Grains – Cats Chef Cats food, Cats eat, Can cats eat, Wed, 30 Aug 2023 11:33:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Grains – Cats Chef 32 32 Can Cats Eat Poppy Seeds? What Are The Possible Risks? Wed, 30 Aug 2023 11:30:48 +0000 “I was preparing the ingredients for my grandma’s famous poppy seed cake when I saw my kitty sniffing around the poppy seed bag. I’m not …

The post Can Cats Eat Poppy Seeds? What Are The Possible Risks? appeared first on Cats Chef.

“I was preparing the ingredients for my grandma’s famous poppy seed cake when I saw my kitty sniffing around the poppy seed bag. I’m not sure if she had eaten any, but I’m so worried. Aria, please help me: Can cats eat poppy seeds? Are they safe?”

I received this message a couple of days ago from one of my closest friends and fellow cat mom. And I have to admit – I never wondered about this topic myself.

For me personally, poppy seeds are something very distant. I don’t prefer the taste of them in cakes, and I don’t bother putting them on the bread that I bake. Our paths very rarely cross.

So I have to admit, this was a very interesting matter to research.

So, can cats eat poppy seeds? Are the seeds from that beautiful wild red flower safe for our beloved feline companions? Can they munch on them without a single worry in the world? Or do we as their owners have to be more careful?

Let’s find out!

Poppy seeds 101: Everything you need to know

Can Cats Eat Poppy Seeds? What Are The Possible Risks?

Poppy seeds are small blackish or grayish seeds obtained from the poppy flower called Papaver somniferum, where “somniferum” in Latin means “sleep bringing.” These seeds are packed with strong opiates which can be used in the production of certain drugs, like opium or heroin.

Throughout the years, many cultures and civilizations have used poppy seeds in their everyday lives.

Around 1550 BC, poppy seeds were mentioned in the Ebers Papyrus, an Egyptian medical papyrus scroll of herbal knowledge, as one of the sedatives. The Minoan civilization from Crete used these seeds mixed with milk, and honey to make a calming potion for crying babies.

Today, we use these seeds mostly when baking and cooking in order to add some flavor and texture to our meals and baked goods. Some people also use them to make poppy tea which has great pain-relieving properties.

Many people believe that poppy seeds contain small amounts of opiates, called alkaloids, which are so powerful that they can weaken our nervous system and cause drowsiness. This, however, is not entirely true.

Poppy seeds can during harvesting get contaminated with opiates which can be found in the milky latex of the seed pod that’s covering them.

The concentration of opiates depends on two factors. The first one is determined by the terroir of the seeds, which includes the soil, climate, amount of sunshine, topography, and the time of harvest.

The second factor is the variety of the plant. Some poppy plants don’t contain any morphine or codeine (the strong opiates), and they don’t produce any amount of opium.

Washing, cooking, or baking these seeds significantly decreases their opiate content. So, technically speaking, people cannot get intoxicated by consuming poppy seeds.

However, despite us being relatively safe from these seeds, it might not be the same for our feline friends. Let’s find out more!

Can cats eat poppy seeds?

Just like with many other cat-related questions and concerns, there is no definite answer. It wouldn’t be so fun if everything was a simple yes-or-no matter, right?

Poppy flower has been included on the list of toxic plants for pets. Every part of that plant can be potentially harmful to your precious furbaby, but its seeds aren’t necessarily bad.

When consumed in moderation, poppy seeds don’t have to be dangerous to our feline friends. However, in order to be safe and cautious. I would advise you not to feed your feline any amount of poppy seeds.

Because the safe amount of poppy seeds varies from feline to feline, you can never be one hundred percent sure you have given your fluff the right amount.

So, can cats eat poppy seeds? No, they can’t. Or rather shouldn’t.

If you’re worried about the nutritional value of poppy seeds, and you fear your kitty might lack something if she skips on these dangerous seeds, please don’t worry. I assure you – your cat will be just fine if her diet doesn’t contain poppy seeds.

Poppy poisoning: what’s that?

Do you remember how in The Wizard of Oz Dorothy falls asleep in the field of poppies? Well, even though that’s just a fictional scene, the real symptoms of poppy poisoning are very similar.

We have already mentioned that a small amount of poppy seeds does not have to be harmful. However, if your kitty consumes large quantities of these seeds, that overconsumption can lead to depression, sedation, and even death.

If you believe your cat has swallowed any amount of poppy seeds, or you see her doing so, take her to the vet immediately. You have to have a professional evaluate her overall health and determine whether there are any symptoms of poppy poisoning or not.

What are the symptoms of poppy poisoning?

Can Cats Eat Poppy Seeds? What Are The Possible Risks?

Usually, when we want to determine or exclude the possibility of certain diseases or conditions, like poisoning in this case, we make sure to carefully observe our feline friends and look for the symptoms.

Some of the most common symptoms of poppy poisoning include:

  • the lack of appetite
  • vomiting
  • pain in the abdomen
  • constriction of pupils (or miosis)
  • dilation of pupils (or mydriasis)
  • body tremor
  • poor muscle control (or ataxia)
  • general weakness
  • dissociation
  • euphoria or excitement
  • excessive vocalization
  • respiratory depression (or hypoventilation)
  • slow heart rate (or bradycardia)
  • depression

If you notice your kitty exhibiting any of the symptoms listed above, schedule a vet visit immediately.

What does the vet do when you suspect poppy poisoning?

Once you bring your fluff to the veterinary station, the vet will first perform a standard physical exam.

This exam includes observation of her general appearance, listening to her chest with a stethoscope (which is called auscultation), and pressing on different areas of her body to feel her organs or tissues underneath.

The vet will also inspect the general levels of alertness in your kitty and her interest in her surroundings.

Next, he will proceed with certain laboratory tests that will determine how the poison is broken down in your kitty’s metabolism.

One of the tests is a complete blood count (CBC) which is a blood test that can determine if there are any weird increases or decreases in cell count. With a packed cell volume test (PCV) the vet can determine the level of (de)hydration.

If the vet notices a slower heart rate in your cat, he can also suggest doing an EKG test, which is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart.

How to treat poppy poisoning in felines?

When it comes to the way you are supposed to treat poppy poisoning, the vet might first get your kitty to vomit, so she could get the poppy seeds out of her system.

He can also give her some activated charcoal as it has great detoxifying properties. He can also give her IV fluids to prevent dehydration and give her an oxygen mask or place her in an oxygen cage if she shows signs of troubled breathing.

If your kitty shows signs of depression and anxiety or appears to be under a lot of stress, make sure you put her in a nice, quiet, and dark area in order to calm her nervous system down and help her deal with the toxin remnants.

However, we do have to note that you shouldn’t do any of these treatments without consulting your vet first.

What other seeds are not off-limits for our feline friends?

Can Cats Eat Poppy Seeds? What Are The Possible Risks?

Since the answer to the question, “Can cats eat poppy seeds?” is a resounding no, we cannot help but wonder if other seeds safe for our fluffs or not.

Luckily for all of us, the majority of the seeds we use in our everyday lives are also fairly safe for our feline friends.

Seeds are rich in vitamins, like B5, B9, and E, and packed with minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium. They are also a great source of fiber which can be extremely beneficial for your kitty’s digestive system and prevent constipation.

For example, chia seeds are low in fat but rich in amino acids, fibers, and carbs. They can be amazing for your furbaby’s immune system and great for her bones and fur. However, your cat should consume them in moderation. The general rule is to give a teaspoon of chia seeds for every 10 pounds of a cat’s weight.

Other seeds your fluff can consume include pumpkin seeds, which are rich in iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamins K and E. These seeds are also great for digestion and can help in treating intestinal worms.

Flax seeds are rich in Omega-3 and are great for treating inflammatory conditions as well as beneficial for your cat’s skin and fur.

Sunflower seeds are packed with vitamins E, B1, B5, proteins, magnesium, iron, and healthy polyunsaturated fat. When given in moderation, they can do wonders for your fluff’s digestive system.

All in all, seeds can be a great addition to your cat’s diet. But please, before you give your precious fluff anything, consult your vet about all the benefits, necessary portions, and even potential risks.

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Can Cats Eat Corn Flakes? Or Should Your Pet Flake On Them? Mon, 05 Sep 2022 11:12:37 +0000 “Can cats eat corn flakes?“ Your four-legged friend’s been bugging you the entire morning, meowing and purring your ears off to let her have a …

The post Can Cats Eat Corn Flakes? Or Should Your Pet Flake On Them? appeared first on Cats Chef.

“Can cats eat corn flakes?“ Your four-legged friend’s been bugging you the entire morning, meowing and purring your ears off to let her have a taste of your breakfast cereal. You never thought you’d hear yourself say “No, Mrs. McFluffer. You can’t have a taste of my Cheerios!”

Your furry friend has to be the most curious creature out there. She doesn’t shy away from climbing onto the kitchen counters (no matter how many times you scream “Get off!”), sneaking into the pantry, and scoffing down everything she can get her paws on.

And, she’s especially attracted to corn flakes because she knows you can hear her from the living room (she always does this while you’re busy catching up on the newest episodes of Bridgerton). But, you’re starting to wonder whether these early morning escapades can cause her harm.

You don’t want your feline friend spending the rest of the day in the litterbox. So, you’re choosing to hop online, take one for the team, and look up “Can cats eat corn flakes?”. You’re pretty sure cats can eat cat food, cat kibble, and cat treats, but who’s to say it’s not worth the shot?

According to our friend over at the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), cats can eat corn flakes AS AN OCCASIONAL SNACK. Corn flakes shouldn’t be a regular part of a cat’s diet because they don’t offer much when we’re talking about nutritional value.

Corn flakes might be a great way for you to start your day. But, they’re not a great way for your four-legged friend to start hers. So, there are a couple of things to consider before running off to the nearest Trader Joe’s and stacking up on Cheerios and Frosted Flakes.

What are corn flakes?

Can Cats Eat Corn Flakes? Or Should Your Pet Flake On Them?

We love them on their own or paired with other delicious foods, we eat them with milk and fruit for breakfast, and we crush them and sprinkle them on top of desserts. Corn flakes don’t get enough hype considering how crunchy, crispy, and perfectly versatile they are.

But, what are corn flakes? What are they made of? What makes them one of the most popular crunchy snacks out there?

Corn flakes are made out of flakes of corn (riveting information, who would’ve thought). They were originally made by someone named Will Kellogg (yes, Kellogg’s corn flakes are still a thing). And now they’re produced and packaged around the world.

