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Can Cats Eat Ranch? Will It Cause A Tummy Avalanche?

Can Cats Eat Ranch? Will It Cause A Tummy Avalanche?

There are some bland foods we would never eat on their own. That’s why we add various dressings and dips to make those foods more flavorful. When you think about it, cats don’t really have a wide array of sauces to choose from. For example, can cats eat ranch?

Our furballs are used to eating cat food, including kibbles and wet food of various brands. However, every once in a while they will treat themselves to scraps from our plates.

We tend to put sauces in almost everything. This goes for salads, french fries, burgers, rice, eggs, and so on.

Because felines are built differently than humans, they have different nutritional needs. In most cases, what works for us won’t work well enough for our pets. People tend to feed their furry friends their leftovers without knowing the possible impacts it might have on them.

If you’re one of those people, you might wonder can cats eat ranch. Even if we can’t resist their big, doe eyes, we should weigh the pros and cons of feeding them human food.

Is ranch dangerous to cats?

This dip shouldn’t be a problem if your little monster stole a lick or two off the plate. However, it does contain some ingredients that are detrimental to your feline’s health.

Cats can eat ranch, but the real question is should they? This shouldn’t be a topic to dwell on after we list some of the ingredients found in this sauce.

What is in ranch sauce?

Can Cats Eat Ranch? Will It Cause A Tummy Avalanche?

If you’re new to the world of dressings, ranch is among the most popular ones. Due to its tangy flavor, it pairs well with a wide range of foods. You can add some ranch to your salads or chicken wings – it just makes everything taste better!

But, can cats eat ranch and add it to their kibble? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Our pets won’t gain anything from eating this dressing, and it could have some potentially negative effects as well.

Ranch sauce is made of buttermilk, mustard, salt, garlic, onions, herbs, and others. The ingredients vary depending on the brand you use, or if you decide on a homemade ranch.

Some variations even include mayonnaise, soybean oil, vinegar, and eggs. None of these ingredients are safe for your cat’s consumption and can lead to stomach issues.


Lactase, an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of lactose, can’t be found in an adult cat’s metabolism. Therefore, your feline’s body is likely unable to digest lactose.

If you’re not sure if your pet is lactose intolerant, there are certain signs that can help you figure it out. Bloating, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea should give her away.

Few licks of the ranch sauce probably won’t cause any digestive issues. This doesn’t mean, however, that you should proceed to feed it to your cat on purpose.

If your furball is attracted to the sauce, it’s probably because of the buttermilk. They’re attracted to the fat found in buttermilk, just as is the case with sour cream and other dairy products.

Can cats eat ranch because of mustard?

The simple and short answer to this question would be no. Cats can’t eat mustard as it contains certain ingredients that will wreak havoc in your feline’s digestive tract.

Mustard can cause gastric distress and lead to vomiting and diarrhea in felines. So, you better avoid offering it to your cat.

Salt content

Sodium plays an important role in your cat’s body. As a mineral, it’s essential for maintaining body homeostasis, proper nerve function, and muscle contractions. However, an excessive amount of this mineral in the form of salt can be detrimental to cats.

Salt can be harmful to your pet’s health if she’s exposed to it on a frequent basis. Sodium poisoning is almost certain to occur as a result of excessive salt consumption. This is a medical illness characterized by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, increased urination, and thirst.

Garlic and onions

Garlic is one of the biggest threats to your feline’s health. Despite its extensive use in human food, garlic is completely forbidden for cats. This component contains compounds that are toxic to cats and can induce the loss of red blood cells.

Despite the fact that garlic is five times more pungent than onions, it doesn’t mean onions are allowed. These can also harm your cat’s health by damaging the red blood cells and resulting in various types of anemia.

We can conclude that any sort of garlic or onion poses a major health danger to your cat. She’s better off without them, whether cooked, raw, or even powdered.

What about herbs?

Just as is the case with other non-cat foods, some herbs can be quite harmful to felines while others can be helpful. When it comes to herbs found in ranch sauce, chives are on the harmful side, whereas parsley, for example, is safe for cats.

Chives belong to the Allium family, along with garlic and onions as well. They have the same effect on felines and are not in any way harmless. Parsley, on the other hand, is safe to eat. It can even have some benefits for your fluff when consumed in moderation.

Don’t forget about the spices!

Can Cats Eat Ranch? Will It Cause A Tummy Avalanche?

Can cats eat ranch or any other dressing because of the number of spices contained? Sadly, this is another negative answer. Spices aren’t welcomed in the cats’ world because they have a negative impact on their health.

Black pepper that’s found in this dip isn’t necessarily harmful to your pet, but she can definitely live without it. Other spices found in the ranch sauce are not as harmless. Paprika is a spice that shouldn’t be allowed to felines, as it contains capsaicin, a toxic compound mostly found in spicy peppers.

Another reason for concern when it comes to cats eating ranch dressing is mustard seeds. Just like the mustard, the seeds are off-limits for your feline companion. These seeds can be the reason for stomach distress, including vomiting and diarrhea.

Can cats eat mayonnaise?

This ingredient doesn’t have to be always found in this dip, but people often rely on it. Mayonnaise doesn’t hold any nutritional value to cats whatsoever. This is reason enough to not feed it to your pet.

