Having a pet isn’t always the easiest thing, as sometimes you’ll have to deal with your cat peeing on the stove or ripping your favorite curtains to shreds. But it’s worth it because our pets are definitely our best friends.
Whenever we have a bad day, our fluffballs are the first ones to run and lie next to us. They may not “say” much, but our cat’s licking shows us that they love us very much. It’s truly an amazing feeling as having a pet lets you experience a completely different kind of love.
One of the things that have the power to ruin our day is definitely our cat peeing on the stove. It’s not only that we’re left with a dirty stove that now needs to be thoroughly cleaned, but we also worry about the health of our little furrball.
At first, we might think that she did it because she felt rebellious at that moment, or she was angry at us. However, that’s not the case. There are many reasons for this action, and here are the 6 most common ones.
It’s close to her litter box

If your cat is peeing on the stove, she might be doing it because it’s located near her litter box. That especially happens if the kitty is just a baby, or you recently moved her litter box to a new location and she doesn’t yet remember where exactly it is.
So she tries to find it around the house and as soon as she sees something she remembers, your kitten will think that she’s at the right place. Or at least close enough for her to do her business without you getting mad at her.
It shouldn’t happen for a long time, because after some time your cat should discover and recall the location of her litter box. However, if it continues to happen, then there could be another reason why shoe chose to pee on your stove.
She’s scared of other cats

Another answer to this unfortunate event might be hidden behind fear. Cats are not afraid of many things (let’s not talk about cucumbers!) but they really aren’t fond of other cats that seem stronger and more dominant than them.
That’s why if you have more than one cat and they don’t really get along, one of them might be afraid of using the litter box. Your sensitive kitty might feel threatened by the other pets in your house and the stove probably seems like a safe spot for her to relieve herself.
If your cats aren’t big fans of each other, try putting two litter boxes further away from each other. That way, both cats would feel that they have more privacy and it might help you solve this problem.
She can smell litter from the stove

Maybe it’s the combination of the previous two reasons. Your cat is afraid of something and she’s searching for the safest spot to urinate. She’s looking for a place around the house and the best option seems one that smells like her litter box.
So if your stove is located somewhere near her box, she can easily smell it from there. That’s why your kitty might choose it as her new “bathroom.” Cats are smart animals, and they’ll try to find the best solution. But they will always make themselves a priority.
So even if your cat knows that peeing on the stove is forbidden, yet she doesn’t like her litter box, she’ll still choose the stove. Because that’s something that makes her feel more comfortable.
There’s too much stress in the household

Believe it or not, a stressful situation can make your cat anxious. Just like we get sad or angry when something bad happens in our lives, cats can feel the same way. If your household is usually a place full of stress, arguments, yelling, or simply negative vibes, then your cat also picks up on that.
We are humans, and we’re able to solve problems and understand other people and situations that happen around us. Our pets can’t do the same. They can only feel that something is wrong, but they aren’t able to understand what we’re talking about and what’s actually going on around them.
Things like this stress them out, so they sometimes act out in weird ways. That’s because they are confused and afraid of unfamiliar things. All that stress might cause your kitto to do her business somewhere where she feels the safest, even if that place is your stove.
The poor cat is declawed

Another reason your cat is peeing on the stove might be the fact that she’s declawed. It’s an inhumane way to treat a poor kitten, causing her to live in pain for the rest of her life.
Declawing might be beneficial for you as she won’t be able to scratch you or the newest furniture, but what’s more important? To have a healthy and happy pet who’ll enjoy her life, or to save a few items around the house from her playful scratches? There’s only one right answer to this!
Declawing your cat leaves life-long consequences. Some of them include pain in her paws, infections, tissue death, and back pain. When you remove her claws, you change the way her little foot meets the ground. Imagine having to wear uncomfortable pair of shoes for the rest of your life.
So the litter box you placed for her might be hurtful to her little paws, and your kitty feels more comfortable walking on the stove.
She has health issues

All of these scenarios (except for declawing) should be short-term. But let’s say your cat has been peeing on the stove for a very long period of time and you don’t think any of the things above are the reason behind it. Then it might be something a bit more serious – a problem that you shouldn’t try to solve on your own.
Your pet has a problem you don’t know much about, but there’s someone who does. So in order not to lose any more precious time, take your feline to see the vet.
That’s how you’ll get the definitive answer you’re looking for. Either you’ll hear that your cat is completely fine, or you’ll get needed treatment for her. Either way, it will help both of you solve the problem.
How to clean up cat pee from the stove?

