Do you enjoy eating this tropical fruit? Does it seem like it’s the only thing that can give you some refreshment on those super hot summer days? You’d like to share it with your feline as well, but can cats eat guava?
Of course, your little carnivore gets all of the important nutrients from meat, and you know that you should serve her human food moderately. But what about this fruit?
There are plenty of ways you can consume this vitamin bomb – flavored water, punch, and guava juice. Some chefs use it a lot as a part of particular sauces, either hot or cold ones. You can eat it fresh, dried, and even eat it with some spices.
Guava contains an abundance of fibers and vitamin C together with other very important nutrients for human beings. Some parts of it, mostly leaves, are used as medicine. Unfortunately, this fruit is a good home for some parasites that eat it up completely.
So, we know that there are a lot of health benefits for us when it comes to this fruit, but can you serve it to your kitty? Let’s find out!
Can cats eat guava?

The shortest answer is yes. Like any other fruit, guava is not dangerous for cats, at least no one has proved it yet. There’s nothing toxic in it for your feline, but its seeds can be a choking hazard, so make sure to get rid of those before serving guava to your furbaby.
Guava contains high levels of pectin which is mostly used as a thickener in cooking and baking. It is also used as a medicine for high triglycerides and cholesterol, heartburn, and other diseases.
Sometimes, people eat this fruit to control diarrhea. That’s the reason why guava, unlike other fruit can cause constipation in cats. Because of this, bigger amounts of this tropical treat are not good for your feline.
This fruit also contains oxalate, the substance that can be found in a lot of vegetables and fruits like raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries. It can cause some problems even to the human digestive system.
Consuming larger amounts of these fruits that contain oxalate, including avocados, grapefruits, and oranges as well is more likely to cause some illness. So, before you decide to feed your feline any human food, consult with your vet first.
However, when it comes to cats, we’re talking about some severe issues like the development of bladder stones and other urinary tract problems. Guava seeds have a lot of oxalates, so make sure your feline doesn’t eat them.

You have to pay attention to the high presence of sugar in this tropical fruit as well. That can cause harm to your kitty since cats cannot taste sugar, and there’s no specific reason why you should feed them sugary food.
Their taste buds are not developed enough so they can’t feel when they’re eating sweets and she won’t crave that kind of food. She may want it though for different reasons such as smell for example.
So, give one or two slices of guava to your feline from time to time, but not as an everyday treat. Two to three times a week won’t be a big problem. She can even get some nutrition out of it!
Guava can stay in the fridge for 3-4 days without turning bad, so you have enough time. However, make sure your cat has a lot of meat in her diet because as an obligate carnivore, she needs it.
All of the important nutrition that she needs for her body to function properly can be found in meat and cat food. Whatever you do, don’t avoid that in her diet. She’ll be grateful and you’ll have one happy and healthy pet.
We’ve covered reasons why it’s not a great idea for your cats to eat guava. Now, we have to learn what are the benefits, so let’s go.
Benefits of eating guava for your furbaby

Okay, so time to figure out why this tropical beauty is a good choice for your feline. We know why we should eat it and we’ve learned that cats can eat guava too. But, what are the benefits?
On the positive side, guava has a lot of good vitamins and minerals important for your furbaby’s body to function normally and her overall health. There are a lot of antioxidants, potassium, fiber, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C.
Iron helps your cat’s blood, similar to ours. It increases levels of hemoglobin and it carries enzymes that are essential for regulating some body functions. Potassium helps with the normal functioning of muscles and nerves.
Calcium, just like for us, it’s beneficial for your cat’s bones, teeth, and gums. Vitamin A is crucial for her good sight, especially night vision and it keeps her skin healthy.
Fibers that can be found in guava are helping with constipation. Vitamin C is going to give her a perfect immune system boost and it helps to get rid of harmful viruses and bacteria that may cause different infections.
If you decide to serve guava to your feline, cut it into slices and remove seeds from it. You can mash it and mix it with her food, or you can make a juice out of it. Another great way of serving it can be in combination with other fruit, so you can make her fruit salad.
Pay attention that you include only those fruits that are not harmful to your feline and ask your vet about it if you’re not sure. In case you notice something out of the ordinary, ask for medical assistance immediately.
There is some human food that can be pretty dangerous for cats and that is good for us, but combining guava with apples, bananas, watermelon, papaya or cantaloupe can be a great choice. These will provide her with some extra nutritive ingredients and keep her hydrated.
Can cats eat guava leaves?

This question doesn’t have a simple yes or no answer to it. If she likes the structure, same as with the skin of guava, she can munch on them. There’s nothing toxic proven to exist in guava leaves. In case you notice some changes, do not hesitate to call your vet and explain what happened in detail.
Can cats eat guava paste?
Yes, yes, yes! You can serve guava paste to your feline. Wash it thoroughly, remove as many seeds as possible, chop it into smaller pieces and then mash it. You can simply add it to her dry food to make it easier to digest or mix it in her bowl with other fruits.
Can cats drink guava juice?
Hell yes! Fresh homemade guava juice is one of the best things you can serve your cat. She’ll definitely enjoy it and she may ask for another round. However, make sure you give her guava, even as a juice, in moderate amounts.
Don’t add processed sugar to it, because it’s absolutely not good for your kitty, and well, guava is sweet enough on its own.
Can cats eat canned guava?
Please, avoid giving packed or canned guava to your feline because you never know which chemicals and preservatives were used. Most of them can hurt your furbaby’s digestive system and she gets nothing out of it.
Finally, always keep in mind that if you want to feed your feline some human food, consult with the vet first because you can never know if it’s toxic or not. Your kitty may be allergic to some ingredients and you may not be aware of it, and that’s another reason why you’ll need those consultations.