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Cat Meowing Before Throwing Up: What’s Up With That?

Cat Meowing Before Throwing Up: What’s Up With That?

“My cat’s meowing before throwing up and there’s something strange about the fact that she announces the event before things go south. And, they go south pretty fast. What’s up with that?”

That’s probably something that’s been bugging you as of late. Truth be told, nobody decides to look up what a cat’s meowing arrangements mean without a good reason.

Perhaps your fluffy friend’s been meowing your ears off when she’s looking for attention. Or, she’s been vocalizing her fears whenever she’s been feeling under the weather.

Whatever the case might be, your fluffer seems to be meowing before throwing up. And, you’re wondering whether there’s a hidden meaning behind her very, very odd behavior.

Here’s the thing. There’s always going to be a hidden meaning behind the strange sounds she makes because that’s how she communicates.

And, to make things even more interesting, cats don’t communicate with other cats the same way they communicate with you and me.

As a matter of fact, cats pretty much only meow when they’re looking for a kitten they lost or a human whose attention they need. Oh, what have we ever done to deserve such pleasure?

As you would expect, cats mostly meow when they’re hungry, bored, or want to cuddle. But, there are times when cats meow (yowl, howl, hiss, or even caterwaul) when they’re dealing with something negative.

Whether they’re under the weather or running away from danger, there are circumstances under which they produce sounds to beseech help.

Therefore, when you catch a glimpse of your cat meowing before throwing up, there’s nothing to freak out over. We’ve gathered a bunch of explanations for why your cat might be doing that (as well as what you should do after she’s down throwing up). Keep on reading, why don’t you?!

Why does your cat keep meowing before throwing up?

Cat Meowing Before Throwing Up: What's Up With That?

When you say “my cat keeps meowing before throwing up”, you probably aren’t referring to the soft, melodic meow most cats let out when they’re happy, healthy, and looking to snuggle. Chances are, you’re talking about the high-pitched, deep, demonic yowl your cat lets out when something’s definitely off.

As things happen to be, our fluffers yowl when they’re angry, annoyed, upset, uncomfortable, and dealing with a level of pain you can’t even fathom.

Not only that, but they make gagging (howling even) sounds when they’re about to throw up. And, they might make you rethink what you thought you knew about feline behavior (and health).

Our fluffy friends meow before throwing up to communicate they’re nauseated. But, there are times when they’re trying to say something else. Of course, you might guess these things yourself based on circumstances (and other sounds she produces).

But, there’s hardly anything wrong with going over our basic understanding of a cat’s communication methods once more. So, here’s what we gathered – when referring to why your cat might resort to meowing before throwing up.

1. She’s communicating that something’s wrong

Repeat after me: “Cats don’t always meow when they’re happy! Sometimes they meow when they’re telling you they’re not OK!”.

We can’t stress that enough because so many pet parents choose the route of believing that cats never make sounds to communicate they’re dealing with something negative.

Whether they’re stressed out, uncomfortable, or battling a disease, cats might start meowing (or producing other sounds) more frequently than before.

And, when a cat starts meowing before throwing up, she’s probably aware of what’s going to happen. She’s hoping to get your attention before things go south.

2. She’s trying to get your attention because she wants you to help her

To everyone’s demise, cats can’t communicate what’s wrong with them. We’re the ones that have to work through the language barrier and figure out what’s going on. More often than not, cats use a different set of sounds when they’re announcing that they’re dealing with a disease (or something of the sort).

And, when you’ve been a pet parent for a long time, you might be able to differentiate between different sounds your four-legged friend makes. Therefore, when she starts yowling, howling, and meowing before throwing up, you might be able to react accordingly because you knew that was going to happen.

Of course, the moment she starts throwing up make sure you’re close enough to react accordingly. On the other hand, maybe she’s experiencing repeated bouts of vomiting. That’s when you know you should contact your vet and ask for advice (or even a visit).