Before you start cleaning, move your cat gently. I know she made a mistake, but don’t yell at her or show her that you’re really mad. Your kitty either confused the place with her litter box, or she was scared and stressed. She didn’t do it to make you angry, and if she could, she would help you clean up.
So after you’ve moved your pet, you can start. The first thing you need to do is to soak up the cat’s urine. Use something disposable, like paper towels most of us have at home. After that, start your disinfection process.
Make sure that you thoroughly clean the area – there shouldn’t be any odor or bacteria left on your stove. And if there’s any odor left, then it means that there’s also bacteria, so you’ll easily know whether you’ve cleaned it well or not.
When you do all of that, rinse it off with warm water. Then take a sponge and lightly dampen it in white vinegar. Don’t make it dripping wet. Use that sponge to soak up all the water that’s left on the stove. Once it’s all dry, you can cook food on it again!
Did you know that you can also use Coca-Cola to clean your cat’s pee? Yes, that fizzy drink we all love! It’s mostly used when you discover your kitty’s pee too late and it’s already dried. Putting Coca-Cola on it will make it softer and possible to clean up.
Now we know why our cats might do it, and we know how to clean it up, but there’s one thing that we haven’t covered: How to prevent your cat from peeing on the stove?
Get another litter box

The first thing you can try to do is to get another litter box. In Ancient Egypt, cats were considered gods, and people always treated them with respect. That’s how they learned that everything should be the way they want it to be.
So if your kitty doesn’t like the color or the shape of your litter box, she might try to make you buy a new one by making a mess around the house until you figure out her wish. If you want her to stop peeing on your stove, this is one of the first things you should try to do.
This time, consider a completely different type of litter box from what you’re used to. This iPrimio Enclosed Sides Stainless Steel Cat XL Litter Box is a great choice.
Since it’s made of stainless steel, it won’t absorb any odor or stains and I’m sure your sensitive furry friend will appreciate that. Also, it’s easy to clean which is something you’ll particularly love.
Designed by cat parents, this litter box could be a solution to your feline’s peeing issues.
Don’t use scented litter

Our fluffy friends can smell everything! And just like us, they have some scents they love, but also some that they don’t. Their litter box is very important for them as they are very clean animals who care about where they do their business.
However, if you usually buy scented litter, it’s possible that you often make a mistake when choosing it. Just because something smells nice to us, doesn’t necessarily mean it smells the same way to our cats. Maybe the scent is too strong for them or they simply don’t like it.
If they don’t, they’ll probably refuse to use that litter box and they’ll choose any other place they like until you buy them a new one.
In that case, consider trying this BoxiePro scent-free, clumping cat litter. It’s gonna make it easier for you to clean a litter box plus, it won’t repel your kitty from using it. I think it’s definitely worth trying.
Cover the stove with something your cat doesn’t like

If you don’t think that changing a litter box will stop your cat from peeing on the stove, you can try covering it with something your kitty doesn’t like.
Most of them aren’t really big fans of citruses or cucumbers. So maybe you can try some new cleaning tips and tricks that include lemons. Or you can use already made cleaning supplies with a strong smell that bothers your cat.
If you’ve been living with your furball for a long time, then you also know about some other things she doesn’t really fancy. So you can try using them. For example, my cat hates a few of my teddy bears, so I always put them in places where I don’t want her to go.
Take her to the vet

And the last piece of advice I always like to give is to take your pet to the vet. We’re all cat lovers, owners, and people who like to spend time around them, but vets are the ones who know more than us for sure!
So if your cat constantly does the same thing, and nothing you do can stop her, then it’s time to turn to a professional. It will save you and your cat from unnecessary stress that comes with an unknown situation.