OK, do you ever get the feeling that you’re being watched?
You’re sitting on the sofa, watching your favorite TV show, and you can’t shake off the feeling that there’s somebody watching everything you do. You’re preparing a dinner for the family (a.k.a. you and your cat,) and you can’t help but sense somebody’s eyes on you.
You’re under the covers and you feel a furry figure towering over you, but you’re too scared to open your eyes because you don’t know who or what you’re going to see.
You probably know exactly what we’re talking about because you have a cat. Cats are creeps, weirdos, and voyeurs, and they’re known to showcase stalker tendencies on a regular. Cats don’t see humans as prey, for the most part, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have their reasons for following us.
So, why is your cat following you?

1. She’s hungry
She’s not stalking you, she’s trying to stay close to you to ensure she’s right there when you decide to feed her. She’s trying to persuade you to hurry up – “I’m right here, Mom! Give me a treat for keeping you company!”
Cats are supposed to eat four to five small meals a day, but they’re not known to follow the rules. Quite the contrary, cats prefer to eat whenever and whatever they want to. Because of that, your cat might bite your toes, sit on top of you, or meow at you when you’re sleeping to get you to feed her.
2. She wants your attention
Cats are curious creatures and that’s why we’re obsessed with them. Most cats crave attention – whether that means they want to cuddle all the time, follow you from one room to the other, or stare at you while you’re working on your computer.
So, next time you notice your four-legged friend staring at you from across the room, check whether she’s hoping to hang out. Throw her a toy, reward her with a treat, or put her on your lap while you’re going about your business.
3. She’s bored
Sure, cats are rumored to spend most of the day napping, rolling on the floor, and munching on Meow Mix. But that doesn’t mean that cats don’t appreciate spending time outside, playing with toys, and spending quality time together.
Breeds such as Bengal, Burmese, Abyssinian, and Siamese need even more physical activity than average moggies. That means that there’s a chance you might not be giving your furry friend enough attention and affection. Step up your game and she might stop stalking you.
4. She’s honing her hunting skills

Cats are natural-born hunters and there’s nothing we can do about that.
Maybe you have a kitten that’s trying to figure out how to hunt on her own. Perhaps you have a grown cat that’s practicing and honing her hunting skills. Whatever the case might be, your cat’s probably stalking you because she’s wired to do that.
She’s following you because you might end up eating something and throwing her a bit. She’s watching you from across the room because she’s “observing her prey without getting caught.” She’s wiggling her butt before hopping on top of you because that’s what she’s seen other cats do, too.
Don’t worry, she’s purrfectly normal and natural.
5. She’s trying to get a reaction out of you
Cats can be naughty, too.
We brushed over the fact that cats observe the environment because of their instincts and intuition. But we didn’t mention that cats observe humans when they’re trying to figure out how we react to different things or what patterns of behavior we showcase when presented with different situations.
When your cat scares you, for example, you scream, laugh, and pick her up. When she meows at you, you meow back. When she stares at you from across the room, you call her name and give her cuddles because she’s cute.
Well, she knows that – and that’s what she’s expecting from you each time you catch her stalking you.
6. She’s frustrated
Now, most cats stalk their owners because they’re bored, looking for attention, or trying to get a reaction out of them. But we can’t forget about the fact that cats do that out of frustration and fear, too. Cats are predators, but they’re prey, too – which means they’re taught to be cautious at all times.
When your cat gets frustrated with you because you refuse to feed her for the fifth time that morning or you forget to clean out her litter box, she might retreat somewhere you can’t see her and spend some time staring at you. That’s her way of releasing some of that pent-up resentment and anger.
7. She’s stressed out

The same thing happens when she’s stressed out, overwhelmed, or overstimulated. At the end of the day, a cat’s patience also comes with an expiration date.
When your cat gets agitated and anxious, she might decide to leave the room because she doesn’t want to deal with the situation.
She might get triggered by something you’ve done and she might decide to give you “the death stare” and make sure you know about the anguish you’ve caused her. She might be a drama queen, but she knows you need to pay for what you’ve done.
We have one word for you – RUN!
8. She’s experiencing separation anxiety
What are you supposed to do when your feline friend doesn’t even allow you to go to the bathroom without her? She’s always behind your back – following you to see where you’re going, meowing at you to make sure you know she’s waiting for you, and crying when you try to leave for work.
We’ve got bad news for you – she might be suffering from separation anxiety.
Breeds such as Ragdolls, Maine Coons, Persians, Siamese, Tonkinese, and Sphynx are titled “velcro cats” because they’re attached to humans more than other breeds. If you’re a pet parent to one of these fluffers, you might want to check whether they’re showing signs of separation anxiety.