Dairy Products – Cats Chef https://catschef.com Cats food, Cats eat, Can cats eat, Wed, 26 Apr 2023 13:34:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://catschef.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/318729214_100649646241078_391744514126026986_n-96x96.jpeg Dairy Products – Cats Chef https://catschef.com 32 32 Can Cats Drink Goat Milk? Whatever Floats Their “Goat” Or? https://catschef.com/can-cats-drink-goat-milk/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-drink-goat-milk/#respond Fri, 02 Sep 2022 12:58:02 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=12846 “Can cats drink goat milk?”, you think to yourself as you’re sensing your four-legged friend’s eyes on your beverage. “Can goat milk make my cat …

The post Can Cats Drink Goat Milk? Whatever Floats Their “Goat” Or? appeared first on Cats Chef.

“Can cats drink goat milk?”, you think to yourself as you’re sensing your four-legged friend’s eyes on your beverage. “Can goat milk make my cat really, really sick?!”, you wonder as you’re taking another gulp and considering whether or not you should share.

Worry not, you’re not the only one. Pet parents around the world battle their precious pet’s meows and purrs whenever they’re looking for a pick-me-up. Our purr machines can be such divas demanding to be fed only the crème de la crème of cat foods and cat treats – and then they go and do something like this.

Why would they want to drink goat milk when they can drink… anything else? Cats are curious creatures and they LOVE sniffing around, looking for trouble, and stumbling upon YOU munching on something they haven’t seen before. “Let me have a lick or I’ll call the pawlice!”, she meows at you.

“What do I do now? Argh, can cats even drink goat milk?!” Our friends over at the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) don’t recommend feeding goat milk to your cat. That’s not to say that goat milk’s poisonous to cats, because it’s not.

But, goat milk does contain a couple of things that can make your cat’s stomach produce sounds you’ve never heard before. So, before the two of you head off to the nearest farm to get yourselves a pint of goat milk, take a look at some of the ramifications of feeding goat milk to your cat.

What’s the deal with cats and milk?

Can Cats Drink Goat Milk? Whatever Floats Their "Goat" Or?

Oh, you’ve never witnessed a more complicated relationship than this one! And, it started when you were much, much younger than you are now.

You’ve seen Tom (from Tom and Jerry) drink milk pretty much every single day. Then, you’ve witnessed Garfiled’s obsession with lasagna loaded with heavy cream and cheese.

And then, you’ve seen a bunch of other cats drinking milk and eating cheese on Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows (let’s not forget about the movies!). So, you’ve grown up thinking that cats NEED to drink milk to be happy and healthy… But, you’ve grown up believing a complete myth.

Cats are actually lactose intolerant! While they’re little kittens, they can drink their mother’s milk; because this milk has everything they need to grow bigger and stronger. But, once they wean off of their mother’s milk, they no longer need the same nutrients.

They start craving something a bit more… meatier. Cats are carnivores which means they need a bunch of meat, animal protein, and animal nutrients to survive and thrive (when they’re older). They don’t need fruits, veggies, and whole grains the same way their humans do.

They don’t even possess the digestive enzymes necessary to break down and process most things their humans eat (and drink) on a regular. And that’s what happens with this whole “cats and milk” thing – as they grow up they slowly lose the lactase enzyme that’s necessary to break down lactose.

As a result, they get really bad stomachaches and digestive problems whenever they eat (or overeat) something with lactose. And, as you might have guessed already, goat milk does contain a little bit of lactose that could send your little furry friend running to her litterbox. “So, cats can’t drink goat milk?”

Can cats drink goat milk?

Cats can technically drink goat milk. But, that’s not your cue to let your little feline friend scoff down an entire pint of goat milk. Goat milk (or even cow milk) isn’t recommended for feline consumption because of the lactose. It can cause a bunch of digestive problems.

But, we can’t forget that not every cat out there has a sensitive stomach. Some cats can have a little bit of lactose every now and then without experiencing any adverse reactions. On the other hand, some cats can have a lick and end up at the emergency animal center (you might want to check for allergies!).

Don’t forget – you can always consult with your vet before giving your feline anything out of the ordinary. You can never be completely sure whether she’s developed sensitivities or allergies with time.

Also, you can never be 100% positive her general condition allows her to indulge in something as fattening and lactose-packed as goat milk.

On the other hand, there’s a pawsibility that your cat can reap some benefits from drinking goat milk. Goat milk doesn’t come without a bunch of nutritional and health advantages for both humans and their curious companions.

Throw a glance at some of the most common benefits and drawbacks of feeding goat milk to your cat, and draw your own conclusions. Can cats drink goat milk safely? Can goat milk replace other sources of hydration for your cat? And can goat milk become a staple on your (and your cat’s) groceries list?

What’s good about feeding goat milk to your cat?

Can Cats Drink Goat Milk? Whatever Floats Their "Goat" Or?

Where do we even start? We’re pretty sure you’re aware of the amazing nutritional and health benefits goat milk brings to humans. After all, humans are the ones that made goat milk popular because they couldn’t stop putting it into pretty much everything.

Apart from beaming with protein, vitamins, and minerals – which is a perk on its own – goat milk doesn’t come without prebiotics and probiotics. These are responsible for your (and your cat’s) digestive health. And let’s not forget about the fact that goat milk possesses considerably less lactose than cow milk.

Cats can drink goat milk (especially cats that don’t have sensitive stomachs) to a greater extent than they can drink cow milk. Don’t get me wrong, the risks of contracting digestive problems are there. But, they’re pretty minuscule when compared to other types of milk.

1. Vitamins and minerals

Who’s surprised that goat milk’s a nutritional powerhouse?! Filled to the brim with vitamins A, E, C, B, D, folate, phosphorous, calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin – goat milk can do it all!

Boost your cat’s immune system, maintain the health of her digestive system, and ensure the function of her nervous system.

Starting from the top, vitamin A’s one of those essential vitamins that play a HUGE role in your cat’s body. This vitamin’s responsible for keeping her eyes, skin, and hair healthy (looking like one of those Victoria’s Secret models!).

Vitamins B (B5 and B12) are responsible for synthesizing fatty acids, hemoglobin, and vitamin D.

Calcium and phosphorous are super important to your cat’s health for several reasons – avoiding deficiency being one of the most critical ones. Calcium and phosphorous deficiencies happen when your cat doesn’t have enough of these minerals in her system.

And you have to find a way to replenish them – aka goat milk. Mineral deficiencies can lead to symptoms such as weakness, depression, anemia, muscle twitching, tremors, and rickets (soft and deformed bones). “Share that glass of goat milk with me right MEOW!”

2. Prebiotics and probiotics

These two things are a LIFE-SAVER when we’re talking about cats with digestive problems. They’re great even for healthy cats because they can prevent the problem before problems occur. But, what even are prebiotics and probiotics?

To make a VERY complicated thing sound less complicated – probiotics are friendly bacteria that can improve your cat’s stomach health. Prebiotics are the things that feed the friendly bacteria residing in your cat’s stomach.

Actually, more times than not you would have to get each of them separately depending on your cat’s needs. But, what makes goat milk special and beneficial seems to be the fact that you can get both from one source. Don’t forget, though – always consult with your vet before feeding your cat anything new.

What’s bad about feeding goat milk to your cat?

Vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, and probiotics aside (that’s quite an impressive list, though). Goat milk doesn’t come without a big but hanging in the air. There’s always a but when we’re talking about feeding your four-legged friend anything that’s not supposed to be a part of her diet.

Each animal seems to be on board when it comes to one thing. They only truly need their mother’s milk while they’re young.

The moment that they grow up, they stop needing the nutrients they were getting from their mother. And (regardless of what we’ve been taught) they don’t start needing them from other animals.

Your furry friend doesn’t really need goat milk regularly. She can have a lick or two when she’s feeling curious or looking for a pick-me-up. She can even have a little bit as a treat every now and then on the off chance that she’s not THAT lactose intolerant.

Cats can drink goat milk, but who’s to say that they should? Take a look at some of the risks of feeding goat milk to your feline friend and draw your own conclusions. Are the benefits worth the risks? Are cats getting anything from goat milk that they can’t get from cat food and cat treats?

1. Lactose

Can Cats Drink Goat Milk? Whatever Floats Their "Goat" Or?

Oh, the dreaded lactose! We’ve already discussed the repercussions your cat’s facing when she’s eating (or drinking) something with lactose. But, we’re glad to repeat and underline everything we’ve said because it’s THAT important.

So, say this louder for the people in the back – cats are lactose intolerant! Kittens can and should drink their mother’s milk because it contains everything they need to become stronger, healthier, and happier.

But, the moment that they get bigger they stop needing the nutrients they get from milk. Their digestive systems stop producing the lactase enzyme necessary to break down the lactose. So, in turn, they become at risk of experiencing digestive problems whenever they eat or drink something with lactose.

Goat milk does have lactose – so, your little munchkin’s pretty likely to experience stomachache, bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea after taking one too many licks. One shouldn’t cause that many problems unless she’s severely sensitive to lactose. But, it’s better to stay on the safe side.

2. Fat

Chunky cats are cute, but they’re not cute enough to ignore the health problems caused by their weight! Goat milk doesn’t come without a considerable amount of fat – especially when you’re purchasing and using organic, unprocessed goat milk.

Cats can have fat the same way they can have goat milk. A little goes a long way, and consuming excessive amounts of fat can cause weight gain, obesity, and diabetes. Not to mention the digestive problems because they’re unable to break down and process such high levels of fat.

So, make sure you keep an eye out for symptoms such as bloating, nausea, weakness, overeating, vomiting, and diarrhea. Contact your vet the moment that you start suspecting your cat’s been eating a little too much of everything (but especially goat milk!).

3. Allergies

That’s right, cats can have dairy allergies. Make sure to consult with your vet before adding anything out of the ordinary to your cat’s diet – you never know whether she’s gotten particularly sensitive to certain foods or drinks with time.