Corn flakes are one of the most popular breakfast foods typically eaten with milk, fruit, sugar, and/or honey. Other than corn, corn flakes contain sugar, salt, and barley malt extract, vitamins, and minerals (vitamin E, niacin, vitamin B6, riboflavin, folate, iron, and zinc oxide).

That doesn’t sound that bad, does it? Actually, even though they contain a not-that-modest amount of sugar, corn flakes are considered a healthy breakfast among humans. They’re easy on the digestive system because they don’t contain that many ingredients and they’re packed with nutritional benefits.

They even bring a bunch of health benefits to the table (thanks to those vitamins and minerals), and that’s why most humans give them an A+. However, your four-legged friend might not be able to reap those benefits, and here’s why.

Can cats eat corn flakes?

Here‘s the thing, our friends over at the ASPCA have already confirmed that corn flakes aren’t going to send your four-legged friend to the emergency animal center. Cats CAN eat corn flakes because corn flakes aren’t toxic and they aren’t the worst thing they can munch on.

So, the “can” part doesn’t seem as much of a problem as the “should” part. SHOULD cats eat corn flakes? SHOULD cats have corn flakes as a regular part of their diet? They shouldn’t, and here’s everything you need to know to figure out why.

Cats are obligate carnivores. They require a bunch of meat, animal protein, and animal nutrients to survive and thrive. They don’t require fruits, veggies, and whole grains the same way humans do.

And they don’t even possess the enzymes necessary for their digestive systems to break down and process most foods humans eat on a regular. Trust me, your cat’s digestive system wasn’t designed with Cheerios and Frosted Flakes in mind.

So, before the two of you head over to the nearest Trader Joe’s you might want to throw a glance at some of the things you can expect when you feed corn flakes to your cat. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, but they’re here to help you make up your mind. Can cats eat corn flakes?!

1. Nutritional value

Yes, corn flakes DO contain some pretty great things like vitamins and minerals. And yes, cats DO need vitamins and minerals in their diets regardless of the fact that they are carnivores. But, corn flakes AREN‘T a great source of nutrients for your cat.

Don’t get me wrong, cats can benefit from an occasional treat that contains blueberries, peaches, carrots, cucumbers, and other SAFE fruits and veggies. But, cats get the most nutritional and health benefits from animal nutrients (and animal protein).

Let’s just say that some human foods should stay human foods, there are not enough reasons for you to share EVERYTHING you eat with your four-legged friend.

2. Sugar and artificial sweeteners

Cats and carbohydrates don’t go together, AT ALL. As mentioned before, cats are carnivores which means they’re the healthiest and the happiest when they’re munching on meat. Wild cats pretty much ONLY munch on meat, and your not-so-wild cat requires a similar diet.

Cats can eat sugar, but they shouldn’t. Their digestive systems don’t possess the enzymes necessary to break down sugar. Corn flakes contain a bunch of sugar, and what‘s the result? Health problems (well, mainly digestive problems) constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting.

And don’t even get me started on artificial sweeteners. These pesky passengers can even cause toxicity depending on the type. Some of the most common symptoms of toxicity are weakness, high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, loss of coordination, and loss of appetite.

3. Choking hazard

Can Cats Eat Corn Flakes? Or Should Your Pet Flake On Them?

“Choking? On corn flakes?!“ Yes, your precious purrincess whose ancestors happen to be the lions and tigers of the world can choke when munching on corn flakes.

Cat owners don’t realize how small their cats are until they see them struggling to eat a bowl of something they don’t normally eat. Corn flakes are pretty small, too. But, they’re also crunchy, crispy, and brittle; which can make things more difficult for your cat.

Corn flakes can break off, get stuck in your cat’s mouth or esophagus, or cause blockages in your cat’s throat. When you’re feeding your cat corn flakes make sure you’re keeping a close eye on her AT ALL TIMES.

Can cats eat corn flakes with milk?

Sure, cats can eat corn flakes from time to time. But, you typically eat your corn flakes with milk, maybe some fruit, and a little bit of honey. You’re wondering whether you can share your own corn flakes with her because “sharing is caring” and you really care about her (you just can’t say “No”, can you?!).

Cats can’t eat corn flakes with milk, and milk seems to be the reason why. Believe it or not, most adult cats are lactose intolerant. They don’t possess the lactase enzyme that’s necessary to break down the lactose from milk.

Eating corn flakes with milk can cause harm to your cat’s health. Some of the side effects are digestive issues (vomiting, diarrhea, constipation) and even weight gain (sugar AND milk make for a caloric bomb).

Let‘s just say you shouldn‘t feed your cat cereal with milk, corn flakes with milk, or pretty much anything that contains milk.

Can cats eat Frosted Flakes?

Here’s the thing, Frosted Flakes are regular corn flakes coated with sugar (as if they didn’t contain enough sugar already!). You guessed it, cats can’t eat Frosted Flakes BECAUSE of that added sugar.

Cats can eat a little bit of sugar from time to time. But, eating excessive amounts of sugar can cause a bunch of gastrointestinal problems including weight gain, obesity, and diabetes.

Frosted Flakes (depending on the brand) can also contain a bunch of seasonings which can additionally harm your cat’s health.

And no, cats can’t even eat small quantities of Frosted Flakes (we know that was gonna be your next question). There are better alternatives available on the market. There’s no reason for you to risk your cat’s health and feed her corn flakes, Frosted Flakes, or any other type of flakes.

Can Cats Eat Corn Flakes?
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Can Cats Eat Soy? Is It Something That Gives Them Joy? Mon, 05 Sep 2022 09:41:28 +0000 The daring spirits of cats never cease to astonish us. We can see evidence of their curiosity all around us. They might seem to be …

The post Can Cats Eat Soy? Is It Something That Gives Them Joy? appeared first on Cats Chef.

The daring spirits of cats never cease to astonish us. We can see evidence of their curiosity all around us. They might seem to be curious about legumes, but you’re not sure if they can munch on them. So, can cats eat soy?

These little beans are members of the legume family and offer a plethora of health advantages. Because of their abilities, they have been included in cuisines all around the world.

We’re aware that cats are created differently than people and that feeding them human foods has certain hazards. Perhaps you’ve heard that the feline population enjoys soy as a delicacy.

It seems to be quite popular with cats since it makes them think of their preferred wet food. Fortunately for them, cats can eat soy without any problems.

Soy is recognized as a nutritious powerhouse for people. In addition, it’s inexpensive and available frozen or fresh in practically every supermarket. It may be cooked in a variety of ways and add flavor to our regular meals.

Salads, casseroles, and just much anything else you can think of, all contain soy. And the bonus is that it’s completely safe for your pet to consume, whether steamed or cooked. That is, only if you serve it plain, without any additional flavors or spices.

Homemade soy could be a better option if you wish to have breakfast with your kitty companion. You have control over the products you use, and you may utilize fresh foods that are especially good for your cat’s health.

Your furry monster, on the other hand, might find this extraordinary store-bought leguminous item to be intriguing. Once she gets hooked on it, it may become a real struggle for you.

We know for a fact that this legume is highly beneficial to humans. But how can it be favorable to our furry pets?

Can cats eat soy?

Can Cats Eat Soy Is It Something That Gives Them Joy

Not only can cats eat soy, but they really should. Soy has all the amazing nutritional benefits you could ever think of. It’s one of those foods that give you everything!

If your pet’s been showing particular interest in your soy lately, don’t hold back. This tasty snack could do her a great deal of good. However, you must think of some circumstances first.

Does your cat even like legumes? I know you’re dying to find out, but I also know why you’re skeptical about this. Felines have a taste preference of their own and won’t get their paws dirty for just anything.

It’s sometimes frustrating because your furball will go on and eat some bugs, such as cockroaches. On the other hand, she’ll act all spoiled and refuse to even try the new wet food you’ve just bought for her.

I know, they can sometimes act all hard to please. But that’s never a problem for cat parents because we constantly seem to be fighting to win over their hearts.

It’s no biggie since we love our feline companions dearly and just want to make sure they’re getting the best care possible. This includes their diet as a major part of their healthy life.

A cat’s diet can change a lot of things. If she’s been sick or not, how she’s been behaving lately – it all largely depends on what she eats. Therefore, if your pet’s been provided with all the essential stuff, she’ll do just fine.

But just what exactly does it mean in the context of soy? Can cats really eat soy and does it provide your furkid with crucial nutrients? Well, I guess we’ll never know if we don’t find out ourselves.

Maybe your cat isn’t a weirdo for trying out soy after all. Perhaps there’s something beneficial to it that her cute little nose led her to.

Benefits of soy

Beans provide a number of health advantages for both people and cats. However, keep in mind that none of these should serve as your pet’s primary food nor as a substitute for the daily meat she requires.

With that in mind, she can still occasionally have soy. Cats might like it as a snack, especially if you wish to add some greens to their diet. And similar to soy, beans occasionally make a fantastic treat for your pet.

Because of the numerous health advantages it provides, soy is often referred to as a superfood. It’s a favorite star ingredient in vegetarian dishes and holds decent nutritional value. Where do cats fit into all of this, though?

1. Loads of protein!

Like other legumes, these delicious beans are prized for their high protein content. And as we know, one of the most important nutrients for your little carnivore is protein.

She gets the much-needed energy she needs from protein, which also keeps her fit and healthy. Fortunately, soy is high in protein – for both you and your pet.

This macronutrient aids in controlling a feline’s neurological system and muscular contractions. Protein is essential for several biological processes, so make sure your pet is receiving enough of it.

Naturally, the finest protein source for your cat is animal-derived. Although certain plant-based proteins may benefit your cat’s health, animal proteins are still the best option.

It’s just that your pet’s digestive system isn’t designed to break down all of the plant stuff, so she may have a hard time absorbing all the nutrients from plant-based proteins.

Moreover, animal protein provides fatty acids, amino acids, and vitamins that are absent from forms of protein derived from plants. That said, soy is still a fantastic protein-rich snack that you may provide your pet.

2. Fiber

This legume also provides additional benefits besides protein. It includes a lot of nutritional fiber, which is beneficial for your pet’s digestive system.

However, fiber-rich meals have both benefits and drawbacks. Even while it might aid in loosening stools, too much can have a negative impact on your cat, so you don’t want her to overindulge.

Strangely enough, if big servings are consumed, it may result in constipation. Therefore, make sure your pet is getting the recommended quantity of dietary fiber because it will only improve her digestive health.

The stimulation of the digestive system may aid in your cat’s weight loss if she is overweight. Due to the healthy fiber soy offers, she can fill her stomach with a tiny amount once a week.

