One thing’s certain – names for Persian cats should be as special as these cuddly felines are. Your favorite specimen of the breed deserves to have a name that’s worthy of her, so you can’t just give her the first moniker that comes to mind and call it a day.
Persian cats are probably one of the cuddliest and fluffiest breeds in the whole feline world. They’re the definition of the perfect indoor pet that’ll give you all the love and affection you’re looking for.
They’re gentle and sweet kitties that are always ready to take a nap in your lap. Can you imagine owning a cat that doesn’t get bored of cuddles? What a dream!
So, when you’re looking for a name for your adorable Persian, you have to make a bit more effort and provide your feline with the best name ever. And we’re here to help you with that.
Royal names for Persian cats

Persian cats have always been popular among members of the royal family. So, it’s only obvious that they’re worthy of a regal name that they can carry around with the greatest pride.
If you want to give your pet a noble name that’s going to show the world how magnificent she actually is, then keep on reading. We’ve got plenty of options!
1. King
2. Queen
3. Caesar
4. Cleopatra
5. Duke
6. Earl
7. Prince
8. Princess
9. Duchess
10. Marie Antoinette
11. Victoria
12. William
13. Henry
14. Elizabeth
15. Diana
16. Arthur
17. Charles
18. Richard
19. Alexander
20. Lionheart

21. Majesty
22. Empress
23. Lady
24. Duke Purrington
25. Aristocat
26. Emperor
27. Lord
28. Tiara
29. Empress Fluff
30. Beatrix
31. Josephine
32. Anne
33. Charlotte
34. Harry
35. Louis
36. James
37. Belle
38. King Leonidas
39. Jasmine
40. Prince Charming

41. Princess Aurora
42. Princess Leia
43. Queen of Hearts
44. Edgar
45. Genevieve
46. Eugenia
47. Beatrice
48. Mirabelle
49. Delphine
50. Hermes
51. Lancelot
52. Olympus
53. Elsa
54. Rapunzel
55. Mia
56. Maribel
57. Courtenay
58. Byron
59. Russell
Gentle cat names for your placid Persian

Your Persian is probably the sweetest and most tamed kitty you know. This breed should carry the title of the most gentle pet, and that’s why they deserve a name that proves that.
Their personality is adorable, and you want everyone to know it. This mellow, gentle kitty deserves to carry a moniker that’ll represent everything she is.
60. Twinky
61. Angel
62. Gem
63. Precious
64. Sugar
65. Milo
66. Ollie
67. Daisy
68. Gracie
69. Sunny
70. Poppy
71. Teddy Ruxpin
72. Coco
73. Kiki
74. Dottie
75. Lulu
76. Ollie
77. Nala
78. Willow
79. Airy
80. Breezy

81. Chilly
82. Decaf
83. Laze
84. Mild
85. Napper
86. Siesta
87. Snoozer
88. Slack
89. Cleo
90. Skye
91. Loki
92. Frosty
93. Pickles
94. Bean
95. Millie
96. Penny
97. Ralphie
98. Bubba
99. Holly
100. Maple

101. Ivy
102. Iris
103. Pixie
104. Ginny
105. Babe
106. Ziggy
107. Lizzo
108. Darcy
109. Pippy
110. Bella
111. Rue
112. Baloo
113. Bubbles
114. Cupcake
115. Snuggles
116. Socks
117. Kiara
118. Sparkle
119. Rainbow
120. Bambi

121. Lulu
122. Leia
123. Crystal
124. Missie
125. Dorry
126. Roya
127. Nur
128. Nabil
129. Opie
130. Puddy Tat
Cat names suitable for your fluffy Persian

Persian cats have the fluffiest fur ever. Their double-layer coat provides them with luscious fluff that’s the softest thing you’ll ever touch. It’s no wonder you want to cuddle them all day long!
So, it’s only logical that you want to name your feline after one of her most prominent features – her fur. Let’s see some of the options for a great fluffball name.
131. Locky
132. Fluffy
133. Furby
134. Lord Furrball
135. King Tummyrub
136. Prince Snugglebug
137. Sir Snugglepaws
138. Prince Fluffypants
139 Sir Purrcivus Snuggleton
140. Marshmallow
141. Bear
142. Cotton Candy
143. Fluffmaster
144. Feathers
145. Fluffmonster
146. Fuzzy
147. Puffy
148. Ruffles
149. Silky
150. Curly

151. Harriet
152. Fleecy
153. Scruffy
154. Puffy
155. Velvet
156. Cashmere
157. Winston Furchill
158. Faux Hauk
159. Mr. Frizzle
160. Mayor Fluffington
161. Mariah Hairy
162. Poof Daddy
163. Furcules
164. Doughnut
165. Blanky
166. Pom Pom
167. Captain Fluff
168. Paddington
169. Butterball
170. Rapunzel