And, don’t forget that dairy allergies go hand in hand with one another. On the off chance that your cat’s already experienced allergic reactions to cow milk or other cow milk products, she’s likely to experience the same reaction to goat milk.

On the other hand, goat milk does seem to have a lower chance of causing an allergic reaction in cats than other types of milk. Cats are not used to drinking goat milk or eating goat milk products, so their digestive systems aren’t THAT likely to recognize them as a threat.

Get a green light from your vet, and you’re good to go.

Can kittens drink goat milk?

Kitten can’t have goat milk! Kind of! Here’s the thing – there’s nothing better for your little munchkin than her mother’s milk. Her mother’s milk contains everything she needs to grow bigger and stronger, and it doesn’t contain anything that could cause her an upset stomach.

Some pet parents argue that you can give goat milk to kittens once they wean off of their mother’s milk. But, who’s to say a little bit of goat milk won’t cause her severe stomach discomfort, weakness, bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea.

These symptoms can be especially tough for such a young cat, and it’s better to avoid them entirely. There are alternatives your kitten could munch on the off chance that she doesn’t want her mother’s milk (kitten formula, for example).

Can cats drink other types of milk?

Can Cats Drink Goat Milk? Whatever Floats Their "Goat" Or?

That’s a really good question that requires a little bit more than a simple “yes” or “no”. Each cat comes with its own set of digestive problems or other health problems that can deter you from your wishes to explore her lactose intolerance.

Some cats aren’t THAT sensitive to lactose and they can have a little bit of goat milk, cheese, or even sour cream every now and then. Other cats are pretty sensitive to lactose and they can only have a little bit of lactose-free milk.

But, that’s not to say that they can have plant-based types of milk – because they can’t. Plant-based milk contains sweeteners, preservatives, and other ingredients that can harm your cat’s health. This goes for soy milk, coconut milk, oat milk, or almond milk.

The final verdict – your four-legged friend doesn’t need milk in her diet (unless it’s her mother’s milk). With a green light from your vet, you can experiment with a couple of options. But, make sure you’re keeping an eye out for symptoms of digestive discomfort.

Can cats drink goat milk, then?

As a pet parent, we’re pretty sure you’re aware that cats shouldn’t really eat everything they can get their paws on. And, they shouldn’t really drink everything they can find on the kitchen counter. Or on the living room table, because their parents forgot to pay attention.

Cats can drink goat milk but that doesn’t mean that they should. Your four-legged friend can have a lick or two without experiencing adverse reactions or ending up at the emergency animal center. Your four-legged friend can also go her entire life without having a single lick of goat milk.

Consult with your vet and check whether she’s lactose intolerant or allergic to goat milk. Never feed goat milk (or anything for that matter) to your cat without extensive research. You know how they say, “better safe than sorry.”

Related post: Can Cats Drink Chocolate Milk? Are They Allowed To Take A Sip?

Can Cats Drink Goat Milk? Whatever Floats Their "Goat" Or?
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Can Cats Eat Cream Cheese? Is This Dairy Product A Safe Treat? https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-cream-cheese/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-cream-cheese/#respond Fri, 22 Jul 2022 12:07:20 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=11420 What could possibly make you think “Can cats eat cream cheese?” But when I think about it more thoroughly, it’s actually a good one. If …

The post Can Cats Eat Cream Cheese? Is This Dairy Product A Safe Treat? appeared first on Cats Chef.

What could possibly make you think “Can cats eat cream cheese?” But when I think about it more thoroughly, it’s actually a good one.

If you have a cat, you can always expect her to get in trouble. They will simply sneak their way into your groceries as silently as they slid into your heart.

This sounds cute but is not so fun when you find out the mess she’s made while rummaging through. But, I just know you can’t get mad at her.

You try, but you fall victim to her big, hearty eyes. Still, there’s a much bigger concern than the fact you ended up without your groceries.

One of them is the unanswered question of whether cats can eat cream cheese. At first glance, it doesn’t sound so alarming.

However, your heart rate picks up when you remember that she’s not supposed to consume human foods. Still, what could possibly go wrong?

Cream cheese has a mild, nice flavor and you don’t know of any ingredients that could do harm to your feline. Moreover, you constantly see those cute videos of pets getting into our foods.

Still, with such curious animals, you can never be too much on the lookout. It’s like a 24/7 job for you as their supervisor!

You may feel like this, but then you look back at her and realize that she’s worth it all. Even though she gives you a heart attack from time to time and drives you mad with her crazy antics.

People may not understand you at times, but all you do is want to take the best care of her. This includes pondering over that cream cheese you left on the counter earlier in the day.

Is it possible that a food harmless-looking like this causes you trouble? Can cats eat cream cheese and what are the consequences?

Can cats eat cream cheese?

Can Cats Eat Cream Cheese? Is This Dairy Product A Safe Treat?

You tried to keep calm but you just couldn’t give yourself a break. I know when you’re fighting the urge but your fingers just can’t keep still.

You typed in the question “Can cats eat cream cheese” and here you are. You hope that your struggles will end here and you stop pulling your hair out.

Well, I’m glad to inform you that you’re right. I’ll help you understand the contents of cream cheese and the impact it has on our furry friends.

The answer to the question “Can cats eat cream cheese” is yes. You’d think it’s that simple, but there’s really more to it.

Unfortunately, there always has to be a BUT. Just when you think you put the full stop to your thinking, here comes that dreadful command and caps lock.

I can imagine your heart rate accelerating while you’re reading these lines with your eyes wide open. However, don’t stress too much.

Some things may frighten you but I’m sure your cat’s totally fine. If she’s only had a lick or two, there’s no reason to worry.

Even if she bad more than that, like a third or a half of the product, keep calm. What you have to look out for are some of the ingredients that could possibly make her sick.

We don’t want that happening, so keep a close eye on any weird or unusual behavior. They’re really good at disguising when something’s hurting them.

Cream cheese isn’t poisonous to felines so you shouldn’t worry about that. However, it contains lactose so she’ll probably be having stomach pains.

What’s the issue with dairy products?

What you should be concerned about when it comes to cream cheese is the dairy content. We love these products, but what about cats?

Well, it’s obvious that she enjoys it as well. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to mean that it’s healthy for her.

You know those foods like gummy bears that we constantly eat even though we know it’s not good for us? Well, cream cheese for cats can be something like gummy bears to us. It serves her as a great treat, but that’s it.

And treats usually aren’t the energy that we crave. I know that’s so sad but we can’t have everything we want. However, your pet doesn’t know this. She’s used to being pampered and getting the best treatment always.

So, it might be hard for her to decipher what’s good for her and what’s not, especially when she smells something attractive like cream cheese.

There’s been a myth going on for centuries that one of the cats’ main choices of food is milk. Well sure, if you give her an offer that good she wouldn’t let it slide.

But, have you ever stopped to think about how could a carnivore that eats meat relish in milk? Well, the answer is simple – the fat.

Dairy products are full of fat and that’s what cats are most attracted to. Therefore don’t be surprised if she tries out her luck on other products such as cottage cheese.

1. Lactose intolerance and milk allergy

Can Cats Eat Cream Cheese? Is This Dairy Product A Safe Treat?

Unfortunately, the stuff you see is only a commercial, or rather a myth. Yes, cats can drink milk and eat other dairy products, but at what cost? Perhaps you didn’t think of this when you asked yourself can cats eat cream cheese. However, it’s still something to be wary of.

Felines are lactose intolerant, believe it or not. So, how are all these commercials showcasing a happy cat licking milk from a food bowl?

Dairy content and lactose have the same effect on them as they do on humans that are lactose intolerant. While cats can eat a bit of cream cheese, give her a whole pack and you’ll see what happens next.

Let me tell you, it won’t be a nice thing to see. Your pet may get the runs and have a hard time keeping food in her stomach. Too much cream cheese can cause nausea as well. If you don’t want your pet bloating up and looming around your house like a balloon, keep the cheese out of her paws.

It’s not life-threatening, but it can cause some real trouble for her. The same goes for milk allergies. Cream cheese is made out of milk, just like any cheese.

The symptoms of lactose intolerance and milk allergies may be similar, but they’re two different things. Just as I previously said, if she’s had some of this treat, monitor her closely.

Any new behavior can be the cause of an alarm because you never know how well your cat can bear new foods. For some pets, it’s a piece of cake, whereas for others it might be a real struggle.

Some of the additional signs of milk allergy are skin rashes, respiratory problems, as well as itching. If you notice these, call your vet’s office.

2. Can cats eat cream cheese because of fat?

Another concern is the high amount of fat that can be found in these creamy products. It’s something that gives cream cheese its value and texture, but what else?

How can it benefit your pet? Is there something to worry about? These same questions keep replaying in your mind and you just aren’t content enough to carry on as if nothing happened.

You can’t just ignore the fact that there’s half of your cream cheese missing! Now, we’ll forgive her that, but is your cat out of the woods even if she doesn’t show any unusual behavior?

The thing about fat in these store-bought products is that it’s mostly highly saturated fat. We might know of it as unhealthy lipids, but cats don’t.

They just do everything that comes to their mind. While we would perhaps slow down a bit and think of all the additional weight that’s going to stick to us, felines don’t bother with that.

Pretty simple creatures, right? Well, yes. But they’re not aware of how complicating things can turn out sometimes. If you were to ask her, she wouldn’t mind.

Just like any one of us would behave if we had our bellies full of something we set our eyes on. I think it’s mainly the sense of pride and joy they feel when they get away with something.

Either way, too much fat can be damaging if consumed regularly. It’s known to raise blood cholesterol and increase the chances of heart stroke.

Also, fat can lead to blood clot formation, and increase the chances of various heart diseases. When you ask yourself can cats eat cream cheese, just remember this.

3. Say no to the salt content

Can Cats Eat Cream Cheese? Is This Dairy Product A Safe Treat?

