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Egyptian Mau Vs. Ocicat: Domestic But Wild-Looking Felines

Egyptian Mau Vs. Ocicat: Domestic But Wild-Looking Felines

When you’re looking for a wild-looking cat that’s completely domesticated, you’ll probably just have a couple of options in the end. Egyptian Mau vs. Ocicat: which one will adjust to your household better?

When you want to share a home with an exotic-looking breed that’s perfectly adjusted to indoor life, you don’t get many options to choose from. But these two felines have the looks that will steal your attention from the moment you see them.

Now, the main question is which one is more suitable for you and your lifestyle?

Getting a cat based on her appearance is never a good choice. You want to make sure that you can make your new pet happy and provide her with everything she needs.

So, how can you know which kitty to get? What’s the character of these two felines and how much attention and care do they need? Will they be able to get used to your daily routines?

Let’s find out everything there is about Egyptian Mau and Ocicat. That way, you’ll get a better understanding of what you’re getting yourself into.

Egyptian Mau vs. Ocicat: What’s the difference between these two?

Egyptian Mau Vs. Ocicat: Domestic But Wild-Looking Felines

Egyptian Maus are one of the oldest domesticated breeds. They trace back to ancient Egypt but it was only in the 1950s that they were brought to Europe and then to the USA.

From that point on, this kitty gained worldwide popularity and many breeders started to get more interested in these Egyptian cats. Even though they’re domesticated, they’re still a rare breed, and not many people can manage to get their hands on this noble beauty.

Ocicat is also a domestic breed that was a result of a crossing of two other breeds: the Abyssinian and the Siamese. Her spotted coat was the main reason why breeders kept increasing numbers of Ocicats, but somewhere down the road, they also introduced the American Shorthair to the breed.

Today, Ocicat can be found in silver color as well, due to the mixing of these three breeds.

Now that you know a bit more about the origin of these two wild-looking but completely domestic cats, let’s see how much they differ.

1. What do they look like?

When you look at these two felines, you’ll notice how similar they are. They’re almost the same size and weight, reaching 8 to 12 pounds. They both sport their unique spotted coats, so it’s obvious why people may confuse them.

When it comes to the Egyptian Mau, this cat’s fur isn’t a result of any breeding. Her spots are natural which is something that rarely happens in the feline world.

Egyptian Mau is a lean and muscular kitty whose hind legs are longer than the ones in the front. So, whenever she stands still, she looks even more athletic.

Just like every other tabby cat, this breed also has an “M” marking on her forehead. She comes in many different colors such as bronze, silver, black, caramel, smoke, and blue. Despite their color, all of these kitties have a well-known spotted coat.

Ocicat also has muscular legs and overall, looks very similar to Egyptian Mau. Both of them have almond-shaped eyes but the thing that sets them apart is the shape of their heads. Ocicat has a wedge-shaped head while Egyptian Mau has a more triangular shape.

There’s also a difference in their colorings. Ocicats come in 12 official colors such as chocolate, cinnamon, tawny, blue, lavender, fawn, chocolate silver, blue silver, lavender silver, black silver, fawn silver, and cinnamon silver.

All in all, we’re talking about two fairly similar breeds. Does their personality differ, though? Will you be able to distinguish them thanks to their temper?

2. What’s their character like?

Egyptian Mau Vs. Ocicat: Domestic But Wild-Looking Felines

Egyptian Mau is a friendly cat who’s eventually going to get along with everyone in your household. She’ll just need some time to adjust and get used to her new surroundings.

Still, don’t be surprised if you notice that she’s particularly fond of one member of your household. These felines tend to develop a strong bond with one person. That doesn’t mean that she’s going to be aggressive with others; it just means that this one human is going to be her safe haven.

Egyptian Mau can get along with children and other cats, as long as no one crosses her boundaries. Again, you’ll need to give her some time before she’s fully comfortable hanging out with your kid or your other kitty.

We’re talking about an independent breed that won’t need your attention all the time. So, you can leave the house whenever you need as long as your cat has all it takes to survive a day without you.

Make sure to get her some interactive toys and cat furniture that’s going to keep her entertained. This is an active breed who loves to run around and explore her surroundings.

Also, don’t get surprised if you hear her meowing. Egyptian Maus aren’t as vocal as Siamese for example but occasionally, they can start meowing and chirping. It’s as if they’re trying to have a chat with you.

Ocicat, on the other hand, is a definition of an extrovert. She doesn’t need as much time to get friendly with people so don’t be surprised if you see her greeting guests as soon as they walk inside. This is a social breed that’ll cuddle with you and anyone else for that sake.

She’s also vocal and loves to stay active, so she’ll need you to get her some toys that are going to keep her interested. She can get along with other pets and kids in the household, as long as they’re not aggressive with her.

Bear in mind that this breed won’t like the idea of being alone. Ocicats can develop separation anxiety so if you’re often absent from home, then she may not be the best choice for you.

3. Which one requires more exercise?

I’ve already mentioned that both of these breeds love to stay active and in their best shape. So, no matter which one you choose, you’ll have to provide her with enough mentally and physically stimulating toys.

Cat trees, cat shelves, and different interactive puzzles will do the job of keeping your cat happy and entertained. These toys will allow your kitty to release all that accumulated energy and stay in her best shape.

It’s also important to mention that both of these breeds can be taught some basic tricks. You can even walk them on a leash and enjoy a walk around the park with them.

This is mainly possible since both Egyptian Mau and Ocicat have dog-like personalities. This makes them perfect for training and their intelligence only makes things easier.

4. Do they need to be groomed?

Egyptian Mau has a shorter fur which means that she doesn’t require as much grooming time. However, she sheds a lot so you’ll want to brush her coat at least once a week so you prevent her from ingesting hairballs.

Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be tedious work such as with some other hairy breeds. Plus, look at this as a bonding moment between you and your kitty. She’s going to enjoy the sensation of brushing and you’re going to love seeing her that happy.

Ocicats are similar when it comes to keeping their fur in pristine shape. They have only one layer of fur which means that they won’t be hard to brush. Do it once a week and you should be able to remove all the fallen hair out of your cat’s coat.

This breed doesn’t need frequent baths but if she gets filthy playing in the garden, make sure to clean her thoroughly and get rid of all that dirt.

5. Do they have any health issues?

Egyptian Mau Vs. Ocicat: Domestic But Wild-Looking Felines

Egyptian Maus don’t tend to suffer from any breed-related diseases. So, we could say they’re fairly healthy but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them to regular checkups.

The older they get, the more prone they are to illnesses such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, uric acid stones, and different bacterial and viral infections. All of these issues can be treated if they’re spotted in time. So, don’t skip your next vet appointment just because you think that your kitty is doing fine.

Ocicats on the other hand are prone to certain genetic diseases such as renal amyloidosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and pyruvate kinase deficiency.

Renal amyloidosis affects the kidneys and it usually happens in Abyssinian cats. Since Ocicat is a mix of the Siamese, the Abyssinian, and the American Shorthair, you should look out for any of the signs that could mean that your feline’s kidney function has been compromised.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a thickening of heart muscles after which, the heart decreases its function. If you notice a weak or unstable pulse, fast breathing, and lethargy in your cat, take her to the vet and have her checked by a professional.

Pyruvate kinase deficiency is an inherited anemia typical for Abyssinian cats. If you notice any of the symptoms such as severe lethargy, weakness, weight loss, and abdominal enlargement, make an appointment at your local vet clinic to be sure of what’s going on.