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Can Cats Eat Cranberries? Will They Go Down Her Throat With Ease?

Can Cats Eat Cranberries? Will They Go Down Her Throat With Ease?

Can cats eat cranberries? This question easily pops into your mind, because one moment you were enjoying your fruits, and the next you notice your feline spy sitting right in front of you watching your every move carefully.

It’s amazing how they know what you’re eating at that moment. I’ve tried testing my cat various times. I opened random bags a couple of times and didn’t get any reaction from her.

Even when I open the grocery bags or try to eat human food silently (well, I guess that the silent part just works in my mind). Whatever the case, she always comes out of nowhere and demands it’s her turn to try out the snack I’m having.

This is probably what‘s happened to you, and you came here looking for answers; can cats eat cranberries? Let’s find out!

Do cats even like this fruit?

We know cats can be picky and demanding at times, or maybe, all the time. Either way, if you’ve got yourself a furry friend that’s been spoiled rotten, it may not be an easy task to get her to try out new foods.

This can be especially difficult given that cranberries aren’t meat. Your feline loves the fat and the taste of the flesh, so I’m not sure if she’ll be thrilled about this sweet and sour food.

It’s best if you try to add it to her diet in small amounts. Maybe try putting a few in her wet food and see if she’ll still eat it.

However, you should never incorporate new foods into your cat’s diet without previous research. If your pet’s suffering from an illness or is having trouble with her development, contact your vet.

Not all pets are the same and perhaps she won’t react to these foods the same way you thought she would. Therefore, be patient and cautious when it comes to her diet.

Can Cats Eat Cranberries? Will They Go Down Her Throat With Ease?

Can cats eat cranberries?

I don’t want to stretch this out too long, so I’ll just say that she can go for it. Yes, you heard me: cats can eat cranberries! You might be pleasantly surprised because they’re usually not allowed human foods.

Felines are built differently than humans and unfortunately, this oftentimes means that we can’t share food with them. However, this isn’t the case today!

Cranberries are healthy fruits for cats, as they are for humans as well. So, don’t stress out over you dodging those sharp razors while fighting over your cranberries!

What are the pros?

As is the case with any food, we eat cranberries because they serve a purpose for our health, right? Our furry friends can benefit from these fruits, too; but in what ways?

Do cranberries affect them the same they affect us? How will you know if this small fruit is okay for your pet? Let’s see what are some of the advantages of cats eating cranberries.

1. They’re abundant in health supplements

We all know that we need vitamins and minerals to grow big and strong. The same goes for our furry companions as well.

Cats need these health supplements to boost their overall immune system. Some of the nutrients found in cranberries are vitamin C, magnesium, Vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamin A, and potassium.

Magnesium and calcium help keep her bones healthy and strong, and this also includes her razor-sharp teeth and claws. They also help in keeping the heart and nervous system in check.

Moreover, the various vitamins found in these fruits are important for fighting off different cases of flu and diseases. Cats can and should eat cranberries because they’re loaded with antioxidants.

They have anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit your cat big time. These help fight free radicals in the body and prevent particular diseases.

Potassium also aids in proper nervous system function as well as muscle contraction. Along with all these nutrients and their health benefits, cranberries are abundant in phosphorus that simply supports your cat’s health in many of the previously mentioned ways.

2. Full of antioxidants

This fruit is packed with antioxidants that play an important role in maintaining your pet’s health. They help fight free radicals in her body which ensures the prevention of certain diseases.

They have anti-inflammatory properties that aid in decreasing joint inflammation. Moreover, cranberries are good for your feline’s cardiac health.

They’re known for lowering blood pressure and reducing the high levels of cholesterol in the blood. High levels are a major factor in developing different heart diseases as well as stroke.

Therefore, it’s good to offer some cranberries to your pet from time to time. Still, make sure you don’t overfeed her as these are simply fruits she can’t fully rely on.

3. It’s good for her gut!

You know how everything revolves around your gut? Well, the same can be said about your pet. Intestinal health is important to your feline and thankfully, cranberries can take care of that.

This fruit is an amazing source of dietary fiber that helps regulate digestive health. It aids in constipation and can come in handy when your cat’s got the runs.

Moreover, cranberries are probiotics which means they have healthy bacteria which help prevent certain diseases in your pet’s gut. Also, it helps with digestion and absorption of nutrients.

As if this wasn’t enough, there’s more to this superfruit! Cranberries can give your cat a hand with urinary tract infections. They’re known to prevent the spreading of certain bacteria such as E. coli, which is the common denominator for various types of urinary infections.

Even with all these health benefits, you should always consult your regular vet before introducing new foods to your pet’s diet.