3. She’s scared and doesn’t understand what’s happing to her

Now, we can’t overlook the possibility that your furry friend started meowing before throwing up because she had no clue what was going on. We can’t assume that cats always know whether they’re stressed out, uncomfortable, threatened by something, or experiencing any kind of danger.

Sure, cats do possess that “gut feeling” that keeps them safe when they’re outside (meaning, in the wilderness). But, that feeling doesn’t always help them figure out what’s wrong.

Therefore, your cat might have sensed something was going on. She started meowing because she was scared. And, she ended up throwing up on your brand-new Urban Outfitters carpet.

But, you have hardly anything to freak out over (other than your ruined carpet, of course). When cats do the “meowing-before-throwing-up” thing, they’re probably not going to do that more than once.

Startled cats make sounds because they’re confused and want you to offer them a helping hand. Of course, on the off chance that she throws up on more than one occasion, you should contact your vet.

What do you do after your cat stops meowing and throwing up?

Cat Meowing Before Throwing Up: What's Up With That?

Understanding why your cat started meowing before throwing up seems difficult enough. But, your responsibility as a pet parent doesn’t stop there. Oh, you need to react appropriately after your fluffer’s done doing her thing.

Clean her, comfort her, check the contents of her “throwing up accident”, and contact your vet when necessary.

Trust me, these things are super simple and they make a world of difference for your furry friend. Cats might appear standoffish and detached, but they’re far from that when they’re dealing with something they don’t understand.

Who’s to say the reason why she threw up wasn’t because of a disease that needs checking? So, here’s what you should do before she starts resenting you for not taking proper care of her when she needed you the most, though.

1. Clean her, comfort her, and make sure she won’t do the same thing twice

Please, don’t forget to do these things before you lose your marbles over the thought of her feeling under the weather! While witnessing your favorite four-legged creature dealing with something of the sort might be upsetting, focus on what she needs rather than what would make you feel better.

Make sure you clean her with a warm, wet cloth because bathing her would only make her feel worse. Granted that your cat doesn’t scream bloody murder when you get her little paws wet, you can go ahead and give her a bath.

Other than that, comfort her by offering her a treat, a cuddle session, or even a moment alone doing whatever she loves doing the most.

And, last but not least, keep an eye on her to ensure she doesn’t do the same thing twice. There’s always a chance she might be battling a disease you don’t know about. And, unfortunately, your cat might start meowing before throwing up more than once.

2. Observe and analyze what’s left behind after her “throwing up accident”

Oh, that’s never an undemanding task! However, that’s not to say that observing and analyzing the contents left on the floor won’t help you figure out whether you should be worried or not.

When your cat throws up a piece of plastic, for example, you know to keep an eye on her next time she’s sitting on her toys. When she throws up a hairball, you know you shouldn’t freak out because she’s doing something most cats do (without having to visit the vet, of course).

But, when she throws up something along the lines of yellowish or transparent bile… She might be dealing with GI distress, stomach upset, or a different digestive disease you haven’t even thought of.

And, not to mention the food contents that might be left behind. When the food appears unchewed or unchanged, she might have been eating the wrong way. Whatever the case might be, the contents of her stomach might help you decide whether or not you should contact your vet.

3. Schedule an appointment with your vet

And, that’s a general rule of thumb! Whenever you’re dealing with something you don’t understand, you should contact your vet and check whether he can offer advice or a helping hand. When your cat keeps meowing before throwing up or throwing up frequently, you should schedule an appointment.

Of course, your vet should be able to tell you whether or not your cat needs emergency care, further testing, or a day off from her regular shenanigans. Before you visit your vet, make sure you have enough particulars on what she’s been going through.

How long has she been throwing up? What does her vomit look like? What kind of sounds was she making? And, what other symptoms has she been exhibiting?

Other than that, provide your fluffer with as much care, affection, and appreciation as you can – love always helps them feel better, safe, and secure. Good luck!

Cat Meowing Before Throwing Up: What's Up With That?