Soy is also considered a low-calorie snack. Moreover, fiber helps keep cholesterol levels under control. One of the leading causes of heart disease is due to high cholesterol levels additionally, it raises the chance of heart attacks.

Therefore, giving your pet a cup of soy every day may be useful. If unsure, ask your veterinarian for guidance on the best way to add fiber to her diet.

3. All the vitamins and mineral

Can Cats Eat Soy Is It Something That Gives Them Joy

In addition to protein and dietary fiber, soy is a fantastic source of other nutrients that are not only good for your cat but also necessary.

These vitamins and minerals are essential for optimal functioning, so if she doesn’t get enough of one or more of them, her health may suffer.

For example, the vitamin A present in these dark-colored foods is crucial for your pet’s vision. Since they are nocturnal creatures, the dark should be their friend rather than their enemy.

Additionally, it’s rich in calcium and vitamin K. These nutrients are regularly needed by cats to sustain their health and vigor. They’re especially important in keeping her teeth and bones strong and healthy.

Iron health supplements are essential if you have an active furry friend who spends her days jumping and climbing trees. Iron is necessary for the correct functioning of red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to all other cells in a feline’s body.

4. Can cats eat soy because of fat?

Soy, as a product of soybeans, has a creamy texture and little fat. It doesn’t contain cholesterol because it’s plant food. Additionally, since it isn’t processed, it doesn’t include trans fats.

These beans include mostly polyunsaturated fats, which are excellent for your pet’s health. The risk of cardiovascular disease is decreased when soy is frequently chosen over saturated fats.

Saturated fats, which are mostly present in creamy foods, can raise cholesterol levels in both people and cats.

How could this go wrong?

There are some drawbacks to eating soy for cats, despite all the health advantages. We’ve previously stated that cats and plant matter aren’t exactly a match made in heaven.

However, there are some additional issues with these small foods. You may believe that these little vegetables can’t possibly hurt your pet, but you’d be incorrect.

A choking hazard

Unluckily, this legume can cause choking in cats. If your pet likes to gulp down her food, you should pay close attention to her as she is chowing down on them.

They seem to have little chance of getting lodged in your cat’s throat because they are tiny and spherical. However, cats are actually tiny and sensitive animals, thus this could genuinely be the case.

Soybeans are difficult to swallow in large quantities, which can be disastrous. In addition, it may become caught in her teeth, which would cause your pet to start pawing at her mouth and racing around the house.

Can cats eat raw soybeans?

Cats can consume raw soybeans, although they might not enjoy them. Our animal pals frequently find the texture of boiling beans to be more alluring.

It’s more difficult to chew and digest raw ones. These could upset your cat’s digestive system! Additionally, if your pet is chowing down on her food, this might pose a choking hazard.

Raw, plant-based meals may irritate your feline’s stomach and make her throw up and have diarrhea. Your pet might not be drawn to this little, round treat. That’s alright because beans aren’t a need for your cat’s diet.

What about canned soybeans?

Can Cats Eat Soy Is It Something That Gives Them Joy

This is a grave offense. You don’t need to panic if your cat accidentally stole some of them off your plate, but you should keep an eye out for any unusual behavior.

This is due to the fact that canned beans are frequently heavy in salt, which might potentially hurt her. Make sure salt is out of your cat’s reach since excessive quantities might harm her.

Unfortunately, salt is abundant in canned and baked soybeans because it serves as a preservative and keeps them fresh in the can. It’s not advised to give them to your furry child unless you cleaned them first.

Some varieties may also include other spices, such as garlic and onions, in addition to salt. They are particularly hazardous to cats; as a result, their health might rapidly decline.

The cause of this is the Allium plant family (onions, garlic, leeks, chives, etc.), which damages your pet’s red blood cells and causes illnesses like anemia.

It’s bean a pleasure!

I hope I’ve made it clear enough for you to decide whether cats can eat soy. Felines can sometimes judge things a bit too harshly and pass out on the good stuff.

So, can cats consume soy? Yes is the ultimate response! They provide a range of nutritional supplements, including those with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

They are also a fantastic source of antioxidants, which aid in the prevention of many illnesses and inflammatory issues. Although they are not a cat’s preferred meal, this plant matter should nonetheless be eaten in moderation.

Despite the fact that they do contain some protein, they cannot completely substitute the animal-derived version of this vitamin. Additionally, due to their high fiber content, too many beans might induce constipation in cats.

Can Cats Eat Soy?
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Can Cats Eat Flaxseed? Does It Awaken Their Greed? Wed, 17 Aug 2022 12:10:07 +0000 Can cats eat flaxseed? I can’t even begin to imagine what has happened to make you wonder about this. Perhaps your pet somehow got stuck …

The post Can Cats Eat Flaxseed? Does It Awaken Their Greed? appeared first on Cats Chef.

Can cats eat flaxseed? I can’t even begin to imagine what has happened to make you wonder about this. Perhaps your pet somehow got stuck in your pantry? Yet again?!

Hey, I’m not judging! I kind of have the same problem myself. It’s hard keeping them out of the kitchen at times. Well, most of the time, if we’re being honest.

Flaxseeds are inexpensive and come in handy in a variety of meals. They’re one of those foods that are a true delight to have around. They mix well with a lot of dishes and are cheap.

Some people don’t actually believe in cheap foods and will disregard them as healthy. However, this is entirely wrong because flaxseed has many benefits to offer us.

But what about our felines? We know that they’re usually denied human foods but some can actually be incorporated into their diets. Or are you in the wrong?

Well, it depends. You can never be too safe when it comes to your furry companion. They’re always up to something and you constantly have to keep an eye on her.

However, that’s just not possible sometimes. Quick as a bolt of lightning, she’ll climb the top counter before you can even bat your eyelashes.

But what if that top counter is your stash of flaxseed? I know she just had to dip her paws in the little bag and try out this new food she hasn’t tried out before.

Honestly, nothing can surprise me anymore from these inquisitive creatures. But can cats eat flaxseed; is it something we should just laugh off?

I’m not going to leave you hanging anymore, so let’s dig into the nuances of this tiny food. Whatever it might be, we’re going to find out if it’s harmful to our pets.

Can cats eat flaxseed?

Can Cats Eat Flaxseed Does It Awaken Their Greed

I don’t want to bother you anymore, so I’ll just keep it short and simple. The answer is yes – cats can eat flaxseed. However, don’t be too quick to move on with this information.

Everything in life comes with a but, and so does this answer. You see, sometimes things just aren’t that easy although our felines might think otherwise.

They see something they like, it smells nice and it’s down their throats in no time. Three easy steps that might look like a disaster in our eyes.

However, the good news is that flaxseed is not toxic to cats. At least this should ease some of your worries. But there’s a lot more to these little seeds than what meets the eye.

Are there any benefits of these seeds?

Of course, there are! Flaxseed is one of the oldest crops in the world and is widely known for its beneficial use. I wouldn’t say it’s a superfood but it’s definitely near.

We know for a fact that it’s packed with numerous health advantages for humans. What happens when this seed enters our pets’ bodies?

Should we enter panic mode or brush it off? We know it’s not poisonous, but there are certain suspicions since felines are carnivores.

1. Traces of protein

When you have an obligate carnivore for a pet, you must constantly think about its diet. It’s their number one source of nutrients needed for their survival.

For instance, protein is one of the most important nutrients a cat needs. If she were to live without it, she wouldn’t last very long. Thankfully, flaxseed has a decent amount of it.

It’s certainly not enough to fulfill her dietary requirements, but it can be a great addition to her meal sometimes. Protein is what keeps your furry companion healthy and energetic.

It fuels her body in many ways and keeps her immune system in check. Protein also helps keep her fur shiny and slick, strengthening the hair which makes her shed less.

I don’t know how keen your pet is on playing and doing all kinds of antics, but protein is actually encouraging her to do so. It’s one of the main sources of energy next to fats.

Everything you see when you look at your cat is fueled by protein. This important nutrient aids in keeping her bones and teeth healthy and strong as well.

2. Healthy fats

I’ve already mentioned that fats are doing great work for your feline companion next to protein. But it’s not just energy that booms from healthy fats.

Unsaturated fats are something everyone should be consuming. These seeds don’t have much of them, but it’s enough to make this food a common addition to her diet.

Can cats eat flaxseed because of these fats and what do they actually do for felines? This is a really good question since we mostly tend to associate fats with something not healthy.

However, it’s not just something that makes you chubby. Unsaturated lipids also feed your pet’s fur and skin, making it elastic and shiny.

Not to mention how they help with other various body functions. But what seems to stand out the most is how they help decrease the cholesterol levels in the blood.

Unlike healthy ones, saturated fats might be an issue. They do the opposite of unsaturated fats, which means a lot of health issues for your cat.

The fats found in flaxseed make it okay for cats to eat. Moreover, they can help prevent certain heart diseases, as well as strokes.

3. Can cats eat flaxseed because of fiber?

Can Cats Eat Flaxseed Does It Awaken Their Greed

If you want to know can cats eat flaxseed because of this nutrient we better start digging. Flaxseed is commonly known and used to improve digestion.

The high amount of fiber can really help out a person in trouble. But what is your pet going to do with this much fiber?

Felines also need dietary fiber to help regulate their digestive organs and tracts. However, too much of this nutrient can have an adverse effect.

You never want to overdo something, so you might want to take the same precautionary measures when it comes to your furry companion.

Felines are usually sensitive creatures, even if their appearance sometimes might tell a different story. Still, if cats eat flaxseed in high quantities, it can cause them some discomfort.

While it’s commonly used to relieve constipation, you might create a totally opposite effect. If she really indulges in it, your pet might get diarrhea and have stomach pains.

Therefore, it’s best if you don’t get ahead of yourself. I know you like what you’re hearing so far with protein and healthy fats going on, but make sure she takes it in moderation.

4. A source of antioxidants

If you don’t know what these are, prepare to hear all the good news. Antioxidants are substances that are found in a fair amount of flaxseed.

They help prevent certain diseases and damage from being done to your pet’s body. Moreover, they fight free radicals in the organism and keep the peace that way.

I can’t take just one of the benefits these substances offer, because tons of them are worth mentioning. For instance, antioxidants take care of the brain, and immune system, as well as sight, smell, and others.

Can cats eat flaxseed oil?

Sure enough, they can! Not only can cats eat flaxseed oil, but you should try to incorporate it as much as possible. But first of all, talk to your vet about it.

The oil is derived from flax plant seeds. It might be a weird thing to do, but offering it to your feline just might do the trick.