When you think of cream cheese, salt really doesn’t come to your mind. However, it’s one of those things that act in the long term.

Just like the previously mentioned fat, sodium acts slowly but steadily. It means it won’t harm your pet straight away, but you shouldn’t mess around with it.

High sodium content can make a lot of damage to your feline’s organism. The amount found in a couple of licks and bites isn’t alarming, but you shouldn’t take that for granted.

Speaking long-term, salt intake could seriously make your pet’s health deteriorate. If taken in larger quantities or if it accumulates over time in the body, it might poison her.

This sounds bad and it is bad. It’s one of those things you never wish to happen. Salt toxicity isn’t really common among felines, but it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

If you’re suspicious that your pet’s taken in a large amount of salt, you should keep a close eye on her behavior. Usually, sodium poisoning might occur within the first few hours.

Some of the clinical signs involve heavy breathing, the feeling of nausea, and an urge to vomit. Over time, it might progress into actual vomiting, as well as diarrhea.

If you’re still unsure if it’s really sodium toxicity, some of the following symptoms may solve the puzzle for you. These include seizures, tremors, as well as coma.

It’s one of the worst fears you can experience as a cat parent. We don’t want that happening, so it’s best to take her to the vet as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Can Cats Eat Cream Cheese?
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Can Cats Eat Cheese? Should It Be As They Please? https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-cheese/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-cheese/#respond Tue, 19 Jul 2022 06:49:15 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=11176 We know that cheese is the most liked food among mice, but what about their sworn enemies? Can cats eat cheese or is it only …

The post Can Cats Eat Cheese? Should It Be As They Please? appeared first on Cats Chef.

We know that cheese is the most liked food among mice, but what about their sworn enemies? Can cats eat cheese or is it only an appropriate treat for their nemesis?

There are hundreds of types of cheese and it comes in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Not to mention the rich flavors they offer!

All of this just makes it harder for us to choose our favorite type. But when it comes to cats, I don’t think they can bother with that decision. They’d just rather have each kind, that’s how greedy our little furry pets are.

The thing is that it’s such a popular ingredient across the world and is found in most households. It has the power to be a staple of a dish, such as pizza. Because what is a Margherita without a slice of cheese, you know?

There were moments when I was enjoying some wine and cheese and that moment turned into me enjoying just one of those. It’s when my furry devil decided to help herself with my block of cheese! You’d think a carnivore would rather end up choosing meat over it any time.

Well, not to burst your bubble, but cats love cheese. I mean, who can blame them? It’s creamy, goes well with a lot of dishes, it’s simply delicious!

However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t investigate if your pet decides to grab a hold of it. Just because something is delicious and your feline likes it, doesn’t mean it’s good for her.

Can cats eat cheese?

Can Cats Eat Cheese? Should It Be As They Please?

I know you’re dreading to know the answer to this one but hold your horses. Although cheese isn’t poisonous to felines, it isn’t highly recommendable.

A product made of milk can’t really meet a carnivore’s expectations and fulfill all of its requirements. I know that this doesn’t sound that alarming, but you should be cautious.

Some foods may not look dangerous, but they are still able to cause some damage. You know when you eat something delicious but your tummy just can’t hold it down?

Well, cats can experience the same thing. And before I tell you can cats eat cheese safely, keep that in mind. They’re sensitive creatures, even if they don’t look like it sometimes!

Now for the big reveal: yes, cats can eat cheese. BUT. There always has to be one of these. The thing is, your pet may be fine after having a bite or two of this treat.

However, if she manages to eat a whole block of it, she might become sick. It’s not advisable to feed your feline cheese regularly as it may lead to some stomach problems.

Where’s the problem?

You’d never think that a treat like this could cause any trouble. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. For all of you cheese lovers out there, I’m sorry for what I’m about to say.

It isn’t the most suitable ingredient to incorporate into your cat’s diet. Now, I know you’d love it if you could lounge with your pet and snack on this heavenly treat.

But things don’t always go in our favor. Your pet is a carnivore that needs to fulfill its dietary requirements. Her diet mainly consists of meat which provides her with a full package of protein and other essential nutrients.

Cheese, not so much. In fact, it can do her more damage than good. While you won’t feel any different after munching down on it, your pet is likely to feel some consequences.

Just like some humans, felines aren’t granted the luck and the joy of consuming dairy products. Cheese is a derivative of milk which calls for equal trouble.

1. Lactose intolerance and milk allergy

As a kitten, your pet had no trouble with drinking her mom’s milk. However, that changed over time. As she grew up, she lost the enzymes needed for breaking down the milk.

More precisely, she lost the enzymes that help digest the sugar found in milk, also known as lactose. Therefore, your pet is lactose intolerant which can give her a hard time with dairy products.

But not all cats will be affected in the same way. Perhaps your pet could easily get away with eating a full block of cheese or drinking a cup of milk.

On the other hand, she could have it worse and experience all the downsides that this treat brings along. Unfortunately, this includes stomach pain, diarrhea, as well as nausea, and vomiting.

Next to that, you could notice your pet bloats up quickly. Consequently, she will have to let out all those gases that have built up inside of her. And we both know that those aren’t the least bit enjoyable.

Next to being lactose intolerant, your cat could also be allergic to milk and its by-products. These two conditions may look the same but are rather very different.

While lactose intolerance implies the lack of enzymes in her body, an allergy is the body’s reaction to something that poses no danger to it, so it decides to fight back.

This can be a real pain in the neck but also a life-threatening situation. These two conditions have similar side effects, such as vomiting and diarrhea.

However, an allergic reaction is more of a cause for concern. Some of the signs that help you differentiate these two are skin rashes, breathing problems, and swelling of the throat.

If you notice any of these, your pet may be really struggling. It’s time to call your vet and bring your cat in for further assessment and treatment.

While an example of intolerance can go with just a bit of a tummy ache, an allergic reaction shouldn’t be left unattended.

2. All the calories!

Can Cats Eat Cheese? Should It Be As They Please?

Another thing that’s really not helping your pet’s case is the number of calories found in cheese. So, when you wonder can cats eat cheese, these should be the first thing to come to your mind.

Calories are a nutrient everybody needs, even felines. However, we all know what happens when we take in too much of them, right?

Your pet could build all of that unnecessary fat which could really weigh her down. Although this pun was intended, you shouldn’t take it as a joke.

Obesity is a serious problem many pets face nowadays. Their owners like to think that the best way to prove the love they have for their pets is to overfeed them.

Many people aren’t aware that you can’t always fulfill your cat’s wishes. We know how greedy they can be, so just imagine how long would they feast on those treats if we didn’t limit them.

The same goes for the cheese as well. If the situation gets out of hand, your furry friend may be in big trouble. It would be hard to deny her this tasty treat because she’s enjoying it that much.

On the other hand, it’s necessary to keep track of how much human food she has. Cheese, just like sour cream and other products, is packed with fat and calories.

3. Health risks

You don’t have a Jerry, you have a Tom, so you’re kind of baffled when you see your pet fighting for a slice of cheese.

Have you ever stopped to think about what’s so enticing in this small, yellow treat? There’s surely something that’s making your cat’s whiskers buzz.

As you could’ve guessed, it’s the high amount of fat cheese contains. Unfortunately for your feline, they’re mostly saturated and unhealthy.

Your pet won’t gain ten pounds if she grabs a bite or two of this snack, but if she continues to munch down on it regularly, she may become overweight. This is usually considered cute when you have a chubby pet because she seems so cuddly.

Ask any vet you like and they’ll all give you the same answer, something along the lines of; obesity can lead to a number of health issues related to raised cholesterol in the blood. Some of these include cardiovascular diseases followed by heart strokes.

Blood clotting is also a highly possible option. This is just too much of a risk and definitely not worth the five-minute pleasure she gets from a slice of cheese.

Besides, these illnesses can be also topped by diabetes and dental issues. The amount of carbs found in just one block of cheese is concerning for both Tom and Jerry.

4. Sodium content

Can Cats Eat Cheese? Should It Be As They Please?

When it comes to cheese, people tend to put salt content in the back of their minds. They’re oftentimes too preoccupied with the flavor to even think about what’s going on in that single block of goodness.

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but there are certain ingredients that can ruin the fun for you. While the sodium content isn’t alarming for you, it might be an issue for your carnivore pet.

A few bites of cheese aren’t likely to hurt your cat, but feasting on it for an extended period might do just that. Cheese is also full of salt which isn’t healthy for your furry friend.

If she ever gulps down big quantities of it, she’s likely to be poisoned by it. Sodium toxicity may occur within hours and give your cat a real struggle.

Some of the symptoms of salt poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and dehydration. In severe cases, felines may experience tremors, seizures, and even fall into a coma.

Once again, this isn’t likely to take place after a quick snack. However, you should be aware of the salt content present in this treat.

Bottom line

If your cat decides that she’s going to make herself dinner by stealing some of your cheese, don’t panic. Felines usually have a good intuition that leads them to the right choice.

They can also be wrong sometimes, but don’t worry. A few bites of this flavorful treat aren’t supposed to do her great harm.

However, as a carnivore, your pet can’t get enough of the nutrients she needs to thrive through cheese. Next to this lack of nutritional value, cheese is loaded with fat, calories, and salt.

These aren’t the best-case scenario for your fluffy friend. They can easily cause her trouble big time. What’s most alarming is that they can affect her in the long run.

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Can Cats Eat String Cheese? What’s The Deal With This Cheesy Treat? https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-string-cheese/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-string-cheese/#respond Wed, 15 Jun 2022 10:57:53 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=10691 Who doesn’t love the deliciousness that’s string cheese? You can put it on a skewer along with chicken and cherry tomatoes, wrap it with prosciutto …

The post Can Cats Eat String Cheese? What’s The Deal With This Cheesy Treat? appeared first on Cats Chef.