171. Fuzzy-Wuzzy
172. Jellybean
173. Powderpuff
174. Tubby
175. Churro
176. Furby
177. Muffin
178. Moose
179. Silkie
180. Cloud
181. Flannel
182. Pancake
183. Puffy
184. Powder Puff
185. Fluffernutter
186. Mr. Fluffy Pants
187. Figaro
188. Goldilocks
189. Ponytail
190. Mohawk

191. Pocahontas
192. Faux Paw
193. Furnando
194. Buttons
195. Panda
196. Penguin
197. Mufasa
198. Hairy
199. Tarzan
Names for Persian cats that are perfect for any color kitty
Persian cats come in different colors: white, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, and lilac. But it doesn’t matter which one you get, as they’re all equally adorable and affectionate.
However, choosing the right one for your kitty can be a challenge. If you’re looking for a name that will match your cat’s fur color, then we have plenty to choose from. We’re sure you’ll be able to find something you like.

200. Salmon
201. Goldfish
202. Tofu
203. Buttercup
204. Spice
205. Goldie
206. Margo
207. Dewey
208. Sterling
209. Oatmeal
210. Fudge
211. Sahara
212. Sandy
213. Amethyst
214. Tiger Lily
215. Popcorn
216. Snowball
217. Zorro
218. Sparkle
219. Chester
220. Garfield

221. Flame
222. Pumpkin
223. Mocha
224. Mittens
225. Oreo
226. Ginger
227. Honey
228. Coconut
229. Peanut
230. Onyx
231. Ebony
232. Ash
233. Steel
234. Grayson
235. Smokey
236. Silver
237. Noodle
238. Alabaster
239. Moon
240. Pearl

241. Ivory
242. Bronze
243. Cheerio
244. Ghost
245. Misty
246. Snowy
247. Ember
248. Saffron
249. Cocoa
250. Cinnamon
251. Pepper
252. Nutmeg
253. Casper
254. Glacier
255. Angelica
256. Obsidian
257. Ash
258. Twilight
259. Panther
260. Misty

261. Blanca
262. Pitch
263. Inky
264. Graphite
265. Charcoal
266. Sunset
267. Fanta
268. Red Leicester
Persian cat names for real foodies
Like any other breed, Persian cats are big food lovers. They enjoy munching on treats and could probably spend whole days eating. Even though they just had a meal, you’ll probably find them scratching the cabinet where you keep the cat food, trying to get their paws onto something delicious.
If this description matches your cat completely, then giving her a name inspired by food makes total sense. We’re sure your little gourmet diner will appreciate it.

269. Peppermint
270. Candy
271. Snickers
272. Taco
273. Bagel
274. Gelato
275. Nugget
276. Cherry
277. Ruby
278. Rose
279. Rusty
280. Clay
281. Lion
282. Sprinkles
283. Tater Tot
284. Twizzler
285. Penne
286. Caesar
287. Dumpling
288. Waffle
289. Nougat
290. Vanilla

291. Clementine
292. Creamsicle
293. Peaches
294. Lollipop
295. Edamame
296. Sous Chef
297. Spam
298. Brownie
299. Hershey
300. Cheeto
301. Pringle
302. Sesame
303. Sage
How to choose the right name for your cat?

What now?! You have all these options, but the issue is that you like the most of them. How can you pick a name and be sure that you won’t regret it in a month’s time? How do you know that it’s going to suit your kitty?
Choosing the moniker for your feline may seem like an easy task, but the moment you start the process, it can quickly become quite daunting. That’s why we’ve gathered some tips to help you make a decision. If you follow these rules, you’re not going to regret your choice.
1. Don’t rush
Don’t think that you have to name your kitty the day you bring her home. That way, you may end up making a mistake and giving her a name you won’t like in a week’s time.
So, it’s better to take some time and observe your kitty’s traits. What’s something you like the most about her? This could be your starting point for choosing the perfect name.
2. Don’t overcomplicate it
Names that consist of three or more words may sound funny and different, but are they practical? Do you think that your kitty will be able to learn her name?
It’s best not to complicate things and to choose something that’s easy to remember. You can pick a unique name and still keep it simple.
3. Make a selection
We’ve provided you with a list of more than 300 names for Persian cats. What you should do now is make a shortlist of those you like the most.
You can pick a name or two out of each category or choose multiple names from the same category. Eventually, once you narrow it down to the top contenders, it’s easier to choose the name that stands out the most – the one that resonates with your furbaby the best.
Don’t bother about what others have to say about it. Your cat, your rules!