Flaxseed oil is packed with omega-3 fatty acids which hold several health benefits for felines. For instance, they have anti-inflammatory properties that help fight off various diseases.

Also, it’s one of the acids that feed your cat’s skin, bones, and fur. All that fluffiness is thanks to these omega-3 fatty acids!

Next to these fatty acids, flaxseed also contains various vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fiber. This sounds amazing but please make sure you contact your vet before using it in your cat’s food.

Can cats eat flaxseed all the time?

Just like with any food out there, there might be some downsides to cats eating flaxseed. It’s not as common, but some digestive issues might occur after a portion of this food.

Therefore, you shouldn’t be feeding your pet flaxseed all the time. Remember that it’s plant-based food while your cat needs a meat-based diet.

Plant matter just can’t offer your pet the nutritional benefits necessary for her survival and growth. Sure, it might come in as a great snack sometimes, but don’t be so sure your pet’s going to love it.

Felines aren’t usually interested in gulping down some random seeds, so good luck with making her try. I know how stubborn mine is, but thankfully, they don’t need flaxseed in order to survive.

Moreover, if you force it too much, you might create a negative effect. While cats can eat flaxseed and it might benefit them, you might overdo it.

Too much flaxseed can cause diarrhea, stomach pains, as well as bloating. You’re looking for ways to help and improve your pet’s quality of life and not the opposite.

Can Cats Eat Flaxseed?
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Can Cats Eat Corn? What’s The Deal With This A-Maize-Ing Grain? Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:37:44 +0000 Where the heck would you and your four-legged friend be without TikTok? This app has been the most fun the two of you have had …

The post Can Cats Eat Corn? What’s The Deal With This A-Maize-Ing Grain? appeared first on Cats Chef.

Where the heck would you and your four-legged friend be without TikTok? This app has been the most fun the two of you have had since the dawn of time and it’s taught you SO MANY THINGS. Suddenly you’re shopping for cat towers on Amazon, making a hat out of her fur, and air frying yummy corn ribs. But, can cats eat corn?

Both of you were over the moon when you stumbled upon Farrah J’s TikTok on how to make the most paw-licking, mouth-watering corn ribs. But, the excitement died down as soon as you realized you had no clue whether you were allowed to share them with your furry friend.

Worry not, my friends, we’ve got your back. According to our friends over at the APSCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), cats can eat corn. Corn happens to be one of the most popular grains you can stumble upon when you’re shopping for regular cat food.

Corn is rich in dietary fiber, low in fats and calories, and beaming with a fair amount of protein. And corn seems to be one of the rare grains suitable for your cat to munch on when she needs a pick-me-up.

But, there’s always a but when you’re trying to feed your cat something she isn’t supposed to eat on a regular. Few kernels here and there don’t sound that bad, but you might want to brush up on your corn comprehension before you make any rash decisions.

So, can cats eat corn?

Can Cats Eat Corn? What's The Deal With This A-Maize-Ing Grain?

Who doesn’t love corn!? Corn’s simple, aesthetically pleasing, and extremely appetizing. And, when you and your four-legged friend have a lot on your plate (no pun intended), corn seems to be the perfect snack you can have on the go. But, what if…

Let’s be honest, the moment you became a pet parent your life turned into an endless cycle of what-ifs. What if you feed her something she isn’t supposed to eat? What if she gets seriously sick because you failed to do your research? And what if she eats a corn rib and ends up needing an emergency vet visit?

Her ancestors are LITERAL lions and tigers but she gets a tummy ache whenever she eats something that wasn’t specifically designed for her?! With that rant out of the way, we have to address the fact that cats are carnivores.

Cats require a bunch of meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced nutrients in their diets to survive. They don’t require fruits, veggies, and grains the same way humans do. They don’t even possess the enzymes necessary to digest most foods humans eat on a regular.

So yes, your cat’s ancestors were lions and tigers. But also yes, your cat’s digestive system might need a bit of help to digest corn. Cats can eat corn, but that doesn’t mean that corn should become a regular part of your cat’s diet.

Corn’s pretty much a snack she can have when she needs a refresher, but she’s better off munching on carefully crafted cat foods and cat treats. You might be feeling confused right about now, so here are a couple of things to consider before running off to Trader Joe’s and getting a bucket of corn.

What are the good sides of feeding corn to your cat?

You might be feeling tempted to give up on corn right about now, but… There are quite a few good sides of feeding corn to your cat that might make the hassle of making corn ribs or corn on the cob from scratch worth it in the end. Who would’ve thought you’d be making TikTok recipes for your cat?!

So, what’s so great about feeding corn to your cat? Corn happens to bring a bunch of nutritional and health benefits to the table. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. And, it’s a great source of dietary fiber (paired with pretty much zero fat and zero calories!).

1. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

Who’s surprised that corn (the cream of the crop) contains a bunch of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants? Sure, your precious princess gets most of her nutrients from the Purinas and Whiskas of the world, but she’s happy to have a healthy corn snack from time to time.

Getting her daily dose of vitamins means everything for your furry friend’s health. Vitamins are responsible for maintaining the proper function of enzymes that are essential for her metabolism. And corn happens to be a great source of vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin B12, and vitamin B5.

On the other hand, minerals help with the development of your cat’s bones and muscles, ensure the proper function of the thyroid, and maintain the health of her skin and hair (Gigi Hadid, who!?). Corn’s a great source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc.

2. Fiber

Can Cats Eat Corn? What's The Deal With This A-Maize-Ing Grain?

Don’t even get me started on the importance of fiber for your cat’s health! Wild cats typically get their daily dose of fiber from the stomachs of their prey and from random plants they munch on when they’re craving something less chewy. Your not-so-wild cat typically gets her daily dose of fiber from cat food.

But, she might need an additional dose from time to time. Fiber provides bulk to help food move through the digestive tract. Fiber also retains water which, in turn, helps with digestive problems such as constipation and diarrhea. That’s where corn comes to play.

Corn’s a great source of fiber and can offer your cat help when she’s dealing with digestive problems. Give her a handful of kernels from time to time and observe how much better she feels after her visits to the litterbox.

3. Protein

And we can’t forget about protein! We mentioned a couple of paragraphs ago how cats require a bunch of protein in their diet, but we used the term animal protein. That’s because animal protein plays an essential role in your cat’s diet, while plant protein assists to a certain extent.

Corn contains plant protein, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t beneficial to your cat one way or the other. We would feel weird talking about the benefits of feeding corn to your cat and not mentioning the staggering levels of protein corn contains.

What are the bad sides of feeding corn to your cat?

Your furry friend should get most of her nutrients from other sources (mainly other animals). But, who’s to say she shouldn’t have an occasional corn rib? But if you’re planning on sharing your corn ribs with your corny cat, you should consider a couple of things.

First things first, corn contains a bunch of carbohydrates that aren’t that great for your cat’s digestive system. Cats don’t possess the enzymes necessary to break down carbohydrates so they experience stomachaches whenever they consume them (who knew cats were into Keto?)

On the other hand, corn also contains something known as phytic acid which can be extremely tough on your cat’s stomach. She can experience a bunch of digestive problems such as stomach discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, or even constipation.

Don’t even get me started on different seasonings that might find their way onto corn ribs. Onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and black pepper are only some of the seasonings we’re talking about. Salt doesn’t benefit your cat, either.

So, cats can eat corn with a bit of portion control. Two or three bites of corn shouldn’t cause them harm, but that’s as far as they should go.

Can cats eat kettle corn?

No, cats can’t eat kettle corn! What’s kettle corn (for those of you who’ve been living under a rock)? Kettle corn’s a type of popcorn that’s typically made with sweet seasonings, sugar, salt, and oil. To your cat’s demise, none of these ingredients scream “we’re a great source of nourishment for your cat!”

Your furry friend’s better off munching on something else. Kettle corn doesn’t provide her with anything other than a stomach ache from the amount of sugar. Not only that, but kettle corn doesn’t even taste that great because cats can’t taste sweet things.

Can cats eat corn chips?

Can Cats Eat Corn? What's The Deal With This A-Maize-Ing Grain?

Nope, cats can’t eat corn chips. Before your four-legged friend gets her paws on Doritos and Tortilla corn chips, you might want to chase her away off the kitchen counter.

Corn chips (which are pretty much regular chips made with cornmeal instead of potatoes), contain stuff you don’t want in your cat’s stomach. Corn seems to be the least of your concerns when you’re dealing with a bunch of oil, salt, seasonings, and spices. So, corn chips don’t get an A+, that’s for sure.

What about cornstarch?

Cats can eat cornstarch! But, that doesn’t mean that they should. Humans use cornstarch to thicken soups, sauces, and desserts. Cats use cornstarch for the same purpose (or they get their humans to do that for them). But, they don’t actually munch on cornstarch when they need a quick snack.

You can use a pinch of cornstarch when you’re preparing a homemade meal for your cat. Make sure you don’t use cornstarch for her meals every single day, but other than that, you’re good to go.

Can cats eat corn leaves?

Cats can’t eat corn leaves under any circumstances! Are you surprised to learn that cats can’t eat corn leaves (also known as corn husks)? Cats can eat corn because corn doesn’t contain pretty much anything that can negatively affect your cat’s health.

But, cats can’t eat the husk because it contains saponins which can cause serious harm to your cat’s digestive system. Here’s the good news: cats aren’t likely to show any interest in corn husk so there’s little to zero chance of that ever happening to your cat.

Can cats eat raw corn?

Cats can eat raw corn as long as they don’t eat corn leaves (or other parts of the corn plant). But, your cat might get a kick from nibbling on such minuscule morsels so make sure to keep a close eye on her. Corn kernels can become a choking hazard because they’re pretty hard.

What about corn silk?

Cats can’t eat corn silk for the same reasons they can’t eat corn leaves. Corn silk contains saponins which can cause a bunch of digestive problems to your cat. Stomachache, vomiting, diarrhea, and even constipation aren’t worth the short period of happiness from munching on corn silk.

But, worry not because your four-legged friend isn’t likely to catch a whiff of corn silk and meow “That’s the most delicious thing my eyes have ever seen!” She’s more likely to give a sniff, a lick, and push it away from her with her paw while giving you the best “Do you consider me a fool?” look you’ve ever seen.

Let’s be clear

Yes, cats can eat corn! Cats are carnivores which means they prefer munching on meat, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t have an occasional corn pick-me-up. Corn’s packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can make your cat happy and healthy at the same time. What’s better than that?!

