats, as we mentioned beforehand, are a variety of Siamese, often referred to as the most old-fashioned ones out of the bunch.
Now, Siamese cats (Applehead or otherwise) are affectionate, intelligent, and inquisitive animals that make for loving and loyal pets. Because of that, they’re one of the most popular breeds around the world.
Before you choose which ones are for you, know that most Siamese cats come with similar temperaments and purrsonalities – they’re “dog-like,” easy-going, and energetic, and they’re huge fans of hanging out with humans and getting a little too attached to them.
The biggest difference between the varieties lies in their appearance. Whether or not you’re the type of pet parent with preferences, you might wonder if you’ve ever seen an Applehead Siamese.
Applehead Siamese cats are the cutest, with round, apple-shaped heads, stubby bodies, and the fluffiest of furs. Additionally, they’re adorned with the sweetest, shortest ears and rounded, bright blue eyes. And, they’re a little bigger (a.k.a. heavier) than the average, modern Siamese.
How are Applehead Siamese cats different from modern Siamese cats?
We’ve mentioned the term modern Siamese a few times. Modern Siamese cats are the most similar to Wedgehead Siamese cats, or Wedgies for short. Moreover, the modern version seems to have been deemed the average, most common Siamese over time.
When you search for Siamese cats to rescue, adopt, or purchase, chances are that the breeders, catteries, and shelters will suggest the modern Siamese.
Far from the Applehead Siamese, the modern ones are known to have angular, wedge-shaped heads, pointed, sharp snouts, and wide-set, perked-up ears. They’re also known to be lean, long, and muscular, with elongated limbs and tails.
And even though they appear bigger because they’re fitter, modern Siamese cats are smaller than Applehead Siamese cats.
But we do need to mention that there’s a controversy surrounding the story of which of these two types appeared sooner. Even though Applehead Siamese is considered the OG, cat art recovered from Thailand resembles the modern Siamese much more.
Before you start rooting for one or the other, remember that both of them are strong, smart, and sociable cats worthy of your attention and affection. We are here to explore the wondrous world of Applehead Siamese cats, though, which means we’ll focus on them for the time being.
What’s there to know about Applehead Siamese cats?

1. What’s the history of the Applehead Siamese cat?
Siamese cats are considered one of the oldest Asian cat breeds, according to the National Siamese Cat Club (NSCC).
Siamese cats, known as royal cats of Siam, originated around the area of today’s Thailand and were highly praised by royalty – so much so that these curious creatures were bestowed as gifts to famous people, people with prominent roles, and even emperors.
We don’t necessarily know when the first Siamese cat appeared, but records suggest that the history of the Applehead goes back as early as 1350AD, and quite probably even further. Need we mention that Siamese cats were thought to possess great wisdom, knowledge, and power?
Myths and sagas from the olden times suggest that Siamese cats were worshipped and believed to possess mystical powers. They were, apparently, awarded the great responsibility of collecting the souls of their deceased owners.
Once the owners were buried, the cats would continue living a luxurious lifestyle, being treated as royalty and served by priests and monks. Of course, that’s something that modern Siamese cats remember and expect, too!
2. What are Appleheads like?

Oh, they’re the sweetest, snuggliest pets out there!
Whether you’re searching for an Applehead addition to your family or trying to decide between the numerous Siamese varieties, you can’t go wrong with the rounder, softer one.
We mentioned that the most prominent difference between Applehead and modern Siamese cats is appearance, which means the two share similar character traits. More times than not, Siamese cats are sociable, outgoing, and energetic.
Rather than moping around, napping on the floor, and wasting time, they’re much more likely to run around the apartment, knock things down, and cause trouble (with remorse, of course!)
Moreover, they’re highly intelligent and inquisitive. They’re keen on playing with toys that engage them physically and mentally.
Not to mention, they’re super sensitive, attached to humans, and prone to separation anxiety. Siamese cats are guaranteed to cuddle with you on a regular, follow you around, and even talk to you. They’re known to produce strange sounds and communicate by meowing, chirping, and thrilling.
And they’re rumored to take criticism to heart, so you’ll need to be cautious about what you say around them. Siamese cats are known as Velcro cats for a reason.
3. What are Applehead’s grooming needs?
If you’re one of those pet parents who don’t have the time to spend hours brushing, grooming, and deshedding your four-legged friend, Applehead Siamese comes to the rescue.
Thanks to their stunning soft, short coat, these beauties don’t need you to slave over them. They take care of themselves, for the most part.
Therefore, you can count on combing them once a week to prevent matting and knotting, trimming their nails, cleaning their ears, and bathing them when necessary. Applehead Siamese cats aren’t known to appreciate water, but you might need to bathe them from time to time.
As a matter of fact, Siamese cats are more concerned with physical activity, movement, and mischief than they are with hygiene. All things considered, provide your Applehead Siamese with cat toys, cat trees, and enough opportunity to run around, and you’ll have yourself one happy and healthy kitty.
4. What are Applehead’s nutritional needs?

Cats are carnivores – they need meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced nutrients to survive and thrive. Whether you opt for dry kibble, wet food, human food (that’s safe and healthy for a cat to eat), or a combination of these, make sure you stick with your cat’s needs.
Siamese cats, Applehead or otherwise, are beaming with energy. They spend a lot of time running around, hopping on the highest kitchen counters, and chasing after crawling creatures.
That’s why Siamese cats need high-quality food that’s packed with protein to ensure they’re able to build muscle and maintain their strength.
Commercially available food can do the trick, but make sure you choose food that doesn’t come with fillers, substitutes, additives, or artificial colors and flavors. Consult with your vet to provide your cat with the best care possible.
5. What health problems are Appleheads susceptible to?
Applehead Siamese cats are healthy, depending on nutrition, physical activity, quality of life, and a few other factors. Most Siamese cats have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years, and some even live past that.
More frequently than not, though, Siamese cats are prone to conditions such as asthma, airway disease, bronchial disease, dental disease, and several sorts of cancer.
Most breeders screen for health problems and that’s why you need to get your Siamese from a reputable source. But that doesn’t mean you need to freak out every time she’s under the weather – regular screening sessions and veterinary checkups are the way to go.
6. What’s the price of Applehead Siamese kittens and cats?
We’ve got some good news and some bad news, okay? Applehead Siamese cats aren’t as expensive as modern ones because people think they don’t appear Siamese enough (!?)
The downside is modern Siamese cats are much more common these days, which means you might have a hard time getting your hands on an Applehead.
At the end of the day, prices vary depending on whether you’re buying, adopting, or getting one from a shelter for free. And paying $800 to $1,500 doesn’t sound that bad when you know you’re getting a friend for life.