Who doesn’t love the deliciousness that’s string cheese? You can put it on a skewer along with chicken and cherry tomatoes, wrap it with prosciutto for a busy brunch, or cover it in breadcrumbs for a quick Sunday snack. But, can cats eat string cheese?

What’s the appeal in spending all that time making the tastiest of treats if you can’t share it with your favorite four-legged friend? You’re pretty sure that a tiny bit of cheese shouldn’t send her running to the litter box, but… You’re not willing to take that risk.

Well, you have nothing to worry about because cats can eat string cheese. Kind of… You see, a small piece of cheese shouldn’t cause any harm to your cat’s digestive system. But, anything more than that might lead to an array of health problems. Here’s everything you need to know!

So, can cats eat string cheese?

First things first, string cheese is quite an odd type of cheese that’s typically made of mozzarella and cheddar cheese. It’s commonly associated with hard cheeses which means it contains less lactose and more sodium. And yes, that’s true even for high-quality string cheese.

Let’s go back to the beginning and try to answer the “can cats eat string cheese” question. You see, cats are obligate carnivores. That means that they require heaps of meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced nutrients in their diet to survive and thrive.

While string cheese does come from animals, it shouldn’t be a regular part of your cat’s diet. You can use it as an occasional treat. But, there’s pretty much no reason why you would ever use it as a substitute for your regular cat food. Except for that “mommy please” look you can’t resist!

So yes, cats can eat string cheese. But, you and your four-legged friend shouldn’t run to get your celebratory hats just yet. There are a couple of things you should take into consideration beforehand.

Three reasons why you shouldn’t feed string cheese to your cat

Can Cats Eat String Cheese? What's The Deal With This Cheesy Treat?

This might be the moment where you think something along the lines of “I thought it was safe for cats to consume string cheese, what are you talking about?And to that we say, just because cats can eat something doesn’t mean they should.

There are so many different health issues that can arise from improper diet. It’s incredibly important for you, as a pet parent, to take responsibility for providing your cat with the best care possible. So, here’s why you should think twice before feeding string cheese to your cat.

1. Lactose intolerance

You read that right: cats are lactose intolerant! You might be completely taken aback by this information because you’ve seen so many pet parents feed their precious purrs with different dairy products. But no, cats can’t have cow milk (or any other animal’s milk, for that matter).

How is that even possible? Well, when they’re super small, cats feed off of their mother’s milk. But, once they’re fully grown they no longer require milk in their diets so their digestive system shifts in a certain direction. They lose the lactase enzyme that’s responsible for breaking down the lactose in milk.

Most cats can still have a small amount of lactose without experiencing digestive issues. But, it’s always better to reduce the consumption of human food to a minimum. Soft cheeses like cottage cheese, cream cheese, blue cheese, goat cheese, and feta are pretty high in lactose, so they’re a big no-no.

Hard cheeses like string cheese, parmesan, swiss, gouda, and cheddar cheese have a low lactose content, so they get a passing grade. But, only in small quantities.

2. Dairy allergies

Yes, a dairy allergy isn’t the same thing as lactose intolerance. Most cats that are lactose intolerant will experience digestive problems after consuming even a small amount of cheese (yes, even string cheese).

Unfortunately, a dairy allergy impairs your four-legged friend’s ability to digest the protein that’s found in milk, cheese, and other dairy products. A dairy allergy results in an array of digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, and an anaphylactic reaction.

3. High fat content

Last but not least, string cheese does contain a considerable amount of fat and sodium. These two things might lead to some pretty unfavorable results in the long run. Consuming too much fat and too much sodium might leave your cat with health problems such as weight gain, obesity, and diabetes.

So, when you’re wondering “can cats eat string cheese” or even “can cats eat cheese in general”, make an effort to find options that are suitable for your furry friend. Opt for cheeses that are labeled as low sodium and low fat and you’ll be fine.

Cat’s can eat string cheese, but…

There’s always a but when it comes to feeding your four-legged friend anything that shouldn’t be a regular part of her diet. While a bite of string cheese isn’t going to send her running to the litter box, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Don’t forget to consult with your vet before making any significant changes to your cat’s diet. Trust me, there isn’t a “mommy please“ look in the world you can’t soften with a simple cat treat. Best of luck!

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Can Cats Eat Parmesan Cheese? What Are The Risks? https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-parmesan-cheese/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-parmesan-cheese/#respond Tue, 07 Jun 2022 13:27:24 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=10636 Whether you’re seeing Tom and Jerry sharing a bowl of milk or Garfield doing all sorts of shenanigans for a slice of cheesy lasagna, you …

The post Can Cats Eat Parmesan Cheese? What Are The Risks? appeared first on Cats Chef.

Whether you’re seeing Tom and Jerry sharing a bowl of milk or Garfield doing all sorts of shenanigans for a slice of cheesy lasagna, you never question the love most cats show for dairy products. Well, this might be the right time to start questioning: can cats eat parmesan cheese?!

The more you learn about your four-legged friend, the more you realize there are certain foods she isn’t supposed to consume. One too many bites of cooked liver make her stomach cramp. Salty treats make her excessively thirsty. And, milky morsels make her gassy.

It’s your responsibility to do what’s best for your furry friend. But how can you ensure she doesn’t eat something that might cause her harm when that’s all she wants to do? You tell her “no” when she tries to bite into a rotten egg and she gives you that look.

You know exactly what look we’re talking about. The look that says “you don’t love me anymore.” The look that says “how can you live with yourself knowing you didn’t let me eat.” And of course, the look that says “I’m starving.”

And with that rant out of the way, we can go back to explaining the complicated relationship your feline friend has with parmesan cheese. According to our friends over at the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), parmesan cheese isn’t toxic to cats.

But… There’s always a but when it comes to feeding your furry friend anything that isn’t supposed to be a regular part of her diet. Parmesan cheese, along with most dairy products, might lead to an array of digestive issues. So, let’s start from the beginning.

So, can cats eat parmesan cheese?

Can Cats Eat Parmesan Cheese? What Are The Risks?

First things first, can cats eat cheese in general?

Well, cats are obligate carnivores. This means that they require meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced nutrients to survive and thrive. While milk, cheese, and other dairy products do come from animals, they aren’t a natural part of your cat’s diet.

Believe it or not, most cats are lactose intolerant. When they’re still little, their digestive system produces lactase enzymes that are necessary to break down lactose. But, when they grow up and stop drinking their mother’s milk, they no longer need those enzymes.

So, what does that mean in terms of this particular type of cheese? Can cats eat parmesan cheese? Parmesan cheese falls under the category of hard cheeses. Unlike soft cheeses, hard cheeses contain less lactose. This makes them less likely to make your furry friend run to the litter box.

On the other hand, hard cheeses contain more salt in comparison to soft cheeses. While salt isn’t the worst thing your four-legged friend can put in her mouth, it’s certainly something you should avoid adding to her regular diet.

Either way, a small piece of cheese shouldn’t be the reason to raise panic and call every single vet in your area. Even as an occasional treat, parmesan cheese shouldn’t cause any harm to your cat because your cat’s digestive system should be able to digest such a small amount of cheese.

So technically speaking, cats can eat parmesan cheese. Next time your cat gives you that look, feel free to let her take a tiny bite but hide the rest someplace her pesky paws can’t reach. Don’t forget, your cat’s health is in your hands!

What makes parmesan cheese a bad choice for your cat?

You might have a hard time wrapping your head around the fact that cats can eat parmesan cheese but shouldn’t for multiple reasons. After all, parmesan cheese comes from animals, contains a bunch of animal-sourced protein, and tastes delicious. So, what seems to be the problem?

Human food and cat food differ for a reason. Your cat thrives on meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced nutrients. She doesn’t require pretty much any dairy, fruit, or veggies. Not only that, but these three things might even result in digestive problems in the long run. So, let’s dive in!

1. Dairy allergies

Parmesan cheese might have a high protein content, but… That’s not the type of protein your four-legged friend needs in her diet. Cover her tiny ears because she might be distressed after hearing that this tasty treat could cause her some serious health issues.

When you’re looking up “can cats eat parmesan cheese”, you might want to throw “can cats be allergic to parmesan cheese” into the mix, as well. Food allergies and intolerances are quite common among our four-legged friends and they’re often mistaken for something else.

When you’re planning on introducing new foods into your cat’s diet you might want to consult with your vet beforehand. There’s always a possibility your cat might be allergic to whatever you’re trying to introduce into her diet. How can you make sure you’re being careful enough?

Well, some of the most common symptoms to keep an eye on are bloating, weakness, loss of appetite, skin irritation and itchiness, vomiting, and diarrhea. While these symptoms might point to different conditions, they’re a clear sign that something isn’t digesting the way it should.

But, what about non-dairy cheese? Non-dairy cheese could be a great substitute for cats that have dairy allergies. But, there’s no reason why you should feed your cat something that isn’t going to provide her with any nutritional value (unless to draw a cute smile on her face).

2. Lactose intolerance

Can Cats Eat Parmesan Cheese? What Are The Risks?

Let’s go back to the very important point we made at the beginning of the article. Most people have that image of a cat drinking milk engraved in their brains. But, most adult cats can’t do that without running to the litter box afterward.

While lactose intolerance doesn’t sound like that big of a deal to most humans, it could be incredibly dangerous for your cat to consume dairy products such as parmesan cheese over a longer period.

Too much lactose could lead to an array of digestive issues including stomach upset, diarrhea or constipation, and vomiting. Not all cats are lactose intolerant, but pretty much all cats will experience some level of discomfort after consuming too much lactose.

Their digestive systems aren’t designed with parmesan cheese in mind, to say the least. While an occasional bite of cheese shouldn’t cause serious harm to your four-legged friend, who’s to say what amount of cheese she would be comfortable with?

That being said, you can always consult with your vet before making any decisions regarding these types of treats. Trust me, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your cat’s health.