Can Cats Eat Corn?
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Can Cats Eat Cornbread? Stand Your Ground Or Go Ahead? Mon, 18 Jul 2022 07:51:53 +0000 You might be enjoying your soup when you notice your cornbread is missing. There’s only one suspect that is capable of such a crime, but …

The post Can Cats Eat Cornbread? Stand Your Ground Or Go Ahead? appeared first on Cats Chef.

You might be enjoying your soup when you notice your cornbread is missing. There’s only one suspect that is capable of such a crime, but can cats eat cornbread?

These cat shenanigans are always funny and entertaining. You just can’t get mad at those big doe eyes for stealing some of your human food.

However, human love for their four-legged companions might get out of hand. We oftentimes tend to forget just how sensitive our pets can be.

To prove our unyielding love for our pets, we tend to give in to their wishes and desires. This wouldn’t be a problem if we knew the right time to draw a line.

There are times when it’s safe and totally appropriate to treat your feline with some of your delicious snacks. On the other hand, there are also times when you have to tell her no.

I know this is hard to do, especially when she’s giving you the look. But you must think about all of the possible consequences that might occur.

Cat parenthood is never easy, especially if you’ve got a curious and bold pet to look after. After all, she’s the reason you came here to find out can cats eat cornbread, right?

They never cease to amaze us with ways to get into trouble. You might feel like you’re worrying a bit too much because it’s just bread.

However, it’s actually a good thing because you can never be too cautious with these inquisitive creatures. They can set alarm bells at any time and anywhere.

It may feel like you can never catch a break because you’re constantly paying attention to what she’s doing. You don’t really believe in the story of nine lives or just want to keep your pet safe.

Can cats eat cornbread?

Can Cats Eat Cornbread? Stand Your Ground Or Go Ahead?

At first glance, this may not look like food that’s going to drive your cat nuts. You could never suspect that she’d be this interested in trying out a slice of bread.

Well, you love it so what makes it any different for your pet? She’s supposed to be a carnivore, isn’t she? That’s true, but felines don’t mind exploring other diets as well.

We know for a fact that meat-based one is the right fit for them and they’re simply made to survive on it. However, a bit of cornbread isn’t supposed to hurt her, right?

I don’t know about you, but I’m always jumpy around my cat and worried sick. She’s known to get her paws dirty quite often and doesn’t leave me much choice except to constantly be on the lookout.

She gets herself in trouble very quickly and easily and it’s always nerve-wracking when she swallows something she shouldn’t have.

If you’re stuck and need help to find out can cats eat cornbread, stick with me. I’ve been through this before, so there’s no need to panic.

Even though your feline would be better off without it, cornbread doesn’t pose an immediate danger to her. But of course, it’s better to be safe than sorry so let’s see what cornbread has to offer our pets.

What can you find in cornbread?

I know you probably never gave it much thought, but now your pet’s got you intrigued. You know, sometimes I thank her for the things she puts me through.

I can learn so much from her at times. For example, I’d never know just how many ingredients are incorporated into this seemingly simple food.

For us, the flavorful taste is enough to take our minds off of the things that cornbread consists of. On the other hand, we start to look more into it when our felines decide to have a mind of their own.

We go into full research mode because we worry so much about their well-being. Oftentimes, there’s more than meets the eye to some foods.

This can make us feel quite skeptical of the newfound addition to their diet, especially when they add it on their own. A diet is half the health of felines and it should be carefully monitored.

If you seem to fall for their antics and food thefts, it may feel as if you’ve failed as a cat owner. I know this feeling all too well and I assure you it’s not true.

Cats are doing simply what they do best – explore. If she wasn’t granted this opportunity to investigate, sniff around, and try out new foods, then that would be the reason for concern.

They have to quench their thirst for curiosity somehow and somewhere. What better way to do that in the kitchen pantry or fridge?

Well, it’s about time we find out for sure can cats eat cornbread. To do so, let’s dive right into some of the main ingredients.

1. Cornmeal

Can Cats Eat Cornbread? Stand Your Ground Or Go Ahead?

Cornmeal is one of the main ingredients used in making cornbread. It certainly doesn’t sound dangerous, but could you be wrong?

Definitely not. The short answer to the question of whether cats can eat cornmeal is yes. In fact, I believe she’s already gotten a taste of that.

The thing is that cornmeal is actually a popular filler used in cat commercial foods. Do you know those small letters on the back side of the product?

Well, that’s where you can find cornmeal and other grains. Felines are carnivores, so they don’t go much in their favor.

That’s why they put the meat percentage on full display on the front side but tend to hide the number of grains. Felines can’t really benefit from them a great deal, that’s why they’re called fillers.

However, cornmeal isn’t something you should be concerned about. Although it holds little nutritional value, it’s not harmful to your pet.

She can have a bite of cornmeal anytime she likes. It’s just that I wouldn’t be so confident in seeing it happen. Cats aren’t crazy about grains, you know.

2. Can cats eat cornbread because of salt?

You know that recognizable flavor that cornbread has that makes your mouth water? Well, the salt content actually helps with the taste.

This table condiment is one of the staples in every household. Honestly, I have no idea what I would do if my food wasn’t salty enough.

Many people enjoy that sodium taste, but what about felines? Can cats eat cornbread because of its salt content? What are the possible consequences of it?

I don’t mean to scare you, but sodium is no good for your furry friend. It can be poisonous to felines and build up in her body over time.

If your cat manages to swallow a decent amount of salt, it could lead to sodium toxicity. It’s a condition where she starts to exhibit certain symptoms.

These include diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, as well as weakness. A worst-case scenario could take place if you notice her experiencing tremors and seizures. If left untreated, your pet is likely to fall into a coma.

However, Don’t throw away all of the cornbread now. This isn’t really going to happen after a few bites.

Still, you should be really careful when it comes to the number of salty foods your pet is eating. A short-lived pleasure isn’t worthy of such serious risks and consequences.

3. What about butter?

Can Cats Eat Cornbread? Stand Your Ground Or Go Ahead?

Next to the previously mentioned ingredients, butter is also one of the main components of cornbread. When you think about it, what could possibly be beneficial in butter to your cat?

To cut the long story short, there can’t. Butter is a by-product of milk that can seriously shake up your pet. Felines are lactose intolerant so it’s only about time when she’s going to have to run to the loo.

Also, your cat could be allergic to dairy products which could leave her with respiratory problems and skin rashes all over her body.

While these are some of the less likely scenarios, here’s something to be really worried about. The amount of unhealthy fat found in butter and such products is concerning.

What’s alarming is that these saturated fats are known for raising blood cholesterol and causing blood clotting. Over time, your pet may have increased chances of getting heart disease or suffering a stroke.

Just like margarine, it simply can’t find its way into your cat’s diet. There’s literally no reason to incorporate it as an important ingredient.

Still, it isn’t of the life-threatening components of cornbread. However, when you wonder can cats eat cornbread next time, remember some of these ingredients.

Why shouldn’t cats eat cornbread?

Next to the above-mentioned reasons, there are several other facts that make cornbread unwanted food. While this doesn’t bother us the least bit, it might represent an issue for felines.

Besides the amount of sodium found in this treat, there’s also a hint of its counterpart. Sugar is also one of the ingredients that can be found in this delicious snack.

Once again, a few bites of it aren’t a cause for concern. However, you should know that sugar is something your pet should avoid entirely.

Don’t feel sad for your pet because she doesn’t have a sweet tooth. In translation, she doesn’t have the taste buds that would allow her to pick up the sweet flavor.

That being said, she doesn’t crave sugar or sweets. This is good news because sugar could potentially lead to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.

Obesity is one of the leading factors and causes of death in pets these days. The weight isn’t the sole reason, and there are always a number of health issues tagging along.

Following the few extra pounds, more pressure is on the way looking to settle around your pet’s joints. This is the way to develop arthritis and ruin the quality of her life.

Just equally concerning are the potential dental problems. Your cat may start losing her teeth due to all the plaque forming in her mouth.

Now, this won’t happen if she grabs a bite of something sweet while you’re not looking. Thankfully, cornbread doesn’t have pounds of sugar; but it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry.

How can I stop my cat from eating cornbread?

Can Cats Eat Cornbread? Stand Your Ground Or Go Ahead?

There’s nothing of major risk if your pet’s giving it a go with cornbread. As long as she’s supervised and doesn’t go on a feeding frenzy with it, she should be fine.

However, what if she gets ahead of herself and starts liking it a bit too much? You’d never expect that she’d go this crazy over a slice of bread, but I guess felines never fail to amaze us.

If your cat seems to be having the time of her life with this grain product, it might feel a bit weird. You’ve just found out the answer to the question Can cats eat cornbread, but you don’t know why she likes it so much.

Well, there are several options to choose from. Either she’s only intrigued and discovering new foods with her sense of smell and taste or she’s trying to compensate for something.

If you don’t want your cat getting overweight because of the cornbread, make sure to take her attention to something else. Maybe she’s bored with her diet, so try out something else.

Sometimes, cats can get a little carried away in their curiosity and forget the charms of being a carnivore. Perhaps a bowl of chicken liver will remind her of just how much better meat is than grains.

Can Cats Eat Cornbread?
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Can Cats Eat Sunflower Seeds? Is This Tasty Treat What Your Cat Needs? Mon, 06 Jun 2022 07:13:39 +0000 “I was preparing healthy snacks for movie night with my favorite furry friend. I left the room for ONE SECOND and when I got back, …

The post Can Cats Eat Sunflower Seeds? Is This Tasty Treat What Your Cat Needs? appeared first on Cats Chef.

“I was preparing healthy snacks for movie night with my favorite furry friend. I left the room for ONE SECOND and when I got back, her head was fully submerged in the bowl and she was munching on those seeds like there was no tomorrow! Can cats eat sunflower seeds!?”

You can’t argue with the fact that your cat is a real snoop. She doesn’t shy away from exploring the world around her, especially if that world involves the kitchen. You might think you will be able to hide something from her, but… you won’t.

And you also won’t be able to resist her pouty snout when she begs you to give her a bite of whatever you’re eating at the moment. Let’s be honest, saying no to her feels like betraying the one thing you love the most in this world!

So, the only thing left to do is google “Can cats eat sunflower seeds?” and hope for a positive answer. This might be your lucky day because… Cats can enjoy this delicious snack!

According to the ASPCA (American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals), these savory snacks aren’t toxic to cats. But – there’s always a but when it comes to feeding your four-legged friend something that shouldn’t be a regular part of a cat’s diet…

How to feed your cat sunflower seeds safely? How many of these can your cat eat? When not to feed them to your cat? Trust me, if you would like to avoid an emergency vet trip, keep on reading this article!

