The question people constantly ask themselves: Can cats eat sweets? You know what, I think we all know the answer, but deep down, we kind of hope for a different one.
The thing is that sweets aren’t made for our precious little furriends. I know, what a pity because they get all excited when they see candy. I don’t really know if it’s because of the shiny packaging that they mostly come in. Like, is it a crow thing?
Whatever the reason, there’s something that draws them in effectively, but unfortunately, they shouldn’t get their way with it. We know that sweets aren’t man’s best friend either – you know what happens when you have too many!
Just think of Halloween or any other holiday, really. You get so high on that sugar! It’s just that it would be so nice to share some of those treats with your pawsome friend.
We have the best intentions, but honestly, it can only do more damage than good. And the outcome could potentially be devastating.
We usually ask ourselves whether cats can eat sweets when the alarm bells have already rung. I mean, when your cat’s already done something bad.
For instance, she snuck into your pantry and had a go at that bag of gummy bears. I know you feel guilty, but they can be such stealthy creatures sometimes!
You’re right to be worried. Now, I don’t want to scare you to death, but sweets really aren’t beneficial to felines. Moreover, they can be quite dangerous.
Perhaps you didn’t expect this because they look and taste so harmless and good! I know, it seems that both looks and taste can be deceiving. Therefore, let’s dive in to see if cats can eat sweets without any consequences.
Can cats eat sweets at all?

To put it bluntly, this isn’t a good idea. Actually, this is a very bad idea. I’ve mentioned they can be quite detrimental to their health.
Well, you better take this seriously and as an actual threat to their health. If you want your furbaby to live many years and stay by your side, stick to her usual diet.
Physically and literally speaking, sure, cats can eat sweets, no problem with that! However, there’s also a medical side to it that screams NO. Even though they’re a pleasure to our taste buds, sweets can cause a series of health problems to felines, both short and long-term.
Did you ever stop to ask yourself why you love candies and chocolate that much? Did it ever occur to you what’s really making the flavor pop? Yeah, there are all kinds of flavors and scents mixed together to make a perfect combination.
However, this match made in heaven is completely ascribed to sugar. And it’s utterly amazing because it’s working! People are crazy about it. Cats? Not so much.
Do cats like sweets?

Have you ever seen your cat in action? If you have, this could tell you a lot about their fondness for treats. But, just as is the case with people, felines are unique individuals.
For instance, my two cats are polar opposites. One is totally crazy about candies and chocolate bars and I constantly have to hide them in order to keep them away from her. She just gobbles it down like she’s never had food in her life.
But it’s an utterly different story when it comes to my other furry companion. I wouldn’t say that she despises sweets, although she doesn’t show any interest in them. Sure, she comes running down the hall when she hears the bag opening just like every cat does, but that’s it.
Therefore, your pet won’t necessarily be head over heels for some candies (which is a good thing!) Still, make sure you keep your eye on her, especially when roaming around the kitchen.
Now, from the scientific and biological perspective, I have to say something that’ll probably come as a surprise to you. Cats don’t have a sweet tooth. I know, right? Shocking.
Well, at least it was to me when I found out. And when you think about it, you realize once more just how mother nature made sure everything falls into its place. Why would on earth felines need taste buds for sweets?
They don’t have candy shops dotted all around the forests or wilderness. It all makes perfect sense. That’s why your feline probably won’t make a beeline for that bag of sugary goodness once you open it.
What could go wrong?

I’m playing open cards here – I won’t say my cats have never got a hold of any sweets. That would be totally unfair and probably make some cat parents feel guilty.
Of course, I didn’t do it on purpose. All it takes is just a couple of seconds for you to divert your attention to something else and BOOM. There goes the chocolate chip cookie. She even grabbed my popsicle once, but I managed to get it back just in time.
If you’re worried about your cat because she had a bite or two of your favorite snacks, you probably shouldn’t fret too much.
You wondered whether cats can eat sweets and I emphatically stated no. However, we all know that accidents like these are bound to happen with these mischievous creatures.
It’s not the end of the world if it’s only a small bite. However, I want to put this out there and say that you should never deliberately treat your pet with sweets.
Sure, she will probably beg for it and give you those big, doe eyes and that slight paw touch. If you give in to that, the mission fails.
1. Health issues
Unfortunately, sweets are one of the cats’ nemeses. It can go all sorts of wrong if she has regular access to these sugary pleasures.
Many health issues can arise from inadequate food intake, especially one that harms her straight away. You see, mother nature made sure to cut off cats’ sweetness taste buds for a reason.
However, she rewarded them with a great sense of smell for meat. Felines are obligate carnivores, which essentially means they must have meat in order to survive and thrive. Sweets, on the other hand, won’t do much for them.
If you were to compare the two ingredients, there’s really no math involved. It’s quite simple – meat good, sweets bad.
2. High sugar levels

One of the main problems involving cats and sweets is high sugar levels. It’s something that adds and enhances the flavor.
However, cats will draw the short straw if they manage to eat certain amounts of sweets. And this usually doesn’t end well.
Sugar is a carbohydrate that can ruin your pet’s quality of life, and I mean this seriously. The name sounds quite harmless, but it’s anything but.
So, the next time you wonder can cats eat sweets, sugar will probably be the first thing that makes you question it. The real hazard is the further development of certain diseases, such as diabetes. It’s a real struggle for both cat parents and their furkids.
Unfortunately, we’re not done yet. Carbs and excess treats can really do a number on your feline’s dental health. If she regularly indulges in treats and snacks, her teeth and gums are at a high risk of rotting. Tooth decay is more common as pets become older as well.
To top it all off, your cat’s prone to becoming overweight. That’s right. If she has sweets that you think of as harmless, it’s likely she’ll gain a few pounds. And while we may think it’s cute and nothing to worry about, extra weight easily becomes a much bigger problem.
Other health issues stem from obesity as well. If she’s an older cat, a few pounds may affect her whole life. That added weight puts additional stress on her already worn-out joints, setting the ground for arthritis.
3. Xylitol; the real danger

