It’s incredible what love can do. It doesn’t take much to change a kitty’s life, and beautiful Sir Silas was lucky enough to be saved by people who gave their all to make him a happy kitty again. What they didn’t know, however, is just how breathtakingly beautiful Silas would be once he was back on his feet.
Stories about rescued kitties who have found their furrever homes always make us incredibly happy, but this one coming from Florida feels like a fairy tale. It’s a classic ugly duckling narrative that we all love.
“Started from the bottom, now we’re here!” is all that keeps repeating in our heads when we think about Silas. From living on the street, homeless, and starving, to having thousands of followers on Instagram and living in a cozy home – Silas’ story is truly inspiring.
This majestic fluff ball was found by a family in Florida on the side of the road, appearing like he wouldn’t survive another day on the street. Looking at them with his red eyes and dirty hair, they knew they were destined to save him.
His wonderful adopters devoted the next few weeks to nursing their new friend back to health. As he was becoming stronger, they noticed that Silas is no regular kitty you usually find stranded by the side of the road.
His previously dirty and matted fur turned into a majestic pearly white coat and, his once red and infected eyes turned out to be piercing blue. They quickly realized that Silas was born to be a star, and they made him an Instagram account that enabled him to touch the hearts of thousands of people all over the world.

Today, Sir Silas spends his days like every cat should – playing around, getting love from his parents, and giving love in return. He’s a big, fluffy, and healthy cat that once fought to stay alive and hoped to be found by kind people who will give him a loving home.
It’s hard not to be touched by his before and after pictures. What once was a dirty and malnourished kitty fighting for his life, is now a healthy fur boy who became the king of his family’s home. Under their love, Silas fought, grew, and turned into the majestic feline beauty his parents dreamed of having.
He now lives a comfortable life, basking in the sun by his family’s pool, showing off his long, white coat. Silas spends holidays with his wonderful parents, and even gets dressed up for Christmas! His Instagram page is filled with photos of him sleeping in soft blankets and showing off his “gymnastics” skills.
If he was once lonely, we’re sure those days are long gone, as he now has friends all over the world and even a new feline buddy! A couple of years ago, the kind family adopted a new kitty, Lincoln, who quickly became Silas’ new best friend.
Although Lincoln’s quite younger than him, that doesn’t stop them from spending their days playing around and turning their new home into a playground. They play and cuddle together, and we can’t help but get teary-eyed thinking about the days when this life was nothing but a dream for these two pure souls.
Surrounded by piles of toys and plenty of delicious food, we truly hope Silas has long forgotten the terrible days he’s spent outside, waiting for a kind soul to save him from the cold.
We doubt his parents knew they’d be saving a majestic Ragdoll when they decided to pick Silas off the street. The universe always finds a way to bless the people who help those in need, even if it’s by giving their new feline friend some extra coat they can cuddle.

Unfortunately, shelters and roads are filled with kitties who are often overlooked because of their illness or the way they look. Sir Silas’ story is a beautiful reminder that you should always give extra love to those who need it. Who knows, maybe the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan!
Even if it doesn’t, the kitty you save will spend her life showing you how grateful she is for everything you’ve done. No matter how she looks, we’re sure your adopted feline friend will fill your life with joy, happiness, and love that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.