So, can cats eat sunflower seeds?

Can Cats Eat Sunflower Seeds? Is This Tasty Treat What Your Cat Needs?

Sunflower seeds are incredibly delicious and versatile. You can eat them straight from the bag or sprinkle them on your bread, pastries, acai bowls, smoothies… The list goes on and on. It’s no wonder your feline friend wants to give them a taste!

Sunflower seeds come from, you guessed it, the sunflower plant. Sunflower kernels are hidden within the hull, also known as the sunflower seed shell. Believe it or not, one sunflower head can contain up to 2,000 sunflower seeds!

(Also, this has to be some sort of a record for how many times you can mention the word sunflower in one paragraph!)

Luckily for you, these savory snacks are completely safe for your feline friend. They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, plant protein, and fiber. They’re a great option for your cat when she gets bored with her regular cat food.

But… That doesn’t mean you should rely on sunflower seeds for your cat’s daily dose of nutrients. Cats are carnivores – they require predominantly animal-sourced nutrients in their diet.

While sunflower seeds do pack a nutritious punch, they should comprise no more than 10% of your cat’s food intake. Your four-legged friend might end up dealing with some unwanted side effects and health issues if you go overboard with this savory snack.

And as a general rule of thumb, always consult with your vet before making any significant changes to your cat’s diet. With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s dig a bit deeper and discover the benefits and risks sunflower seeds bring to your cat’s table.

What’s good about sunflower seeds?

Your feline friend seems to have become obsessed with these tasty treats and you have no idea what to do. Can cats even eat sunflower seeds with no repercussions!?

As a cat owner trying to decide whether to include certain foods in your cat’s diet, you have an incredibly difficult task on your hands. You have to check whether they’re labeled as toxic by the ASPCA, whether they contain any harmful ingredients, and whether they’re suitable for your cat’s stomach.

And even if they tick all the boxes, you shouldn’t forget to check their nutritional value. Luckily, sunflower seeds do all the work for you. Not only are they completely safe for your four-legged friend, but they are also packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, plant protein, and fiber.

If this is your first time googling these tasty treats, read on to get the down-low on sunflower seeds for feline consumption.

1. Rich in vitamins

Can Cats Eat Sunflower Seeds? Is This Tasty Treat What Your Cat Needs?

Unlike chia seeds, sunflower seeds contain heaps of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Your cat should get most of her vitamins from her regular cat food, but a couple of sunflower seeds here and there shouldn’t cause any harm.

So, let’s talk vitamins! Vitamin B1 (or thiamine) is an essential vitamin in your cat’s diet. This means that it’s necessary for your cat’s health and it should be an important part of your cat’s diet. Vitamin B1 is crucial for your cat’s brain function, as well as the proper function of all her organs.

Vitamin B1 deficiency is an incredibly dangerous condition, which is why you should make sure your feline friend consumes plenty of foods that are rich in this vitamin. Symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency include impaired vision, dilated pupils, seizures, and tremors.

Vitamin B2 (or riboflavin) is essential for proper growth, development, and energy production. It also helps break down fat cells, drives oxygen through your cat’s body, and contributes to your cat’s skin and fur health. Incredible health benefits!

Vitamin E is essential for your cat’s immune system, fertility, muscular function, and cardiovascular health. Additionally, vitamin E also contributes to your cat’s skin and fur health. The most obvious signs of vitamin E deficiency include muscle weakness, heart dysfunction, and liver hepatitis.

2. Rich in minerals

Sunflower seeds contain a bunch of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, and zinc. While your feline friend should get most of her minerals from animal sources, it doesn’t hurt to throw in a couple of sunflower seeds in the mix.

Minerals play an essential role in maintaining your cat’s health and happiness:

Calcium, for example, regulates fluid concentration in your cat’s cells and helps send electrical charges throughout your cat’s body.

Calcium deficiency is an incredibly scary condition with symptoms like restlessness, weakness, muscle tremors, and hypersensitivity to sound and touch. Sunflower seeds are rich in calcium, making them a great choice for your cat!

Magnesium is a great ally in fighting against intestinal blockages caused by those pesky hairballs. It also helps with other digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting. Lastly, it helps to fight against urinary disorders and manage struvite urine crystals.

Manganese is essential for the use of protein and carbohydrates in your cat’s body. Your cat’s digestive system doesn’t contain the enzymes necessary to break down certain foods, and that’s where manganese steps in. Quite the handy mineral to have!

Selenium is the thing you need if you’re looking to boost your cat’s immune system. It’s pretty much great for everything, which means you can’t go wrong if you incorporate a couple of selenium-rich foods into your cat’s diet.

3. High protein content

Can Cats Eat Sunflower Seeds? Is This Tasty Treat What Your Cat Needs?

Cats and protein? A match made in heaven! But… Plant protein, which is the kind contained within sunflower seeds, might not be as beneficial to your feline friend as you might think.

Cats are carnivores, which means they require a bunch of meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced nutrients in their diet. Animal protein is what makes them strong, helps them build and repair muscle, maintains adequate hormone levels, and ensures their overall health.

Does that mean plant protein has no business being in your cat’s diet? Not necessarily. While plant protein might not be able to replace the real deal, it’s still a great way to boost your cat’s protein levels.

Luckily, sunflower seeds are packed with plant protein. A couple of sunflower seeds sprinkled on top of your cat’s food can only do good!

4. High fiber content

Here’s the thing. Your cat’s digestive system isn’t designed to deal with heaps of fruit, veggies, plants, and grains. It’s designed to process animal-based foods.

But… That doesn’t mean that your cat’s diet shouldn’t include anything else. In fact, it’s quite common among cats to develop various digestive issues because they lack the enzymes necessary for them to break down and process different types of food.

What does that have to do with sunflower seeds? Well, sunflower seeds are incredibly high in fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that provides bulk to help food move through your cat’s digestive tract. Quite a handy tool!

It’s also great for cats who are dealing with digestive issues such as upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting. Whether your feline friend is feeling healthy or under the weather, sunflower seeds might be a great choice to add some variety, flavor, and texture to her food.

What’s bad about sunflower seeds?

You can’t have the good without the bad, can you? While sunflower seeds are completely safe for feline consumption, there are a couple of things you should take into consideration when deciding whether to include them in your cat’s diet.

So, what’s bad about sunflower seeds? Can cats eat sunflower seeds without getting any adverse reactions?

They can, but you have to understand that there’s a right and a wrong way to feed sunflower seeds to your cat. What do we mean by that?

First things first, sunflower seeds are typically encased in a sunflower seed shell (or hull). Not only can this shell cause internal injuries because it’s incredibly sharp, but it can also get stuck in your cat’s throat and gums. This is why you should always remove the shell before feeding sunflower seeds to your cat.

In addition to that, sunflower seeds are packed with healthy fats, but bear in mind that they’re still fats. While these have their own set of health benefits, they aren’t the best choice for chonky cats.

You should probably avoid feeding your cat sunflower seeds if she’s struggling with excess weight. She might be absolutely adorable with all that extra fluff, but she’s going to be much happier when she’s at a healthy weight.

And even if your kitto isn’t obese, still avoid feeding your cat too many sunflower seeds. This would put your cat at risk of developing various digestive issues such as upset stomach, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

And lastly, make sure you only feed your cat with organic sunflower seeds with no preservatives, additives, or seasonings. These harmful ingredients can lead to serious health issues if they’re consumed over an extended period of time.

Can cats eat sunflower oil?

Can Cats Eat Sunflower Seeds? Is This Tasty Treat What Your Cat Needs?

You can’t google “Can cats eat sunflower seeds?” without checking whether cats can eat other sunflower-based products. If your four-legged friend likes the taste of sunflower seeds, she might enjoy some sunflower oil drizzled on cat food, tuna, or some other tasty treat.

So, can cats eat sunflower oil? They absolutely can! According to the ASPCA, sunflower oil is completely safe for feline consumption. It’s a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and an excellent aid in preventing heart disease.

The only thing to be careful with is the amount of sunflower oil you add to your cat’s diet. Too much can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and obesity. It can also cause various digestive issues such as stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

What about sunflower butter?

Cats can eat sunflower butter, too! Butter gets a passing grade in the feline world. In fact, sunflower butter might be better for your feline friend than regular sunflower seeds. Not only is it much easier to digest, but it also removes the risk that comes with sunflower seed shells.

As with any other human food, though, don’t go overboard with it. You can add a small amount of sunflower butter to her regular food, or you could even let her lick a tiny bit straight from the bowl. As long as you make sure she doesn’t eat the entire brick, she should be completely fine.

The only thing to be careful with is store-bought sunflower butter. Always check the ingredients list to see if it contains additives, preservatives, seasoning, or anything else that might be harmful to your cat.

Can cats eat sunflower seeds? Final verdict!

There’s no doubt that cats can eat sunflower seeds! As long as you make sure to remove the shell, serve it up plain, and offer it to your feline friend every now and then, you have nothing to worry about.

Sunflower seeds are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, plant protein, and fiber. They come with a variety of nutritional and health benefits and make for a great afternoon snack for your precious princess.

So, there you have it. Sunflower seeds are among the best seeds you can give to your cat. Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds might come close, but they have nothing on these incredibly versatile savory snacks.

Read more: Can Cats Eat Poppy Seeds? What Are The Possible Risks?

Can Cats Eat Sunflower Seeds?
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Can Cats Eat Grits? Does This Breakfast Option Get “Yay” Or “Nay”? Mon, 30 May 2022 12:56:57 +0000 We know porridge is considered to be one of the healthiest breakfasts for humans. I don’t think cats second-guess their choice of food because they …

The post Can Cats Eat Grits? Does This Breakfast Option Get “Yay” Or “Nay”? appeared first on Cats Chef.

We know porridge is considered to be one of the healthiest breakfasts for humans. I don’t think cats second-guess their choice of food because they can be so greedy. Can cats eat grits as it’s healthy for us?

If you want to change your pet’s diet a bit, you might think grits are a perfect way to do so. They’re nutritional, tasty, and keep you full for some time.

But you must know that the same rules don’t apply to felines. Even though we consider them to be our family members, they’re totally different than us.

It’s obvious from the physical appearance, but we also differ a lot in terms of diet. Felines are obligate carnivores, which means they grow and live the best by consuming meat.

On the other hand, humans are omnivorous, so we receive much more benefit from plant-based foods than our furry friends.

