Can Cats Eat Dog Treats? Can These Pets Feast Together?
We can‘t stomach what we‘re about to say, but there are humans out there who absolutely adore BOTH cats AND dogs. Aren’t we supposed to …
We can‘t stomach what we‘re about to say, but there are humans out there who absolutely adore BOTH cats AND dogs. Aren’t we supposed to …
“In a minute, I‘m gonna need some kitty kibble, lamb, or chicken, to chunk me up…” As Lizzo once said (well, she said something along …
“Argh, can cats eat chives!?” You never thought you’d be asking that question, but your curious creature’s been driving you crazy and chiming in every …
“Can cats eat plums!?” you’re wondering as you’re looking at your curious creature munching on something that resembles the purple fruit. She knows you’re on …
You’re going about your day when you notice your curious creature perking up her ears and scrunching her nose. You’re alarmed but waiting to see …
“Can cats eat roses?” Your curious creature LOVES to investigate everything around the apartment. She’s particularly interested every time your partner brings you a bouquet …
Trust me, you don’t know what you’re missing out on until you take a sip of a Starbucks almond milk latte! And, you don’t know …
“Can cats eat raw meat!?” seems like a debate waiting to happen. Wild cats have been hunting and scoffing down their prey (uncooked, obviously) since …
Everyone knows that we must drink up to eight glasses of water daily. Staying hydrated isn’t easy, especially on those hot summer days. We also …
Can cats drink chocolate milk? I know this is one of the favorite drinks ever, but will our little pets agree with us? I’m really …
“Can cats drink orange juice!?” Who would’ve thought you’d be looking for an answer to this question in the middle of the night? And then …
“Can cats eat corn flakes?“ Your four-legged friend’s been bugging you the entire morning, meowing and purring your ears off to let her have a …
Can cats eat baby food? If you have a cat that likes to stick her nose everywhere, then I understand where this question is coming …
Can cats eat lunch meat? Your cat certainly wants to, or she’s really good at pretending like she’s about to burst into tears the moment …
“Can cats drink soy milk?” you ask, as you’re pretty sure your kitto’s plotting a plan to dethrone your regular milk and get you to …
The daring spirits of cats never cease to astonish us. We can see evidence of their curiosity all around us. They might seem to be …
If I were to even begin to tell you what my cat has been up to today… *sigh*… I bet you also get stuck in …
“My precious purrincess needs a name that fits her purrfectly!” you mutter under your breath, fighting the urge to smother her in cuddles and snuggles. …
“Why do cats rub their teeth on you? Are they trying to munch on you? Are they trying to mark their territory?” You can’t help …
“Can cats eat cucumbers?”, you’re thinking to yourself as you watch your furry friend roam around the kitchen looking for leftovers. “Mrs. McFluffer, you literally …