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Exploring the Stunning Colors of Lynx Point Ragdolls

Exploring the Stunning Colors of Lynx Point Ragdolls

They’re fluffy, which in turn makes them appear chubby (well, my cat doesn’t just appear to be…), and their beautiful colors are just in the right places.

If you’ve ever heard of this breed before, then it was probably for a reason. And this might be their perfect temperament. These cats are known to have a dog-like nature as they’re extremely loving and affectionate.

Ragdolls of the Lynx kind, have a pattern that combines one of the three fundamental patterns: colorpoint, mitted, or bicolor, with an overlay pattern of stripes on various body parts.

The cat’s primary color and the color of the stripes match. Combinations of the fundamental patterns make up the variety of Lynx Ragdolls. A Lynx Point Ragdoll has a reddish-to-pink nose and no color inside the ears. The color of the points is used to outline the nose.

The rest of the body may also have stripes or marks, although due to their color, they are typically rarely noticeable.

1. Blue Lynx Point Ragdoll

Lynx Point Ragdoll: Is This A Dog Disguised As A Feline?
Source: Shutterstock

Blue is a dark, bluish-gray color; the points of a blue Ragdoll are also grayish-blue in color. The body’s color is pale platinum, and the bluish-grey tone eventually becomes paler toward the chest and stomach.

The skin on the nose and paw pads is dark blue-gray in color. I know what I’d be naming a Blue Point Lynx!

2. Seal Lynx Point Ragdoll

Source: Hope Zoo

Seal Lynx is a nearly-black shade of dark brown. The points of a Seal Ragdoll are also a rich, dark brown color. The body color can range from a medium brown that darkens with age to an even smoky light brown.

On the belly and the chest, there can be some slow fading toward a lighter color. My friend has a Seal Lynx Ragdoll and although the name isn’t really original (the name is Seal, of course), it really describes her personality.

3. Chocolate Lynx Point Ragdoll

Source: Reddit

The fluffy and soft coat of this Ragdoll’s body is ivory. Ghost striping or ticking may be noticed as the body shading.

It’s not enough that the Lynx point Ragdoll is adorable on its own. In addition, this chocolate-colored cat even resembles one of the sweetest treats out there.

Warm, milk-chocolate shade colors the ears, which have a lighter fingerprint in the middle. Either cinnamon or pink leather with cinnamon edges makes up the nose.

4. Lilac Lynx Point Ragdoll

Source: Shutterstock

The body of a Lilac Lynx Point Ragdoll is ice-cold white. Their bodies may be ghost-striped, their points are prominent and separated by lighter backdrop color, and they are frosty grey with pinkish tone bars.

Frosty grey ears have a pinkish undertone and a paler fingerprint in the middle. Either lavender-pink or pink with lavender-pink edges makes up the nose color.

5. Flame or Red Lynx Point Ragdoll

Source: The Discerning Cat

Red is the color that most reddish cats have, as you may have noticed (more of an apricot color). The tips of a red ragdoll are deep orange-red in color.

The red ragdoll’s body is a warm, even shade of creamy white with any shading leaning toward the same tone as the points. The tiny cute button that serves as her nose and paw pads are hot-pink in color.

6. Cream Lynx Point Ragdoll

Source: Hepper

White or Cream Lynx Point Ragdoll has a bright white body. You may notice ghost striping or ticking (small spots spread out) as the body shading. Pale buff cream to light pinkish cream bars may be seen in the points, and they are distinct and spaced out by a lighter backdrop color.

With a paler thumbprint in the middle, the ears range in color from light buff cream to light pinkish cream. The paw pads and nose skin have a flesh-to-coral pink hue.