Can cats eat tomato sauce? You’re having some pasta for dinner and your pet happens to come across you gulping it down.
Now, we all know how much of a beggar they can be at times, so what should you do? It’s a tough decision because we want to give in to their desires, but we also know human food isn’t the best choice for them.
On the other hand, we think our loveable pets can get tired of cat food. Now, you have to make the call, so can cats eat tomato sauce?
Can cats eat tomato sauce safely?
The struggle is real and we’ve all been there. If your pet happened to steal a lick or two of your sauce, don’t panic. It’s unlikely a small amount will harm her health. However, this doesn’t mean she has a green light when it comes to this treat.
People love sauces and various dips because they add flavor to the food. Otherwise, most of it would be bland. Still, some human foods can be detrimental to felines’ health, so it’s best to consult with your vet. Also, food allergies are no exception in the cat world!
Unfortunately, tomato sauce isn’t a natural choice of food for your furry companion, so it’s best to stay away from it.
Moreover, it contains certain ingredients that can be poisonous to her. Just like ketchup, try to keep the tomato sauce out of your cat’s paws.
Are tomatoes okay for cats to eat?

I might have to disappoint you with this one. Unfortunately, you shouldn’t feed your pet tomatoes. Although they’re highly beneficial to humans, the same can’t be said for cats.
These veggies come from the nightshade family. Although they’re abundant in certain nutrients such as vitamin C, they aren’t healthy for your feline.
While humans can gain from the health benefits it offers, cats can’t. Tomatoes contain a compound known as solanine which is poisonous to felines. It can cause various symptoms to appear and your can will have a bad experience with them.
If she’s taken only a bite of a tomato, it shouldn’t be enough to invoke the poisoning signs. However, eating large amounts will surely be detrimental to her health. Your feline friend may be in a lot of trouble if she feasts on this veggie.
Green tomatoes are also a major concern for felines. They’re also known as unripe tomatoes and are even more dangerous than ripe tomatoes because they contain higher amounts of toxic compounds.
What about the green parts of the tomato plant? This is also worrisome because the leaves and the stem also contain the chemical compound – solanine.
The toxicity occurs within a short span of time. Your feline may start to exhibit certain signs of solanine poisoning, such as decreased heart rate, excessive vomiting, and urination.
The nightshade family members are, therefore, off-limits for felines. This includes tomatoes, as well as eggplants.
What else can be found in tomato sauce?
If you think that tomatoes are the only thing found in this delicious sauce, you’re wrong. There’s much more to this flavorful sidedish than what meets the eye.
People aren’t always aware of all the ingredients found in certain sauces and dips such as pesto, for instance. This is why you have to be careful when feeding your pet your leftovers that are covered in these condiments and dips. Some of the ingredients may not be good for your cat’s stomach and we all know how that ends…

1. What about olive oil?
It’s safe to say that olive oil isn’t toxic to pets, but it’s not recommended either. While it contains certain health benefits, it’s not enough to be considered a must in the cat’s diet.
However, the content of this oil isn’t alarming in tomato sauce. So, if you’re wondering can cats eat tomato sauce because of it, the short answer is yes. Still, don’t forget how tomatoes can affect your pet!
If you have to incorporate the oil into your feline’s diet, make sure you choose the extra virgin olive oil. It’s the least dangerous for your pet. Other oils can be harmful as they are packed with fat that can upset your cat’s stomach.
It’s possible your feline will feel ill after eating foods with high amounts of oil in them, such as french fries.
2. Can cats eat tomato sauce because of the seasonings?
As cat lovers, we must always be aware of the dangers certain foods carry. Tomato sauce is often used in spaghetti sauce and it’s no secret that cats love pasta.
They love the carbs just as we do! Sometimes, you’ll use some of this treat to bribe her to get down from the tree.
However, it’s a mistake. Don’t pull your hair out because a few bites won’t necessarily do her any harm. Still, if you let your cat eat spaghetti sauce, she might get hooked on it and beg for more.
Consuming these sauces, in the long run, could be detrimental to her health. Next to olive oil, seasonings such as salt play an important part in adding to the flavor of this dressing.
The other herbs used in making the tomato sauce are oregano and basil, together with spices such as black pepper. Although these herbs aren’t poisonous to felines, they’re not fit for their diet. It’s possible your cat will experience certain gastrointestinal issues after consuming these herbs.
As for basil, we can say it plays on your cat’s team. It’s non-toxic and completely safe for her to consume. However, she won’t get much nutritional value from it.
The good news is that it contains an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage. Moreover, it’s known to enhance the flavor of the food, hence its use in tomato sauce.

3. The dangers of salt and garlic
Although tomato sauce contains some ingredients that are totally fine for your pet, here’s something to worry about.
Pet owners should be cautious when it comes to these seasonings and spices as they’re incredibly toxic to felines. The ingestion of garlic and cloves, as well as other members of the Allium family, can be a disaster. Some milder symptoms include stomach upset followed by vomiting and diarrhea.
In severe cases, it can seriously harm your cat’s health. Garlic and onions are known for destroying your pet’s red blood cells which leads to various types of anemia.
This is why you should avoid feeding your cat tomato sauce all the time. It’s simply not worth the risk!
As cat owners, our furry friends’ digestive system, as well as overall health is a priority. The same rule is applied when speaking of salt.
Sodium toxicity is no joke, and whether you like it or not, can cause serious damage to your feline. Some of the most common symptoms of sodium poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and others.
Can cats eat tomato soup?
Knowing how tomatoes and seasonings affect your cat, unfortunately, the answer is no. Try to refrain from feeding your pet these human foods unless they’re homemade.
Just like any soup, this red one can spark your cat’s interest. Make sure to leave out the harmful seasonings if you intend on feeding them to your pet. If you do, remember that tomato soup doesn’t hold much nutritional value to felines.
Final words
To be loud and clear; tomato sauce is harmful to your furry friend. It’s no problem if she has a lick of it, but it’s best for her to keep her paws out of the pot.
It can contain poisonous ingredients such as salt and garlic. Don’t get deceived if you think that it’s okay for cats to eat sardines in tomato sauce either.
If you don’t have the time to make one by yourself, beware of the store-bought tomato sauces as they contain various preservatives. These can be harmful to felines in the long run.