As we all know, it’s high in fat and very unhealthy for both humans and cats. Keep the mayonnaise for yourself or stashed away, as it can’t benefit your fluff in any way.

Is soybean oil safe?

We can say soybean oil is safe for felines, but it won’t benefit them much. It is frequently found in canned foods like tuna or sardines. While the taste isn’t enticing to cats, soybean oil has little to no negative consequences.

But, if you need to incorporate oil into your cat’s diet, make sure to choose the right one. For felines, extra virgin olive oil is the right choice.

What about vinegar? Can cats eat ranch with it?

Vinegar isn’t toxic to felines, but we are not sure she will like it very much. Due to the acids it contains, this ingredient usually makes cats scrunch up their noses.

Its strong smell is even too much for us, let alone our pets who have a better sense of smell. Don’t include vinegar in your cat’s diet even though it’s not poisonous.

Can cats eat eggs?

Absolutely! Eggs are a pawsome source of protein that cats depend on. Your little furball will be delighted with some boiled, unseasoned eggs. Unsalted and boiled are the best way to feed them to your pet because spices are known to cause stomach distress, as well as oil used in frying.

However, note that you shouldn’t give raw eggs to your furry companion. Raw eggs could be the carriers of certain diseases, such as E. coli and Salmonella. The bacteria found in raw eggs can result in various diseases in felines.

What are the nutrients found in ranch dressing?

Usually, foods that contain some of the ingredients we listed above are unhealthy. People consume them regardless of their negative effects on their health because the flavor makes up for it.

However, humans are made differently than felines and therefore, digest foods in an entirely different manner. Some foods that aren’t harmful to humans can be quite dangerous to our pets.

This is also the case with ranch dressing. If it isn’t harmful to you, it doesn’t mean you should share it with your furry friend.


Your carnivorous pet relies on fat intake. It provides her with a great energy source and a way to keep herself warm. However, the fat should come from a meat source because that is more appropriate for your furchild’s digestive system.

Unfortunately, the lipids in this dressing are largely saturated fats, which aren’t the healthiest choice for your cat. This is a type of dietary fat that has been linked to high cholesterol levels in both cats and humans.

This in turn increases the risk of heart disease and stroke for your feline. Some of the indicators that your cat has high cholesterol levels are fatigue, shortness of breath, and nausea.

High amounts of carbohydrates

Can Cats Eat Ranch? Will It Cause A Tummy Avalanche?

These nutrients are one of those that can do more damage than good if consumed excessively. Carb intake should be moderated, otherwise, it will lead to certain health issues.

Cats don’t have the need for carbohydrates, and therefore, they can’t provide your pet with all the necessary nutrients. Any large quantities of carbs can lead to fat storage and obesity. This is one of the main reasons for joint pressure and diabetes in felines.

Ranch is calorie-dense

Your lap monster needs certain amounts of calories every day. However, if she consumes an overabundance of calories, there’s a chance of developing some health problems.

Just like humans, your furry friend may gain a pound or two. This wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t for the pressure it puts on her joints. Obesity can lead to some major health problems if left untreated.

An underlying disease, such as diabetes, isn’t uncommon in obese felines. Apart from that, joint pressure poses a risk for developing arthritis.

Do cats like dressings?

Each cat has a mind of its own and what works for one maybe won’t excite another cat. Felines are known to be picky-eaters altogether. One day she enjoys her wet food, and the other, she looks at it with disgust.

These spoiled furballs always have it their own way whether we like it or not. However, if you can, you should stop her from indulging in any kind of dips, sauces, and dressings.

Your pet isn’t attracted to the sweet, tangy, or even spicy flavor these dressings hold. The scent could be alluring, but that’s it. It’s rather the amount of fat that’s contained in these foods that entices your cat’s senses.

But, we have already established what these sauces are made of and how they can impact your cat. They aren’t a good source of fat or any other nutrients beneficial to your cat.

Felines have a strict, meat-based diet that they thrive off and are dependent on. Without meat-derived protein as the main nutrient, they can get into some serious trouble.

Ranch, as well as other sauces, doesn’t provide cats with the required nutrients. Moreover, sauces and dips can be the cause of the gastrointestinal upset your cat may experience.

Are there any health benefits of cats eating ranch?

Let us warn you that the answer isn’t very promising. Ranch dip and dressing contain some of the beneficial supplements like protein, vitamins, and minerals, but in very small amounts.

These minute quantities of otherwise useful supplements found in the ranch aren’t sufficient to be incorporated into your feline’s diet. Cats eating ranch can bring more damage than good to their health.

Read next: Can Cats Eat French Fries? Could This Be Their Prize?


Cats can eat ranch, but this means an accidental lick or two once in a blue moon. Other than that, it shouldn’t be available to your fluff as it contains dangerous ingredients.

Some of the main ingredients are buttermilk and sour cream, which are appealing to felines due to their fat content. But because cats are lactose intolerant, these aren’t the best options.

Apart from that, ranch dressing is known for its garlic, onions, and chives. These are the members of the Allium family, and are highly poisonous to felines. They can have detrimental effects on their health.

Other ingredients, such as seasonings and spices, aren’t suggested either. Refrain from feeding ranch to your cat as there are more cons than pros to it.

Up next: Can Cats Eat Gravy? Lick It Or Kick It?

Can Cats Eat Ranch?