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Can Cats Eat Pomegranate? Don’t Take The Risks For Granted!

Can Cats Eat Pomegranate? Don’t Take The Risks For Granted!

Maybe you’ve got 99 problems and letting your four-legged friend eat whatever she wants isn’t one of them. One moment you’re enjoying each other’s company, and the next she’s scoffing down a mysterious fruit. Can cats eat pomegranate!?

Your cat certainly can’t seem to resist nature’s candy. She’s aware she’s on a strict Keto diet (no carbohydrates for her sensitive tummy), but she doesn’t seem to care. Whenever she sees you munching on pomegranate seeds, she starts meowing and pleading for your to let her have a taste.

How can you say no to her when she gives you that look!? You have nothing left to do but to hop online and look up whether cats can eat pomegranates. And luckily for you (and your furchild), they can!

According to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), pomegranates aren’t toxic to cats. These tasty treats are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help to ensure the health of your cat’s immune, nervous, and digestive systems.

And they’re pretty delicious, especially when you know how to prepare them properly. Whether you decide to serve them as is or sprinkle them on top of Lizzo’s famous nature’s cereal, you’re bound to make your curious creature happy AND healthy.

But, it’s never a good idea to go overboard with foods that aren’t supposed to be a regular part of your cat’s diet. Grab a pen and paper, scroll down, and take some notes on what’s so great (and not so great) about feeding pomegranate to your feline friend.

So, can cats eat pomegranate?

Can Cats Eat Pomegranate? Don't Take The Risks For Granted!

Here’s the thing, cats are obligate carnivores. This means they need predominantly meat, animal protein, and animal-sourced nutrients in their diets to survive and thrive. Fruits and veggies might be a great choice for humans, but they aren’t necessarily great for felines.

That said, it doesn’t mean cats can’t benefit from a carefully crafted smoothie bowl, Lizzo’s nature’s cereal bowl, or any other bowl containing pomegranate seeds and other mouth-watering fruits. The only problem – cats can’t really taste sweet things.

That’s right, your furball doesn’t possess the sweetness receptors that are responsible for tasting the Nutella’s, Raffaelo’s, and Ferrero Rocher’s of the world (not that she should eat any of them anyway). While you possess thousands of taste buds, she only possesses a couple hundred.

Pitty the kitty as much as you want, but don’t forget that she really prefers munching on meat. She would much rather scoff down a generous chunk of chicken than a pomegranate smoothie bowl. Or, she could simply gobble down both with a couple of twists and tweaks.

Cats can eat pomegranate, but they shouldn’t eat too much or too often. A couple of pomegranate seeds every now and then shouldn’t cause any adverse reactions. But, they certainly would add some nutritional and health benefits.

What’s so great about pomegranate?

First things first, pomegranates aren’t healthy for your cat the same way her regular diet would be. Don’t get me wrong, pomegranate contains a bunch of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can benefit your cat in so many ways. But, they aren’t a natural part of your cat’s diet.

What does that mean!? Well, when we’re talking about this whole “can cats eat pomegranate” thing, we aren’t talking about feeding your cat pomegranates every single day. Minuscule morsels aren’t harmful to cats. But, they can become harmful if you feed them to your cat the wrong way.

Keep that in mind while we delve into the amazing benefits your furry friend can get from an occasional pomegranate treat.

1. Fiber

Let me guess, you aren’t surprised to learn that pomegranates are packed with fiber? Most fruits and veggies contain high levels of fiber, which seems to make them a great between-meals snack for your furry friend.

What makes fiber such a staple in your cat’s diet? Fiber does wonders for your cat’s digestive system because it provides bulk, helping the food move through her digestive tract. Whether she’s dealing with constipation or diarrhea, fiber seems to be the G.O.A.T.

Cats that spend most of their time in the wild typically get their fiber from cartilage and bones. But, your precious purrincess spends most of her time at home and she might need a bit more help getting these nutrients. Unless she’s a mouser, of course!

2. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

Potassium, punicalagin and punicic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B9… We have to be honest, pomegranates are an antioxidant powerhouse and they wear their superfood label with pride. We know how great pomegranates are for humans, but they’re surprisingly pretty great for our furry friends, too.