However, you’re not completely against your pet dipping her whiskers into some of your food. Who would be when she pleads with those big, half-moon eyes?

One of the downsides to having a cat is that you can’t resist their meows. It’s a bad thing, though, because our food might be potentially harmful to their health.

Can cats eat grits?

Can Cats Eat Grits? Does This Breakfast Option Get "Yay" Or "Nay"?

We know it’s not their natural choice of food, but can cats eat grits safely?

Fortunately, this porridge isn’t toxic to felines. Now, this has to mean that it’s safe for them to eat, right?

Given that grits are made from boiled cornmeal, we can conclude that they’re okay for your pet. However, this doesn’t mean she should be offered this porridge regularly.

It’s super healthy for humans, but our four-legged companions could skip this breakfast. It doesn’t hold as many nutritional benefits to them and, in some cases, it can actually be harmful.

What are grits made of?

Let’s take a deeper look into this breakfast. When you want to introduce certain foods to your pet, you have to know their ingredients, right? The appearance may not look hazardous, but sometimes you can be baffled by what you encounter in a meal.

Boiled cornmeal doesn’t sound bad at all, right? Well, you should always ask yourself: How can it benefit my cat?

Felines have a sensitive digestive system, so it’s best to be vigilant regarding their menu options. Don’t let their greediness fool you into thinking they’re able to devour anything they come across!

While corn is so-to-say okay for cats to eat, the milk found in grits can be a problem. Not to mention the sweeteners such as sugar, syrup, and others.

Can cats eat grits because of milk?

If you took a minute to stop and think about it, congrats. You’re a responsible cat parent who always has a tiny bit of suspicion about new foods, as you should!

“Cats love milk” – now here’s a myth that’s been stretched out for centuries. Fortunately, it’s been debunked for quite some time now, it’s just that some pet parents aren’t aware of it yet.

Felines become lactose intolerant as they grow older. In the process, they lose the enzymes needed for digesting milk. Consequently, this leaves them unable to break down sugar (lactose) found in milk.

Unfortunately, it’s not just milk that’s their nemesis, it’s all dairy products, even margarine and butter.

If your pet stumbled upon your leftover grits, it’s likely you’ll find a trail of milk leading from the table. She’s attracted to the fat content found in it and probably won’t hesitate to dip her paws in.

However, it’s possible you’ll find her running to the litterbox after this. Because she can’t digest it properly, she’s highly likely to suffer from an upset stomach.

Get ready for what you’re about to hear because you won’t like this. Dairy can cause diarrhea, bloating, and gassiness in cats. I know, right?

Therefore, make sure she stays away from dairy products if you don’t want this to happen. Now that you know better, a moment of kitty pleasure really isn’t worth her discomfort afterward.

So, while cats can eat grits, it’s possible it won’t be without any consequences.

What about sweeteners?

Can Cats Eat Grits? Does This Breakfast Option Get "Yay" Or "Nay"?

Just like cereal, grits typically contain a high amount of sugar. While this is what makes them so tasty to us, it can be troublesome for cats.

You probably think how can such sweet flavor be detrimental? Well, the answer is pretty simple. In the same way that it’s hazardous to us, it’s just intensified in felines.

Sugar is a carbohydrate, which cats don’t need in their diet. Therefore, you can only assume that its ingestion doesn’t bring them any good.

For instance, they can gain weight if they consume it on a regular basis. While a chonky may look cute, we don’t really want that happening.

Moreover, it can be the reason for dental problems such as tooth decay. Your pet needs her sharp razors to eat and stay alive! Not to mention how expensive animal dentists are…

In severe cases (that are considered neglect and animal abuse), cat owners let their cats feast on sweet foods daily. This is highly dangerous because it leads to the development of diseases such as diabetes. This will ruin your cat’s quality of life and add to those vet bills.

If not sugar, grits instead contain honey, which isn’t as harmful to pets, but it also isn’t the healthiest choice.

Some cats are more sensitive than others. Just like humans, their bodies differ and you can’t be one hundred percent sure about the aftermath.

If you’re still not sure can cats eat grits, talk to your vet and they will explain the dangers behind sweeteners.

Bottom line

I hope I answered your question regarding this porridge. In conclusion, cats can eat grits, but occasionally and minus the added sweetener and dairy.

Grits shouldn’t be a regular thing as it poses certain health risks to felines. Because of the milk and the sugar, it’s best if they stay on your menu alone.

It’s not the end of the world if your kitto stole a lick or two, but don’t let it become a habit. This boiled cornmeal may be a healthy choice for you, but it doesn’t mean it’s good for your furchild.

Can Cats Eat Grits?
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Can Cats Eat Chia Grass? Should They Give This Treat A Pass? Wed, 04 May 2022 01:26:00 +0000 “I heard a crashing noise coming from the kitchen and found my once adorable chia pet completely destroyed and beheaded! The culprit looked me dead …

The post Can Cats Eat Chia Grass? Should They Give This Treat A Pass? appeared first on Cats Chef.

“I heard a crashing noise coming from the kitchen and found my once adorable chia pet completely destroyed and beheaded! The culprit looked me dead in the eye and walked away as if she hadn’t just eaten an entire plant! But can cats eat chia grass!?”

Chia seeds, chia sprouts, chia grass – you couldn’t escape this incredibly versatile plant even if you tried to. It’s been trending on social media for years and you finally caved in.

Your mischievous monster loves munching on anything she can get her paws on. So, it was about time you googled whether cats can eat anything chia-related.

Don’t panic! Chia seeds, sprouts, and grass are completely safe for your feline friend. You shouldn’t lose your mind if your cat takes a sudden interest in this odd-looking treat.

Cats can safely consume chia grass without toxicity. However, caution is advised with chia seeds if your cat takes medication. Chia grass can be a healthy addition to your cat’s diet, providing essential nutrients like fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Consider incorporating it if your cat needs more veggies and fruits in their meals.

Chia plants contain a bunch of minerals and antioxidants, which make them incredibly beneficial to your curious creature. An occasional chia treat can boost your cat’s immune system and digestive system, and ensure your cat’s overall health.

However, you should consult with your vet before making any significant changes to your cat’s diet. Can cats eat chia grass? Does your cat like chia grass? Is your cat allergic to chia plants? Will she have issues swallowing chia seeds?

Do cats like chia grass?

Can Cats Eat Chia Grass? Should They Give This Treat A Pass?

Cats are carnivores which means they require heaps of meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in their diets. They certainly don’t require grass, but does that mean they shouldn’t eat it? And what about chia grass? Can cats eat chia grass?

If you’re a cat parent, you might have seen your cat nibble on some regular grass in your backyard. You might have even contacted your vet because you thought the only reason cats eat grass is to induce vomiting when they have an upset stomach! So, do cats like grass?

They absolutely do! You should consider the fact that there are different types of grass that carry different nutritional and health benefits (such as chia grass, cat grass, catnip, alfalfa, lemongrass, and wheatgrass). But, cats aren’t picky when it comes to this particular treat.

Chia grass is the term we use to refer to the particular type of grass that grows out of your chia pet. It’s often confused with chia sprouts which grow out of chia seeds that have been placed onto a terra cotta dish. Chia grass is packed with minerals and other essential nutrients.

On the other hand, cat grass or pet grass isn’t one type of grass. It’s a grass mixture that’s typically grown from seeds such as wheat, barley, oats, or even rye. It’s grown specifically for cats (or other household pets) and it doesn’t contain any harmful pesticides or herbicides.

And, we can’t forget about catnip! Catnip contains an active ingredient called nepetalactone which has quite an interesting effect on most cats (yes, even the big ones).

Once they smell its fragrant aroma, they start sniffing and licking it, rolling around in it, and rubbing their cheeks on it. It’s incredibly entertaining!

Can cats eat chia grass? Can you let your pet munch on it?

Cats can eat chia grass! If your curious creature is a big fan of munching on this crunchy treat in her free time… You shouldn’t be concerned. Chances are she’s just trying to reap some health benefits, improve her digestive system, and quicken her bowel movement.

As mentioned before, chia grass is the term we use to refer to the type of grass that typically grows out of your chia pet. According to the ASPCA, chia grass is considered safe for feline consumption. It also contains a bunch of nutritional and health benefits which make it a great treat for your cat.

But… There’s always a but when it comes to feeding your feline friend with anything that shouldn’t be a part of her regular diet (like human foods). Excessive amounts of chia grass might lead to various digestive issues, so make sure to only use it as an occasional treat.

Reasons why you should feed chia grass to your cat

Can Cats Eat Chia Grass? Should They Give This Treat A Pass?

So, your precious purr machine has a nasty habit of breaking into your herb garden and beheading your chia pets? There’s nothing wrong with that! Chia grass is packed with fiber, protein, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and various micronutrients.

While your mischievous monster might get in trouble for misbehaving, chances are she will sleep tight knowing she reaped some amazing benefits from your chia pets. So, can cats eat chia grass?

Fiber is incredibly beneficial to your cat’s digestive system. Plants that are high in fiber like chia grass (9.8 grams per serving size) provide bulk to help food move through your cat’s digestive tract. It’s incredibly beneficial to cats who suffer from gastrointestinal issues, constipation, diarrhea, and even diabetes.

Plant protein is quite a handy macronutrient. Cats don’t require plant protein in their diets because they’re carnivores. But, that doesn’t mean they can’t benefit from an occasional chia treat. Plant protein can help build and repair muscle, as well as maintain adequate hormone levels.

Chia grass isn’t the best source of vitamins, and that’s completely fine. It contains heaps of minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, and zinc. All of these minerals are responsible for improving bone mineral density and regulating blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and fluid concentration.

Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and fight against the onset of inflammatory diseases. They’re a great ally in preserving your cat’s immune system, as well as the health of your cat’s skin and fur.

And if that wasn’t enough, chia grass might also help your precious pet get rid of throat blockage caused by those pesky hairballs! So, if you’re still wondering whether cats can eat chia grass, there’s your answer!

Reasons why you shouldn’t feed chia grass to your cat

Don’t worry, there aren’t many reasons why you shouldn’t let your cat have a feast in your herb garden. Chia grass is completely safe for your little stinker as long as she doesn’t go overboard and eats the entire chia plant in one sitting! So, can cats eat chia grass?

You can never be too careful when it comes to your cat. There are a couple of things you might want to consider if you’re planning on introducing chia grass as a healthy treat to your cat’s diet.

First things first, let’s talk about why it isn’t a good idea to let your little munchkin eat an entire chia plant in one sitting. Cats are carnivores which means that they don’t require fruits, veggies, and plants in their diet.