3. High salt content and high fat content

Feeding cheese to your furry friend has never seemed like such a huge hassle, but… The more you learn about the inner workings of her digestive system, the more you realize you need to put more thought into what foods get to touch her pouty snout.

Unfortunately for the “can cats eat parmesan cheese” question, this type of cheese contains way too much salt and fat to ever be considered a good addition to your cat’s diet. There’s no reason for you to stress about parmesan cheese when there are so many better cat treats out there.

While salt isn’t considered toxic to cats, it certainly isn’t something you want your cat to consume in excessive amounts. Too much salt might make your cat overly thirsty, uncomfortable, and irritable. Additionally, it might even lead to sodium poisoning.

On the other hand, too much fat might lead to weight gain, obesity, and diabetes. Don’t get me wrong, your four-legged friend would have to consume A LOT of parmesan cheese to experience any of these repercussions, but it’s better to stay on the safe side.

What about other types of cheese?

Can Cats Eat Parmesan Cheese? What Are The Risks?

Believe it or not, not all cheeses of the world come from cow’s milk. Not all cheeses of the world contain the same amount of lactose. And, not all cheeses of the world wreak havoc in your cat’s digestive system.

In fact, parmesan cheese falls under the category of cheeses that aren’t so harmful to cats in the long run. It’s one of those cheeses you put on the charcuterie board when you’re petsitting your friend Howard’s ten-year-old British shorthair.

So, say “Cheese!” and take a look at some of the options you and your four-legged friend have. For instance, soft cheeses like cream cheese, cottage cheese, blue cheese, brie, feta, and mozzarella contain higher amounts of lactose.

Obviously, this means that they are even less suitable for your cat than parmesan cheese. Additionally, a lot of soft cheeses contain bacteria, mold, or other ingredients your cat’s digestive system isn’t equipped to digest.

Hard cheeses like swiss cheese, cheddar cheese, and parmesan cheese contain a smaller amount of lactose which makes them a better choice for your four-legged friend. That doesn’t mean you should throw a bunch of swiss cheese into your cat’s food bowl, but…

If your feline friend keeps showing interest in this tasty treat, you might want to give your vet a quick call and check which of these types of cheese you’re allowed to experiment with. Either way, an occasional bite of cheese shouldn’t cause any adverse reactions.

What to do if your cat accidentally eats parmesan cheese?

First things first, don’t panic! A small piece of parmesan cheese doesn’t contain enough lactose to send your furry friend running to the litter box or to cause any serious damage to her digestive system. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about!

You can give her some water to help break down and digest the cheese, and you can even give your vet a quick call to soothe your nerves. Your cat would have to consume A LOT of cheese to experience any of the reactions we talked about at the beginning of the article.

On the off chance that she did eat a bunch of parmesan cheese or she continued eating parmesan cheese over a longer period, you could keep an eye out for a couple of symptoms. Upset stomach, weakness and lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea could point to a serious problem.

Either way, you should never make any significant changes to your cat’s diet without consulting your vet beforehand. Cats can eat parmesan cheese, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Your cat’s health should always be your number one priority and it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re taking proper care of her needs. And yes, even when she gives you that look.

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Can Cats Eat Goat Cheese? Here’s What You Need To Know! https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-goat-cheese/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-goat-cheese/#respond Tue, 24 May 2022 12:06:58 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=10047 Love it or hate it, you can’t argue that goat cheese is the GOAT in the feline world. As soon as your feline friend hears …

The post Can Cats Eat Goat Cheese? Here’s What You Need To Know! appeared first on Cats Chef.

Love it or hate it, you can’t argue that goat cheese is the GOAT in the feline world. As soon as your feline friend hears the crinkling sound of the wrapper, she comes flying into the kitchen begging for a bite. So, can cats eat goat cheese?

There’s no doubt in your heart that your four-legged friend would give anything in the world to face plant into a bowl full of goat cheese, goat milk, or even cow milk. But, you always end up getting mixed signals in the form of those demonic sounds coming from her tummy afterward!

So, you can’t help but hop onto Google hoping to find some clarity. Can cats eat goat cheese? Can cats drink goat milk? And most importantly, can they have any other dairy products?

Well, our friends over at the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) say goat cheese is completely safe for feline consumption! But, before you and your furry friend put your party hats on…

Goat cheese can be given to cats as a treat in moderation. While cats are lactose intolerant, goat cheese is lower in lactose than cow’s milk cheese, making it a safer option. However, it should not be a part of their regular diet and should be given in small quantities.

An occasional nibble or two shouldn’t cause any serious health issues. But, large amounts of cheese might leave your four-legged friend rushing to her litterbox.

You see, the relationship between cats and their favorite cheese is quite a complicated one. Here’s what you need to know about it before making any significant changes to your cat’s diet.

So, can cats eat goat cheese?

Can Cats Eat Goat Cheese? Here's What You Need To Know!

Being a cat owner and all, you probably already know that cats are obligate carnivores. They require heaps of meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced nutrients in order to survive and thrive.

Goat cheese comes from animals. Goat cheese contains animal protein. So, that must mean that cats can eat goat cheese without any repercussions, right? Well, not really! Let’s just say things are a bit more complicated than that.

Despite the notorious myth that cats enjoy very few things in life as much as they enjoy a simple bowl of milk, most cats are actually lactose intolerant.

Their digestive system doesn’t contain the lactase enzyme that’s necessary to break down the lactose in milk. That might sound like a bunch of gibberish, but…

It’s incredibly important to understand that excessive amounts of goat cheese and other dairy products might cause some serious damage to your cat’s digestive system.

Goat cheese benefits

Back to your “can cats eat goat cheese” question- cats can eat goat cheese, but only as an occasional treat. A small piece of cheese every now and then shouldn’t cause any adverse reactions, regardless of the kind of cheese you decide to feed your furry friend with.

That being said, goat cheese might be your best option because it contains less lactose than all the other ones (along with the non-dairy cheese, of course). Not only is it less harmful to your furry friend, but it also contains a bunch of nutrients.

This mouth-watering treat is packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that might have a positive influence on your cat’s health.

For example, vitamin A is an excellent antioxidant that can boost your cat’s immune system and protect her against numerous diseases. And vitamin B is essential for your cat’s healthy cognitive function, nervous system, and digestive tract.

Minerals like calcium, phosphorus, copper, and iron are quite handy when it comes to supporting the health of your cat’s bones, teeth, muscles, and pretty much everything else.

And, we can’t forget about protein which is your cat’s most important source of energy. Your cat’s liver, unlike any other animal’s liver never stops breaking down protein, making sure to maintain the blood sugar levels and turning it into energy.

So, if your cat spends most of her day running around and crashing everything in her way, you can support her mischievousness with a paw-sized nibble of goat cheese.

Let’s be honest, this tasty little treat doesn’t sound so bad when you think about all the benefits your feline friend might get from it. But… There’s always a but when we’re talking about feeding human foods to your cat.

Goat cheese risks

Can Cats Eat Goat Cheese? Here's What You Need To Know!

Goat cheese might be a great source of nutrients, and it might be approved by the ASPCA, but… Throwing it in your cat’s diet like it’s nothing could lead to certain digestive problems. So, let’s start from the beginning.

Most adult cats are lactose intolerant which means they shouldn’t drink milk from other animals or feast on dairy products.

Goat milk and goat cheese have high fat content and high lactose content. This makes them pretty harmful in the long run.

Kittens, on the other hand, aren’t lactose intolerant. They have a much better chance of digesting that rogue piece of goat cheese they found on the kitchen floor.

Does that mean you should feed your kitten goat cheese? No, her mother’s milk is still a much better choice.

Unfortunately, feeding cheese to your cat might lead to some serious digestive issues including upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting.

And on the off chance you don’t address these issues in time, she might even develop poor immunity.

Since goat cheese has a high fat content, your cat might even experience a sudden weight gain. While having a chunky kitty might seem like great fun, feline obesity can easily cause an array of problems and diseases.

A small amount of cheese shouldn’t cause any harm to your curious creature. But, it’s better to stay on the safe side and avoid dairy products as much as you can.

What about other types of cheese?

Grab your favorite four-legged friend and say “Cheese!” because we’re about to embark on a whole different world of dairy overload.

We already mentioned this, but goat cheese contains the least amount of lactose when compared to other types of cheese. This makes it slightly less harmful to your cat’s digestive tract, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t explore other options.

All cats are different which means that all cats react differently when served with a plate of paw-licking cheese treats. Give your vet a quick call and check if you can experiment with some of these popular choices.

Soft cheeses like cottage cheese, cream cheese, feta cheese, blue cheese, and mozzarella are typically higher in lactose which makes them a little less suitable for your furry friend.

Additionally, a lot of soft cheeses are made with raw milk which might contain certain bacteria your cat’s tummy isn’t able to digest.

Some, like blue cheese, might even contain mold which is considered a delicacy among humans, but not as much among cats.

Hard cheeses like parmesan, swiss, cheddar cheese, and string cheese are typically lower in lactose which makes them a little less harmful to your furry friend.

As long as you don’t include any of them in her regular diet, you have nothing to worry about. Always consult with your vet before making any significant changes to your cat’s diet.

An occasional bite or two of goat cheese (or any other cheese) shouldn’t cause any harm to your cat. But, it’s so much better to be safe than sorry.

So, cats can eat goat cheese, as long as they eat it in small amounts and in moderation.

Can Cats Eat Goat Cheese?
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Can Cats Eat Feta Cheese? Will Your Kitto Be Pleased? https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-feta-cheese/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-feta-cheese/#respond Tue, 10 May 2022 07:46:40 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=6485 We all love good cheese, and feta just makes our dreams come true. When it comes to cats, however, they are finicky eaters. But we’re …

The post Can Cats Eat Feta Cheese? Will Your Kitto Be Pleased? appeared first on Cats Chef.

