Tuxedo cats are more than just their dapper black-and-white coats—they’re a blend of elegance, charm, and a sprinkle of mystery. Known for their distinctive “formal wear” fur patterns, these feline companions have captured the hearts of cat lovers worldwide. But what makes them truly stand out?
Beyond their striking appearance, tuxedo cats possess unique traits and characteristics that set them apart from other cats. From their captivating personalities to their surprising quirks, here are 6 fascinating reasons why tuxedo cats are so special—and why they might just be the perfect addition to your home.
1. Tuxedo cats are not a cat breed

Contrary to what everyone might think, tuxedo cats are not a cat breed. We’re aware we might have talked your ears off, but tuxedo cats have black and white, bicolor, or piebald markings that resemble tuxedos; which happens to be the reason why pet parents refer to them that way.
Cats can have tuxedo markings without regard to breed. Even though they’re not officially accepted as purebred when they’re marked that way. And, to make matters even better, tuxedo cats can rock both short coats and long, flowy fluff, depending on the breed.
2. Tuxedo pattern occurs due to genetics

Tuxedo cats aren’t born with the dapper duds that set them apart from average felines. More often than not, tuxedo cats grow the signature markings during development. Many pet parents believed that the tuxedo patterns occurred due to slow and sluggish pigments that didn’t form on time.
Because of that, kittens were born with white patches scattered across the area where there wasn’t enough pigment.
Alright, now we know that tuxedo patterns come to be because the same pigment cells multiply randomly during development which means that the kittens are born with random patterns – no pattern can ever be the same.
So, even though tuxedo cats resemble one another, they’re never embellished with the same markings.
3. Tuxedo cats were worshipped by the ancient Egyptians

We mentioned that the ancient Egyptians might have been obsessed with tuxedo cats – who can blame them, right? But, even though there are myths and tales aplenty, there’s no way of knowing whether the Egyptians worshipped cats or appreciated them for taking care of pests.
Cats, tuxedo and otherwise, were carved on tombstones and temples, but there’s no evidence that tuxedo cats were around during the time of ancient Egypt.
Cats seem to have been the theme of numerous myths (even ones claiming that cats are magic), which means that whoever was responsible for them might have been onto something.
4. Tuxedo cats are believed to be smarter than other cats

We need to address the fact that they’re believed to be smarter than other cats. To be more specific, tuxedo cats are thought to be 200% more intelligent than other cats – but, that’s a statistic thrown around by tuxedo cat parents.
Whether or not that’s the case, numerous experiences suggest that tuxedo cats grow bigger and stronger, develop quicker, and respond to demands better than other cats. What do you think?
5. Tuxedo cats have a “tuxitude” attitude

Tuxedo cats are special, we can tell you that much!
Tuxies make for perfect pets because they’re affectionate and eager to share a hug, a nap on the lap, and a snuggle all the time. They’re great with humans, cats, dogs, and any animals that are at least a little friendly. And, they’re known to possess a set of characteristics specific to the color of their coat.
Whichever breed you’re planning on getting, tuxedo cats are known to have “tuxitude.” Tuxitude cannot be explained which means you need to get your hands on a tuxedo Ragdoll cat to know what we’re talking about. Good luck!