They can eat them in the form of an occasional treat. But, treats should only comprise around 10% of their daily food intake. Your cat’s digestive system doesn’t possess the enzymes necessary to break down the chia grass. Unfortunately, this means that your cat’s herb garden escapades might end in a rush to the litterbox!

In addition to that, chia grass doesn’t contain all the nutrients that are essential for your cat’s health. Your little stinker requires animal protein and animal-sourced vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to survive and thrive.

And lastly, chia grass might be dangerous! The grass in itself shouldn’t cause any adverse reactions. However, your cat might not be able to avoid those rogue seeds from the cat grass planter. Chia seeds aren’t toxic to cats, but…

They might be a choking hazard for your little munchkin. Chia seeds change their size and consistency when they’re ingested. They might get stuck in your cat’s throat or anywhere in her digestive tract. Even adult cats struggle with them!

Can cats eat chia seeds?

Can Cats Eat Chia Grass? Should They Give This Treat A Pass?

Chia seeds come from two different chia plants, Salvia hispanica and Salvia columbariae. You might think chia seeds gained their popularity in the past couple of years, but Mayans and Aztecs have been using them for years. In fact, they got their name from the Mayan word for strength.

Chia seeds are typically black or white in color. You can find fresh chia seeds on pretty much everything – tortillas, pastries, granola bars, or even salad. You can also find them soaked in different liquids – chia pudding, chia smoothies, or even chia fresca.

It’s safe to say chia seeds are incredibly popular among humans. But, are they safe for your precious purrincess? Can cats eat chia seeds? Yes, they can! Chia seeds (along with other parts of the chia plant) are completely safe for feline consumption.

But… If you’re planning on feeding chia seeds to your cat, you should keep an eye on a couple of things. You shouldn’t include these tiny seeds in your cat’s regular diet because they might lead to digestive issues, diarrhea, and vomiting.

And, you should make sure to serve these edible seeds with something else because they might become a choking hazard if they’re eaten on their own. Other than that, feel free to make your precious princess happy with some mouth-watering chia seed treats!

Can cats eat chia sprouts?

If you’re growing chia sprouts on a terra cotta dish in your herb garden, you might be wondering whether you should let your mischievous monster take a couple of bites. After all, you can’t say no when she gives you that pouty look!

Don’t worry, cats can eat chia sprouts! Every part of the chia plant is safe for feline consumption according to the ASPCA. Chia sprouts contain a bunch of plant protein, minerals, and antioxidants which might be incredibly beneficial to your cat.

You shouldn’t let your cat eat everything that’s on your terra cotta dish in one sitting, though. Excessive amounts of chia sprouts, or any other plants for that matter, might lead to digestive issues, diarrhea, and vomiting. It’s best to consult with your vet before introducing anything new into your cat’s diet.

Can cats eat chia plants?

We have already discussed this question to a tee, but it doesn’t hurt to answer it again. You can never be too careful when it comes to your little munchkin’s safety. So, cats can eat chia plants?

Chia plant, or Salvia hispanica, is a species of flowering plant in the mint family. Every part of the chia plant is completely safe for feline consumption, so you shouldn’t panic when your cat decides she’s in the mood for a fresh salad.

It’s true that your cat requires lots of meat and animal protein in her diet. But, you shouldn’t stray away from throwing in a couple of fruits, veggies, or plants every now and then.

An occasional chia plant shouldn’t cause any adverse reactions, and it should provide your precious purrincess with some amazing nutritional and health benefits.

Can cats eat chia grass safely?

Even though cats are carnivores, they can still eat chia grass since it’s not toxic to felines. It improves their digestive system and quickens their bowel movement. Just make sure it isn’t the only thing they eat since it can’t satisfy their nutritional needs.

Can Cats Eat Chia Grass?
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Can Cats Eat Pasta? Is This Treat Okay To Eat? Mon, 21 Mar 2022 11:25:49 +0000 Pasta is one of those foods that can look like both a gourmet and an I-don’t-care type of meal. Of course, we love foods that …

The post Can Cats Eat Pasta? Is This Treat Okay To Eat? appeared first on Cats Chef.

Pasta is one of those foods that can look like both a gourmet and an I-don’t-care type of meal. Of course, we love foods that are easy to prepare, but we also love going to fancy dinners and feeling special. Can cats eat pasta so we know to let them join next time?

Finding pet-friendly places may be the least of your worry. Sneaking in a cat or two shouldn’t be a problem, but when her hungry tummy rumbles, what are you going to go? There’s no cat food around and you’re not sure if cats can eat pasta.

Rest assured because we’re here to explain all the pros and cons of feeding your cat pasta. We’re going to break it down for you and then you’ll know whether your kitto may dine with you.

Can cats eat pasta without any consequneces?

We’ve yet to hear any cases of pasta attacking felines… Jokes aside, some human foods can be harmful to cats because their bellies aren’t made the same way as ours. Felines are carnivores – they must eat meat.

A carnivorous system is dependent upon animal-derived protein. Pasta is, unfortunately, devoid of protein. On the contrary, it’s packed with carbohydrates that, in contrast to protein, don’t find their place in a cat’s body.

How much pasta can cats eat?

Due to the fact that pasta doesn’t have any nutritional value to cats, the amounts should be limited. Consisting of grains, water, and eggs, pasta isn’t harmful on its own.

Grains aren’t very nutritious to cats, so at best they serve as fillers. You can find all sorts of grains in commercial cat foods because they’re cheaper than meat. However, they can offer some benefits to pets.

They’re rich in fiber, which is good for your cat’s digestive health. Grains can help if your pet is feeling constipated. Just don’t overdo it – too much fiber could cause the opposite effect, and no one wants to clean up after a mean case of the runs.

Grains are unfortunately also known to be one of the most common feline allergens. If your pet has a grain allergy, it’s best to look up some alternatives to grain foods, such as tapioca.

Can Cats Eat Pasta? Is This Treat Okay To Eat?

Why is pasta bad for cats?

The odd bite of mac and cheese or slurp of spaghetti isn’t likely to cause immediate harm to your kitto. However, continuous intake of pasta can lead to some undesirable effects.

Pasta is nothing but a load of carbs and calories. It’s considered empty calories for cats because of the lack of protein. If your pet is fond of pasta, it could be an issue. Excessive amounts mean high-calorie and high-carb content.

Carbohydrates are an unnecessary nutrient in the feline world. They can serve as a source of energy, but they’re useless compared to protein and healthy fats. Therefore, extra carbs could mess with your cat’s health.

She’ll probably have trouble digesting the pasta, which can lead to gastrointestinal issues. She may experience abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or constipation.

Next to carbs, calories can easily become your cat’s enemy. Felines require a certain number of calories daily. However, just as is the case with carbs, overdoing it can cause harm.

Foods that are abundant in calories, such as pasta, whipped cream, and others, shouldn’t become the norm in your cat’s diet. It will result in a higher body fat percentage, which is a recipe for unhealthy weight gain.

Any cat would find this to be an unfavorable situation. Obesity can increase your pet’s risk of developing heart disease and cancer.

Furthermore, a high-calorie diet increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Felines, like humans, can also develop depression as a result of being overweight. This can have an impact on their daily routine as well as overall life quality.

What about fats?

Pasta is also heavy in fats. Fat is required for your pet’s diet, therefore this is likely to stimulate her senses. However, pasta also contains unhealthy fats, which your pet should avoid as much as possible.

Natural fats in meat and several other fresh foods provide your cat with plenty of energy. Pasta, on the other hand, is high in saturated fats, which aren’t a cat’s best buddy.

Because they boost dangerous cholesterol levels in the blood, saturated fats have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. If you want to keep your cat healthy and fit, avoid foods high in saturated fats, like butter.

How to prepare pasta for cats?

If you decide to share some of your pasta with your furry friend, make sure you know the best ways to prepare it. For cats, the best and safest way for cats to eat some of this Italian staple is boiled and plain.

Raw pasta isn’t good for cats as they can’t digest it. Not to mention its texture is harder and therefore more difficult to chew on and digest. Besides, some of the dried pasta pieces are bigger in size and if your cat tries to swallow some of it, she could find herself in trouble.

Raw foods can easily become a choking hazard, especially if your pet is known for her foraging skills. If she somehow manages to swallow whole macaroni or other types of pasta, it’s possible to cause obstruction.

Therefore, boiling pasta is a necessary step when it comes to feeding your furball.

1. No spices!

Can Cats Eat Pasta? Is This Treat Okay To Eat?

Ah, the second, all-important element in our pasta preparation!

However, spices can be dangerous to felines. Spices like salt, black pepper, garlic, and other seasonings present in human cuisine can be harmful to a cat’s health.

Excessive salt consumption, for example, can result in sodium toxicity. Felines require modest amounts of sodium to survive, but more than a teaspoon a day is highly dangerous.

Black pepper, which is also used as a cat repellent, isn’t entirely safe for feline consumption. Fortunately, its pungent odor repels cats, so you don’t have to worry about her willingly eating it.

To play it on the safe side, always prepare the pasta without these ingredients and then add them later to your plate. That way, you and your pet can both enjoy some spaghetti.

Garlic is highly poisonous to cats, so keep it away from them at all costs. Your pet will lose red blood cells if she eats garlic, onions, chives, or other members of the Allium family.

This could lead to anemia, which could be fatal. As a result, use only a pinch of salt and a pinch of black pepper – and no garlic!

2. What about sauces?

Sauces and various condiments are game-changers for us humans. When you cook some plain pasta, you can’t help but notice the lack of sauce. It changes the dish’s whole perspective in terms of flavor, aroma, and appearance.

Sauces and condiments like ketchup are described as a must in most households. However, just because these are staples, it doesn’t mean the same applies to cats. You may not be able to eat plain pasta without any sauce, but that’s a cat’s only option.

Can cats eat pasta with sauce? Unfortunately, the answer is no. For example, ranch sauce contains ingredients such as buttermilk, mustard, salt, garlic, onions, herbs, and more. None of these ingredients are good for your cat’s tummy and can cause problems.

To sum up

In summary, cats can eat pasta only if it’s plainly boiled and served. This doesn’t mean you should let your furball feast on spaghetti or lasagna.

If your pet has made a habit of eating pasta, it’s time to reconsider her dietary choice. Pasta has almost no nutritional value to cats and should, therefore, not be included in their diet.

A few bites from time to time won’t cause harm, but keep in mind that excessive carbs and calories will negatively impact your feline’s health in the long run.

Can Cats Eat Pasta?
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