We all love good cheese, and feta just makes our dreams come true. When it comes to cats, however, they are finicky eaters. But we’re certain they won’t pass up on cheese. The only question is, can cats eat feta cheese?

We tend to judge whether certain foods are safe by offering them to our furkids. Cats are good at being guided by their instincts, but sometimes they can be wrong too.

I’m certain that if you tried to feed your cat some feta cheese, she’d be more than happy to oblige. Sometimes, our furry friends can be a bit greedy and it can get the best of them. This wouldn’t be a problem if all human foods are safe for them.

Is feta cheese safe for cats?

If you’re looking for a short answer on this one, you won’t find it here! Feta cheese is more than just a dairy product, so we’ll offer a detailed explanation of how it impacts felines. However, if you’re wondering can cats eat feta cheese so you can feed your pet with it, the quick answer is no.

Because, as previously mentioned, oftentimes cats will try and make eating human foods a habit. If you introduce new foods to her, and your furball goes crazy about it, she will beg constantly. Don’t ask me how I know.

We’ve all been there and know that it’s no easy task distracting your stubborn feline. Not to mention that all of her old food and treats can just rot in the pantry once she gets a taste of something new.

If your kitto has swiped some feta cheese from your salad, that’s fine. It’s not something to lose your mind over. However, eating feta cheese in the long run or in large portions isn’t advisable, and let’s see why.

Dairy content

Can Cats Eat Feta Cheese? Will Your Kitto Be Pleased?

If you don’t already know, cats are lactose intolerant. How could they be if they’re constantly being shown drinking milk? We understand why you’re asking this because you’ve seen cats lapping up milk since you were a kid.

However, sorry to burst some of your childhood memories of certain movies, but felines actually can’t and shouldn’t drink milk. In the kitten stage, they have the enzymes required for the digestion of lactose, a sugar found in milk.

But as they grow older, they lose the abdominal enzyme lactase. This is where all the trouble begins. If your pet eats a considerable amount of feta cheese, she could get the runs. It’s because feta cheese is a by-product of milk, which means it’s packed with lactose.

Lactose intolerance is best recognized if your cat starts exhibiting signs of gastrointestinal discomfort. These oftentimes include vomiting, diarrhea, gas, as well as bloating. However, you shouldn’t mistake lactose intolerance for dairy allergies.

Dairy allergy

The symptoms might look similar and it’s sometimes not easy to differentiate the two. But some of the most obvious signs of dairy allergy include skin rashes, itchiness of the skin, as well as swelling of the mouth and throat.

If you notice any of these symptoms, make sure to take your feline to the veterinarian so they can provide her with the best treatment. Every cat is an individual and therefore, they all will have different reactions to certain foods.

Dairy allergy is something your pet can be born with or develop later in life. It sucks, right? People who are lactose intolerant and have dairy allergies can relate. However, just like your furry friend can develop it, she can also stop being allergic to dairy.

Nevertheless, any dairy product, such as feta cheese or sour cream, can irritate your pet’s stomach and cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, be sure your cat only manages to steal a few bites of feta cheese. Otherwise, you could come home to a less-than-lovely scene.

Can cats eat feta cheese because of the salt?

This is probably one of the main reasons you shouldn’t encourage your cat to eat feta cheese. It’s high in sodium, which can turn out to be a disaster for felines. We know you’re wondering how is that possible, so stick around for the explanation.

Sodium is a mineral that’s needed for good health. Both humans and felines can benefit from it because it keeps our fluid levels in check. However, you know how they always told you to not put too much salt in your food?

High salt intake can have adverse effects on both your and your cat’s health. Cats are more likely to get the short end of the stick with this one, though. Excessive amounts of salt are known to cause high blood pressure and even strokes.

When it comes to cats, they can easily get poisoned by salt. If she ingests too much of it or just has regular access to this table condiment, her health could be in danger.

Sodium poisoning isn’t something to be taken with a grain of salt. Pun intended, but you should take this seriously. Excessive amounts of salt in your feline’s body could cause your pet to experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, as well as excessive thirst and urination.

Too much salt can get us dehydrated, let alone cats who don’t even like drinking water. However, these symptoms are the least of your worries. In extreme cases, felines can experience seizures and tremors. Although not so common, salt toxicity can even induce a coma.

This sounds terrifying, and it is! Feta cheese is packed with salt, so it’s best if you refrain from feeding it to your cat.

What about the fats?

Can Cats Eat Feta Cheese? Will Your Kitto Be Pleased?

We all know that eating foods that are high in fat isn’t recommended. Furthermore, it’s unhealthy and can cause us to gain weight. If you’re not looking to put on some extra pounds, then you should stay away from high-fat foods.

The same goes for feta cheese. Cats can eat small amounts of it, but too much feta can lead to obesity. It’s loaded with fats, and a majority of them are saturated, unhealthy ones. While it does contain some unsaturated fats, the unhealthy ones prevail.

Although it’s a good source of protein, in this case, the cons outweigh the pros. If you’re looking for ways to add some more protein to her diet and she’s had enough of meat, tofu is a safe choice, as long as it’s given in moderation.

Too much fat can lead to serious health problems. Over time, these unnecessary nutrients pile up in your cat’s body, causing food storage. Chubby cats are a sight to see, but overweight pets have a poor life quality.

This means obesity can weigh them down, literally. It puts pressure on their joints and is one of the leading reasons for the development of arthritis later in life. High-fat foods also increase the risk of high blood cholesterol.

It’s a reason for concern because that way, your pet’s chances of getting a stroke or some heart disease are increased. Make sure you think of this next time before offering your pet feta cheese.

If it’s bad, why are cats attracted to it?

Cats are smart little creatures and they make good choices – most of the time. The reason your furball might be interested in this creamy dish is the fat and protein content. Felines know what they need and will try to get hold of it.

The fats found in feta cheese are mostly saturated, as previously mentioned. However, those healthy ones are important for your pet’s health. In the wild, cats will feast on the fattiest parts of the animal.

While our domesticated pets aren’t the same as their wild cousins, the instinct is still there. Fat is an excellent source of energy and stimulates muscle growth as well. Without fat, your cat would most likely lose weight and be unable to keep herself warm.

Felines are carnivores and require a special protein-rich diet. Next to fats, it’s the most important nutrient that’s essential for a cat’s development. Without it, felines don’t really stand a chance at survival.

The thing is, carnivores are made to break down meat-based foods. This means your cat has no trouble gorging down some turkey bacon. It also means that she won’t have the time of her life with plant material because their digestive systems are not equipped for it.

So, while cats are attracted to the “good” elements of feta cheese, these benefits will be overridden by the unhealthy elements. So, we can safely say that feta cheese has little nutritional value to cats and should rather be excluded from your furchild’s diet.

Can cats eat baked feta cheese?

Can Cats Eat Feta Cheese? Will Your Kitto Be Pleased?

We hope you weren’t too optimistic about this question. As previously stated, feta cheese is best to be avoided by your four-legged companion. Foods prepared with feta cheese can also be a threat to your pet’s health.

For example, baked feta cheese is as harmful as regular feta cheese, if not more so. This dish contains other ingredients, such as bell peppers, onion, and tomatoes. While bell peppers are perfectly fine for cats, the rest is troublesome.

One of the elements that are highly toxic to felines is Allium crops such as garlic, onions, chives, and leeks. Unfortunately, despite their extensive usage in human cuisine, these are strict no-nos for kitties. Alliums contain compounds that are dangerous to cats in that they can destroy red blood cells, thereby causing several types of anemia.

In short, garlic and onion, in any form, are harmful to your cat’s health. Your cat is better off without them, whether powdered, cooked, raw, or in any other form.

We’re familiar with the link between cats and vegetables. Things aren’t much different when it comes to tomatoes. They are a part of the Nightshade family, which is known to be harmful to cats.

The alkaloid solanine is found in all members of this family, including eggplant. Tomatoes can upset your cat’s stomach, resulting in nausea and diarrhea. Side symptoms such as a fever or a headache are also possible. Avoid foods like tomato soup and others that contain this veggie.

In summary

Whether your cat stole some of your feta cheese from your dish or straight from the package, it doesn’t matter. Small amounts can be tolerated, but anything other than that should be considered harmful.

Felines are lactose intolerant, and that in itself answers your question of whether cats can and should eat feta cheese. Furthermore, feta cheese is packed with salt which is another red flag for felines.

To sum up, feta cheese is not recommended for cats. Rather keep some feline-friendly treats at hand the next time your little manipulator stares at you with those big begging eyes!

Read more: Can Cats Eat Goat Cheese? Here’s What You Need To Know!

Can Cats Eat Feta Cheese?
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Can Cats Eat Cottage Cheese? Is It A Safe Treat For Cats? https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-cottage-cheese/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-cottage-cheese/#respond Thu, 17 Mar 2022 10:13:15 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=4210 Whenever you’re preparing a salad or a sandwich, you can’t skimp on the cottage cheese. There’s enough for everybody, even your kitto! He seems curious …

The post Can Cats Eat Cottage Cheese? Is It A Safe Treat For Cats? appeared first on Cats Chef.

Whenever you’re preparing a salad or a sandwich, you can’t skimp on the cottage cheese. There’s enough for everybody, even your kitto! He seems curious about it but you’re not sure if you’re allowed to share it with him. Can cats eat cottage cheese? Let’s take a look!

Cats are obligate carnivores that survive exclusively on meat. They might indulge in other treats sometimes, but they still get most of their nutrition from the muscles and organs of other animals.

Meat-based proteins, and chemicals such as taurine, are crucial for their health and development. That’s why cats can’t thrive without it.

Domestic cats come from their wild ancestors who used to hunt animals in the wilderness. Muscles of these animals contained high levels of amino acids that were vital for the survival of cats.

At that point, the only source of plant nutrients was the processed amount of fruits and vegetables from their prey’s digestive system(s). That’s why, over time, cats developed the ability to digest these processed veggies from their prey’s stomach.