Let’s name a few benefits, why don’t we? Potassium helps maintain the normal function of muscles and nerves. Without potassium, your cat would experience symptoms such as muscle weakness, nausea, lethargy, and arrhythmia.

Punicalagin and punicic acid, two of the most powerful antioxidants out there, lower the risk of heart disease. Vitamin C boosts your cat’s immune system, nervous system, and digestive system. Vitamin B9 boosts your cat’s red blood cells and DNA synthesis.

It’s quite handy keeping a couple of pomegranate seeds on hand to surprise your furry friend with a helping of health from time to time.

3. Water

Can Cats Eat Pomegranate? Don't Take The Risks For Granted!

Have you ever bitten into a handful of pomegranate seeds? These tasty treats contain a bunch of water, helping to hydrate your body. And, luckily for you, they can do the same thing for your furry friend.

Cats are notoriously bad a staying hydrated because they don’t really remember to drink their daily dose of water. They prefer getting their liquids from different types of food, which is where pomegranates step in to save the day. 

A couple of pomegranate seeds every now and then can keep your furry friend happy, healthy, AND hydrated.

What’s so bad about pomegranates?

“Cats can eat pomegranates, so there’s no reason why my cat shouldn’t eat a pomegranate or two every day, right!?“

While that might sound like a great idea, trust me, Ms. McFluffer won’t become the healthiest and the most nourished munchkin in the world from eating pomegranates every single day. When it comes to feeding your cat foods that aren’t supposed to be a regular part of her diet, a little goes a long way.

A couple of pomegranate seeds every now and then are enough for your furry friend to reap the benefits without the risks. But, when the two of you decide to ignore the doctor’s orders, you’re putting her at risk of experiencing a bunch of health problems.

Vitamin C toxicity, gastrointestinal problems, choking on a rogue pomegranate seed… None of these risks sound like something you want your feline friend to experience, do they? Take a closer look at what we’re talking about before deciding to go gung-ho.

1. Vitamin C toxicity

A couple of paragraphs ago we went on and on about the importance of vitamin C in your cat’s diet. Now we’re trying to tell you your cat could experience symptoms of toxicity from consuming too much vitamin C!? Yes, that’s pretty much exactly what’s happening!

Here’s the thing. We didn’t lie when we talked about vitamin C being one of the most important antioxidants for your cat. This vitamin boosts her immune system, helps relieve any allergies she might have, promotes muscle and bone health, and maintains the proper absorption of other vitamins.

But, here’s the most important part: Vitamin C gets synthesized within her own liver. That’s right, your furry friend has the ability to produce her own vitamin C, which means she doesn’t need to get vitamin C from other sources.

So, when she gobbles down too many pomegranate seeds, she might experience something known as vitamin C toxicity. Some of the most common symptoms to keep an eye out for include headache, stomachache, weakness, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Yikes!

2. Gastrointestinal problems

Pomegranates aren’t necessarily a natural part of your cat’s diet. Your cat shouldn’t consume a lot of fruits and veggies because they’re typically packed with fiber, fructose, sucrose, and glucose.

These compounds are the main reason your cat might have a hard time breaking down and digesting pomegranate seeds. Your cat’s digestive system doesn’t contain the enzymes necessary to process carbohydrates because she doesn’t really need carbohydrates, to begin with.

She probably won’t experience severe gastrointestinal problems from a couple of pomegranate seeds. But, she certainly will when she devours an entire pomegranate in one sitting.

3. Choking hazard

Can Cats Eat Pomegranate? Don't Take The Risks For Granted!

Last but not least, pomegranate seeds might not be the easiest thing for your cat to munch on. These minuscule morsels might get stuck in between your cat’s teeth causing her to throw tantrums until she manages to get them out. Or worse yet, they could become a choking hazard. Makes you wonder whether they’re even worth the risk!?

Cats can eat pomegranates, but…

…should they? Pomegranates are labeled as safe for feline consumption and make for a great treat because they’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. And they’re rich in fiber, which can help your furry friend to have a much more pleasurable litter box experience.

We could go on and on about the nutritional and health benefits pomegranates bring to the table, but we can’t forget that cats shouldn’t eat pomegranates on a regular basis. Pomegranates are a great occasional treat, but they shouldn’t be anything more than that.

Can Cats Eat Pomegranate?