Unfortunately, we come bearing more bad news. This probably isn’t something you expected, but the world decided to be a rather cruel place, I know.
As if sugar wasn’t bad enough, the real danger, and something that poses a serious threat to your feline’s health, is xylitol. It kind of even sounds dangerous, right? Like something out of villain stories. Well, it certainly is evil towards cats.
Can cats eat sweets because of it? Definitely not. It’s a chemical compound that can easily kill your feline. In small amounts, maybe not, but why take the risk?
The chances of finding xylitol in candies and other treats are really high. Almost everything’s made with this type of sweetener.
Especially if it says “No sugar.” Then you should know that the food is packed with artificial sweeteners like this one. I know this is some sad news, but better safe than sorry!
Can cats eat cupcakes?
I know what you’re doing. You’re really just grabbing onto the last straw and trying to find something that you’ll be able to share with your pet.
We already know cats cannot eat sweets. But is it any different for these sweet pleasures? Well, to a certain degree.
I wouldn’t necessarily encourage you to feed cupcakes to your pet, but they can be quite harmless, ON ONE CONDITION. They shouldn’t contain chocolate, frosting, or high levels of sugar. The rest of the ingredients should be totally fine.
Still, note that your pet might become a bit obsessed with this food. If she’s anything like my furkid, then all hell will break loose if she gets hooked on them!
Please remember that cupcakes aren’t something that fits into a feline’s diet. It has no traces of protein and is scarce in other nutritional benefits.
The only thing she could gain from eating cupcakes is some more pounds. They’re packed with calories and carbs, not to mention fat.
Can cats eat brownies?

I really hate being the person to deliver the bad news. However, if you ever wondered if cats can eat brownies, I have to break it to you.
Let’s rip off the bandaid. No, cats cannot eat brownies. Like cookies, brownies aren’t safe for your pet.
The reason behind this devastating news is the chocolate. I know, it doesn’t sound fair, but chocolate is actually lethal to cats. It contains chemical compounds called theobromine and caffeine – both of which are toxic to felines.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s milk chocolate, dark, or white; they’re all equally bad. Once your pet gulps down this poison, she’ll start to experience some adverse symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, as well as abdominal pain. In severe cases, she can get tremors, seizures, and even fall into a coma.
Can cats eat cotton candy?
All I can hear is sugar, sugar, and some more sugar! Cotton candy is pure sugar and that’s why we like it. Can cats eat cotton candy at all? You can probably guess the answer to this one already, but let me clarify.
There’s nothing nutritionally beneficial about cotton candy for your feline (or for humans either, for that matter). Sure, they give us that instant sweet flavor that just melts in our mouths. But does it make your cat’s mouth water as well?
Honestly, I wouldn’t think so. She’d probably try to play with it, then get spooked, and then attack it with her claws. Trust me, they’re that weird.
Can cats eat Skittles?

Sugar, fats, calories, carbs, artificial flavoring, color, and sweeteners, you name it. All the bad stuff can be found in these colorful, tasty treats.
It goes without saying that Skittles aren’t felines’ first choice of food. They certainly aren’t beneficial either.
However, there just might be something more terrifying about these candies than sugar itself. Because they’re small, they slide down the throat easily. However, this might be a real choking hazard to your furry friend.
Pets can get carried away and play with these little candies as if there’s no tomorrow. Things can get pretty wild, believe me, be it Skittles or a bag of Oreos.
Your cat could potentially get Skittles stuck in her throat or in between her teeth. Both scenarios are quite scary and dangerous as well.
If you asked me whether or not cats can eat Skittles, let me be straightforward and just say no. There are just too many risks and your pet probably won’t even be interested in them.
Sure, they’re colorful, but cats don’t see the colors the way we do. They smell nice, but are they enough to entice your feline and make her give them a sniff? Probably not.
Can cats eat lollipops?

I kind of feel bad now for not providing you with any positive answer. But I guess it is what it is.
Felines are supposed to live a happy and healthy life, and we’re the ones who should be lounging on the sofa believing we have a good life while we’re munching away on lollipops.
It’s a common treat among kids, perhaps an iconic one. If your kid’s really keen on these, you might wonder if cats can eat lollipops, too.
You’ve always taught your child that sharing is caring, right? What if they take it so seriously and feed your furball some of this sugary treat?
They’re no broccoli, so your kid can’t get away with not finishing his plate by sneaking it over to your feline. I know how this works, trust me. Been there, done that.
Therefore, make sure your cat stays occupied with something else. Teach your kid to feed your furry companion some cat-appropriate treats or even some feline-friendly veggies.
Wrapping it up
I know you were dying to find out how can cats eat sweets safely. I hope I didn’t ruin your expectations completely! Sometimes it can be hard balancing responsible cat ownership and the urge to please them and grant them their every wish.
Unfortunately, sweets aren’t a wish they’re getting fulfilled. Cats cannot eat sweets and that’s really the end of the story. Quite literally.