However, when cats were domesticated, they lost the liver enzymes needed to digest plants. Their digestive systems became shorter and tailored to process protein.

As a result, cats can’t process plants and fat as well as they used to. That’s why their diet is based mostly on meat.

But what about digesting cheese? Can cats eat cottage cheese or is it the type of food they should stay away from?

To get a better understanding of this delicious dairy product, we first need to know what the cheese is made of.

Can cats eat cottage cheese since it’s a dairy product?

Can Cats Eat Cottage Cheese? Is It A Safe Treat For Cats?

We do get cheese from animal milk, but it doesn’t contain the amino acids found in meat. However, there are still high levels of protein in it, just not necessarily the ones our pets need.

Cheese is also high in fat, which isn’t desirable for cats. They can’t process it well enough and will store any extra amount, leading to obesity. This is a serious health problem that takes a toll on your cat’s joints, so make sure not to overdo it with cheese.

Cats also lack the enzyme lactase and therefore find milk, sour cream, or other dairy products hard to digest. If your feline consumes a significant amount of it, he can experience symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach aches.

Fortunately, cottage cheese falls among the cheeses containing the least amount of lactose. Whey, a liquid that contains high levels of lactose, is mostly removed in the production process.

That’s why cottage cheese is easier to digest for your feline. You can offer it as a treat but it shouldn’t replace the main ingredients of his meat-based diet.

Cottage cheese also contains high levels of calcium. This element ensures strong, healthy teeth and bones. What more could you ask for?

How much cottage cheese can cats eat?

Cats are extremely curious about food and will bother you when cooking. They will want you to give them a piece of food you’re preparing just so they can try it.

If your cat has a well-balanced diet, and you don’t want to spoil his curiosity, feel free to give him a spoon of cottage cheese. This type of cheese is low in fat and it shouldn’t be a threat to your cat’s health if consumed occasionally and in small portions.

Even cat parents love to treat themselves with a type of food that’s not the best for them. As long as it doesn’t repeat on a daily basis, you’re good.

The same goes for our furry little friends – cottage cheese isn’t poisonous for them but has no real nutritional value. A spoonful or two here and there is fine as a treat but that’s about it.

What types of cheese are safe for my cat?

There are different types of cheese, with all sorts of ingredients. Therefore, it’s good to know whether some of them are harmful to your feline.

Every cheese is made of basically the same ingredients: milk, enzymes, salt, and cheese cultures. Still, some of them are higher in fat and salt which doesn’t make them suitable for your pet.

Soft cheeses like mozzarella and brie should be kept far away from your pet. They can contain salmonella which could cause your cat many health issues.

Avoid American and feta cheese since they’re high in salt and preservatives. High sodium levels can cause dehydration, and you know how hard it is to get your cat to drink enough water.

Blue cheese is also a no-no. Besides the high levels of preservatives, it contains a type of mold that can be toxic to cats the same way it’s toxic to humans.

On the other hand, cheeses like cheddar and swiss are safer for your cat as they contain less lactose. But still, make sure to keep your cat’s cheese portions small if you don’t want to upset his stomach.

What about vegan cheese?

When you think about it, vegan cheese contains no lactose and that seems to be the main issue cats have with cheese and dairy products in general. Having that in mind, you may think that feeding your cat with this vegan option is the way to go.

However, the answer is a resounding no! Even though it lacks lactose, this cheese is still full of salt and fat, and therefore must be avoided. Any cheese that is highly processed like vegan cheese is a big no-no!

Can kittens eat cottage cheese?

Can Cats Eat Cottage Cheese? Is It A Safe Treat For Cats?

You might see little kittens drink milk and wonder how’s that possible? It’s an interesting question because cats, as we’ve mentioned, can’t easily process dairy.

Cats are mammals and small kittens must drink their mother’s milk to grow steadily. Being the amazing creatures they are, kittens produce the needed enzymes to digest milk during this period.

As they mature, they start losing lactase, and eventually become lactose intolerant. From that point on, feeding them dairy food, including cottage cheese, stops being the best choice.

Once they’re ready to eat solids, feel free to introduce meat protein into their diet. This will help them grow and develop properly.

Can pregnant cats eat cottage cheese?

It’s safe for pregnant cats to eat cottage cheese and can benefit the kittens in her stomach as well. Additional calcium intake from this cheese helps kittens grow strong and develop properly.

However, it’s very important to take care of the daily calories and fat intake. It’s best to limit these when the cat’s pregnant.

A small amount of cottage cheese as a treat is perfectly fine but don’t overdo it. Less is more and in this case, it’s the only truth.

The final verdict

Let’s repeat things one more time just so we’re sure that the message got across.

Person A: “Can cats eat cottage cheese?”

Person B: ” Well, it isn’t the best choice for your cat as it has no nutritional value. It definitely shouldn’t become a regular part of his diet. But if you have a healthy, full-grown cat, it certainly won’t harm him if he takes a bite or two from time to time.”

Related post: Can Cats Eat Butter? This Article Doesn’t Stutter!

Can Cats Eat Cottage Cheese?
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Can Cats Eat Butter? This Article Doesn’t Stutter! https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-butter/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-butter/#respond Wed, 23 Feb 2022 07:25:14 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=3753 Butter is an ingredient that goes well with so many foods. Also, cats are creatures that stuff their noses in lots of food. These two …

The post Can Cats Eat Butter? This Article Doesn’t Stutter! appeared first on Cats Chef.

Butter is an ingredient that goes well with so many foods. Also, cats are creatures that stuff their noses in lots of food. These two facts make us wonder, can cats eat butter?

This fatty, creamy ingredient has widespread use in the kitchen. It’s used as a spread, in baking goods like pastries, and many other dishes, sweet or salty.

We can say it’s a common denominator for many dishes. Cats, being the chefs they are, always want to supervise our cooking skills. This includes tasting foods while we wait for their approval.

However, some boundaries need to be set in the kitchen. Even if your pet is a supervisor, she shouldn’t put her whiskers in your bowls all the time.

Is butter bad for cats?

To be honest, yes. Cats can eat butter, but will probably have some side effects. Felines are built differently than humans and therefore, require a special diet that sometimes doesn’t cross paths with ours.

What serves a great purpose in our kitchen could be of no use to our pets, or even harmful. Sadly, butter is one of those ingredients that shouldn’t be on your furry chef’s list. Components found in butter, such as dairy, salt, fats, and others, are all troublesome for cats.

These items could awake that jungle in your pet’s tummy and make it rumble! This isn’t the ideal situation, especially if your furkid isn’t fast enough to get to the litterbox…

Dairy content and cats: how do they get along?

Can Cats Eat Butter? This Article Doesn't Stutter!

Butter is considered dairy as it’s a by-product of milk. The way butter is made presents the answer to the question “Can cats eat butter?” It’s produced when the cream has separated from the milk and been churned.

The next steps include adding salt to it, so the large percentage of butter is made up of milk fat and sodium. These are unhealthy to cats in so many ways.

Dairy isn’t welcomed in the feline world. The reason behind this is that cats are lactose intolerant.

Just like some humans, your pet could get the runs if she consumes butter or milk. Just like is the case with sour cream, a few licks here and there aren’t likely to cause her harm. Still, there’s no reason to encourage her to try it.

Cats lack the enzyme called lactase that helps break down the sugar found in milk – lactose. A bit confusing, right? While the terms may blur your mind, the message is crystal clear: no dairy for your furkid.

Some pets won’t show signs of lactose intolerance even after eating a good chunk of butter, whereas others start immediately after having a bite. The symptoms of lactose intolerance are expressed in vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, and gassiness.

These can be troublesome for both you and your kitty cat. (Been there, done that.)

Dairy allergies in cats

Lactose intolerance and dairy allergy may have similar symptoms but are not the same thing. Lactose intolerance in cats happens due to the lack of an enzyme, while dairy allergy is a body’s abnormal response to it.

The symptoms vary from one cat to another, but some common ones include rashes, itchy skin, as well as wheezing and digestive issues. Some symptoms can be tricky to distinguish intolerance from an allergic reaction, such as gastrointestinal upset.

Another key difference is that lactose intolerance develops when kittens stop breastfeeding and an allergy is something your cat can be born with or develop later in life. Either way, don’t be so keen on finding out what’s the case with your cat. A healthy pet means lower vet bills!

Can cats eat butter because of the salt?

Ah, what’s better than seasoning your food with some sea salt or regular salt? It really adds to the flavor and can change up the whole meal! Salt has the power to make bland foods finger-licking! Especially if you’re in love with it, like I am…

But once again, it’s a different story when it comes to our furry friends. Butter generally contains high amounts of salt and isn’t recommended for feline consumption.

Sodium is a mineral that’s required for a balanced diet in both humans and their four-legged companions. It helps with muscle and nerve functions and aids in balancing fluids. This flavoring agent also occurs naturally in many foods through which your pet benefits.

Your cat gets enough of this mineral through a healthy and balanced diet, which means any additional amounts are unnecessary. This ingredient can be detrimental to your pet’s health if consumed in large quantities or for prolonged periods. It’s been linked to high blood pressure, which brings with it a higher risk of stroke and heart disease.

However, this isn’t your main concern if your cat chef eats butter regularly. Salt toxicity may occur if she’s exposed to and has regular access to this mineral. The symptoms of salt poisoning in felines include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, and urination, as well as dehydration.

In severe cases, if your cat decides it would be a good idea to feast on salt (which is unlikely to happen), the poisoning could induce seizures, tremors, and even coma.

High-fat content

Can Cats Eat Butter? This Article Doesn't Stutter!

As we mentioned before, butter is loaded with fats. Butter is made up of 80% milk fat.

This is probably what could get your pet intrigued because fat is essential to them. However, these fats aren’t the healthy ones and your pet should avoid them as far as possible.

The natural fats found in meat and other fresh foods are a great energy source for your cat. They provide her with fuel that supports her daily activities and helps keep her warm when fur isn’t enough.

However, fats found in butter are highly saturated and, trust me, you don’t want to feed your feline these. Saturated fats are known for raising bad cholesterol levels in the blood, which is associated with the onset of heart diseases and stroke. If you want to keep your feline healthy and fit, you’ll skip the butter.

So, in short, cats can technically eat butter, but it’s not highly recommended.

A small percent of the overall fat content in butter is made up of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are known for having an opposite impact on your cat’s health rather than saturated ones.

It means that they’re good for lowering the risk of heart diseases. However, the amount of these healthy fats isn’t sufficient to outweigh the negative impacts of saturated fats.

Alternatives to butter

Even if cats can eat small amounts of butter every now and then, you should really turn to substitutes. We have established that butter holds many threats to your cat’s health and your task is to eliminate them.

If you love cooking, you’ll come across butter all the time. And if your pet’s a curious one, she may have her nose up in your business more than you’d love her to. Even though she’s super cute with all the investigation going on, you don’t want to risk her getting sick because of butter.

Still, you don’t want to exclude her from your cooking session, but also make sure that her safety is your number one priority. In this case, you can opt for some almond butter.

It isn’t an ideal replacement, but it doesn’t contain any milk, which is good news. However, the bad news is that it’s still high in fats, so moderation is key.

To sum up

Cats can eat butter, but only if that means a lick or two here and there. It’s a common ingredient found in many dishes and hard to avoid. However, butter is one more reason you shouldn’t inspire your pet to eat human foods.

It doesn’t hold any health benefits to cats and is instead detrimental to their health. The risks of salt poisoning and dairy allergies, together with its high-fat content, just aren’t worth it.

Related post: Can Cats Eat Cottage Cheese? Is It A Safe Treat For Cats?

Can Cats Eat Butter?
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Can Cats Eat Margarine? Is It Safe For Them? https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-margarine/ https://catschef.com/can-cats-eat-margarine/#respond Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:26:40 +0000 https://catschef.com/?p=2821 Margarine is a staple and is widely used in many households. When someone says margarine, you may think of butter. Although they are quite similar, …

The post Can Cats Eat Margarine? Is It Safe For Them? appeared first on Cats Chef.

Margarine is a staple and is widely used in many households. When someone says margarine, you may think of butter. Although they are quite similar, these two ingredients are not the same. We know our furry friends shouldn’t eat butter, but can cats eat margarine?

This is a frequent question among cat-lovers, especially those who love cooking. Our four-legged companions are used to following our every step, mainly when those steps lead to the kitchen!

It’s not uncommon for our pets to show interest in human food either by stealing it or begging for it. However, our foods can sometimes bring more harm than joy to our beloved pe(s)ts.

You’re here because you’re wondering if cats can eat margarine – especially if you’ve caught your trouble-maker pawing it off the counter.

Is margarine dangerous to cats?

Margarine isn’t necessarily dangerous to your pet, but it’s not recommended either. What could she possibly benefit from eating margarine or butter? Ask yourself this question before introducing new items to your cat’s diet, especially human food.

While margarine isn’t poisonous to felines, it certainly doesn’t fulfill any of their nutritional requirements. Both margarine and butter are dairy products which isn’t the best-case scenario for cats. Let’s see why.

What is margarine made of?

First of all, margarine is a spread that’s made for cooking and baking. It usually serves as a substitute for butter, although they aren’t the same. Both have a yellow color, but the origins of the color are different.

While butter is mostly made of heavy cream, margarine is composed of vegetable oils. Because of this, margarine could be a safer alternative than butter when it comes to you and your fluff.

Besides vegetable oils, margarine contains water, salt, and may or may not contain preservatives. The contents and ratios differ from one brand to another – some margarine brands are considered vegan.

Can Cats Eat Margarine? Is It Safe For Them?

Can cats eat margarine because of vegetable oils?

While vegetable oils aren’t toxic to felines, they could cause some mild gastrointestinal discomfort. And although the amount found in margarine shouldn’t be worrying, that doesn’t mean you should feed it to your pet.

Vegetable oils are what make margarine healthier than butter. This is because vegetable oils contain unsaturated fats in contrast to butter, which is packed with saturated ones. Unsaturated fats are healthy kinds of fat that won’t raise your cat’s cholesterol levels like saturated.

Felines need fat because it provides them with important energy. However, excess amounts of fat or any quantity of unhealthy fats can lead to health issues. Raised cholesterol in the blood can be the reason for developing heart issues.

When it comes to vegetable oils, while they’re not dangerous to cats, they could send your pet running to the litterbox. Some owners give vegetable oils to their pets to help with their hairballs. However, we don’t recommend treating your cat without prior consultation with your vet.

Soybean oil

Cats can have small amounts of soybean oil, but this shouldn’t become a habit. While soybeans are protein-rich, let’s not forget your cat isn’t delighted with plant material.

Don’t mistake soybean oil for soy sauce, though. This sauce could be dangerous for your fluff, while soybean oil has no clear health risks and could be a good nutritional addition to feline diets.

Is palm oil good for your pet? Can cats eat margarine because of it?

Vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, and dehydration are common symptoms after consuming palm oil. In some circumstances, pancreatitis – a potentially life-threatening illness – can occur.

Because of its semi-solid state, washed palm oil can induce intestinal obstructions. Palm oil is also high in saturated fats, which elevate cholesterol.

Canola oil – dangerous or not?

Small amounts of canola oil are entirely safe for your furkid to consume. However, pure canola oil is 100% fat, which has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and pancreatitis.

It could give your cat the runs, but other than that, small amounts are safe.

What about salt?

Cats require sodium (salt) as a mineral that creates balance in their bodies. This mineral helps in nerve functions as well as muscle contractions. However, an abundance of this condiment can be harmful to felines.

If your pet is exposed to salt regularly and eats large quantities thereof, it can be detrimental to her health. This excessive intake of salt almost guarantees sodium toxicity, a health condition where one can expect symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and excessive urination and thirst.

Make sure to provide your feline with the best care possible if she exhibits any of these symptoms. This means taking an emergency trip to the vet because these mild symptoms, if left untreated, can develop into something far more serious.

Some severe signs of salt poisoning include tremors, seizures, and even coma. Depending on the brand, margarine can contain decent amounts of salt, which is one of the reasons cats should rather not eat margarine.

Is milk in margarine good for cats?

For cats, milk can induce digestive problems such as diarrhea. Milk contains lactose, which your pets’ stomachs cannot take. This is why milk isn’t suggested.

Lactose intolerance is a condition in which the body has difficulty digesting milk. Lactose cannot be broken down by felines because they lack the necessary intestinal enzymes, lactase. Hence, milk is difficult for them to digest.

If you wish to give your pet milk, choose lactose-free or almond milk. Any other milk, particularly cow’s milk, can cause bloating and gassiness in your cat. Other than that, various gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea may occur.

Can Cats Eat Margarine? Is It Safe For Them?

Nutritional value of margarine

Now that we have established what margarine is made of, let’s see if there are any benefits for your pet. Let’s get back to those vegetable oils and their fats.

As previously mentioned, margarine contains unsaturated fats like polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. This is mainly because it’s made from plant-based oils such as palm oil, soybean oil, and canola oil.

Unsaturated fats are a healthier option for cats because they can reduce the risk of heart issues, unlike saturated fats. They also hold anti-inflammatory properties and won’t raise your feline’s cholesterol levels.

Now, why can’t cats eat margarine?

Even though it has some benefits like unsaturated fats, margarine still isn’t advisable for cats. It’s high in fat, carbs, and calories, all of which can be detrimental to your pet’s health.

Unhealthy fats

Excessive amounts of these nutrients can lead to certain health conditions. Too much fat can make your cat obese and increase the risk of heart disease.

High-fat foods in your cat’s diet could cause clogging of arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. Other medical conditions like hyperlipidemia and pancreatitis are prone to developing because of too many fat molecules.

Make sure to avoid feeding margarine and butter to your pet if she’s already struggling with some extra pounds.

Carbohydrates and their impact on cats

Carbs are an unnecessary part of a feline’s diet and therefore, can’t benefit them in any way. They can have a hard time digesting it because carbohydrates come usually from plant material. Since cats are carnivorous, their bodies are simply not made to break down plant matter.

This can result in improper digestion, which can eventually lead to constipation. Your pet may also suffer from bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. Make sure to stick to your cat’s regular meat-based diet so she can get all the needed nutrients.

Margarine is calorie-dense

When it comes to calories, humans often battle with them too. Margarine is calorie-dense and not suitable for your furkid. While it’s true that cats indeed need certain amounts of calories to get them through the day and stay healthy, it’s important not to overdo it.

Extra calorie intake will result in fat storage that can become a problem for your cat. Weight gain for such elegant creatures often results in joint pressure that further develops into osteoarthritis.

What’s the difference between margarine and butter?

Although they are both yellow, the reasons for the color are different. Apart from margarine containing vegetable oils and butter containing heavy cream, butter has higher levels of fat.

These fats are highly saturated, unlike the types in margarine. This is why butter is much more unhealthy for both you and your four-legged companion.


Butter is a dairy product while margarine may contain milk yet doesn’t require it. Felines are lactose intolerant, making margarine more suitable for them in this regard.

Butter isn’t a choice for cats or those who are lactose intolerant. However, with some types of margarine, this provides a feasible substitute. For persons with dairy sensitivities, this is useful in baking and cooking in general.

Bottom line

Cats can eat margarine in small amounts without consequences. However, any excessive quantities could possibly cause some stomach distress. If you’re still wondering if cats can eat margarine, the lack of nutrients needed for your pet’s health is probably the answer.

Besides, high amounts of fat, carbs, and calories are what should keep you from feeding margarine to your pet. A lick or two won’t hurt her, but keep her nutritional needs in mind.

Can Cats Eat Margarine?
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