4. They’re low in fat

You know how your pet can be a bit too heavy for your lap at times? It’s not winter, so you can’t really blame it on the extra fur.

If your cat’s put on a few extra pounds, it doesn’t have to be alarming instantly. However, if you don’t take any precautionary measures and keep overfeeding your pet, you may be in trouble.

Felines are agile creatures and being overweight can seriously affect their physical and mental health. Cranberries are great for cats to eat because they are low in fat.

Of course, cats need fat, but excess amounts could cause all the pressure to concentrate around their joints. This additional stress can set the foundations for various inflammations, such as arthritis.

5. Good for their teeth!

As a responsible cat parent, you have to always think about your pet’s health. This also includes dental health.

She needs her razors to bite down on the flesh and chew on it properly for better digestion. Where do cranberries come in with all this meat then?

Well, cranberries can help maintain your feline’s dental health. They can reduce the plaque which saves the teeth from decaying. This means fewer visits to the dentist and more money in your pockets!

Can cats eat cranberries all the time?

It’s not recommended. Even with all the health benefits this fruit offers, its nutritional value doesn’t match what a carnivore’s diet requires.

Felines are obligate carnivores, which means they rely on meat as the primary food source. Meat provides them with every crucial nutrient and without it, they’d soon be feeling the consequences.

While your pet can benefit from certain fruits like cranberries and blackberries, for example, fruits shouldn’t be her main choice of diet.

You must understand that you two have different needs, and a special animal requires a special diet. So, it’s best to look for some cat foods that have cranberries as a supplement, rather than force her to eat them.

Can cats eat dried cranberries?

Dried fruits are a delicacy to many people, but you’re not so sure if your cat is going to be a fan of some dried cranberries. Although they’re meat-lovers, it’s not unusual for felines to feast on some fruits like dried mango.

However, not all dried fruits are safe for pets, and even though it sounds discouraging, you don’t have to worry too much. Cats are unlikely to be drawn to fruits, but maybe cranberries are something different.

Dried cranberries aren’t as healthy as raw ones, but they can still provide your pet with some health benefits. She may like them more than the fresh ones because they tend to be less sour in taste.

What are the downsides?

The issue with fruits, in general, is the sugar content. They tend to be sweet and that’s why we love them. However, this isn’t such good news for your kitten because sugar is totally unnecessary in her diet.

Moreover, it can be harmful if consumed in the long run and in excessive quantities. Carbs can only help your pet put on extra weight, and she may find herself in unenviable stations because of this.

Excess amounts of carbohydrates are known to cause diabetes if they’re consumed over a longer period of time. Furthermore, the additional weight can put your cat’s joints in a desperate situation, causing arthritis.

The good thing is that cats aren’t crazy about sweetness. Yes, you read that right! Felines don’t have the taste buds that would allow them to pick up a sweet scent.

Can cats drink cranberry juice?

We all love freshly squeezed juice from fruits and cranberry juice is no exception. You may catch your feline friend trying to dip hew paws into your glass of juice.

Can cats drink cranberry juice if it’s so healthy? Well, there’s no short answer to it because it’s both yes and no. Unsweetened juice is totally fine for your pet because sugar can be detrimental to her health.

If you like your juice sweetened, it’s possible the cranberry juice will do more harm than good to your feline. So, if you intend on sharing some with your furry friend, make sure you avoid the sugar altogether.

You’ll be making a healthier choice for yourself as well!

Can Cats Eat Cranberries? Will They Go Down Her Throat With Ease?

Can cats eat cranberry sauce?

Unfortunately, cranberry sauce is something you shouldn’t be giving your pet. If she somehow managed to steal a few licks out of your plate, don’t panic instantly.

The main worry is the high amount of sugar that’s found in this sauce. We know they can’t taste the sweetness, so it’s probably just out of pure curiosity.

Curiosity killed the cat, but don’t worry, it’s unlikely your pet will die from eating cranberry sauce. But even if it’s not poisonous, it still doesn’t mean it should be a part of your cat’s diet.

Next to sugar, cranberry sauce could potentially contain a lot of other spices that can be harmful to your pet. She isn’t wired to consume various human foods, and spices are no exception.

Some people love the zest of citrus fruits while others like to add some pecans to their desserts. While this all may be a combination of heavenly flavor to us, it’s still off the limits for your furry companion.

To conclude

You’ve probably wondered if cats can eat cranberries because she caught you red-handed trying to sneak some in without her noticing. This, of course, didn’t go as planned so now you’re stuck with a dilemma hovering over your mind.

Well, I’m more than glad to say that cats can eat cranberries – but don’t overdo it. These small fruits can be a great addition to your pet’s diet, but don’t forget to compare the nutritional value she requires and the one these fruits have to offer.

While they’re abundant in vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants, they’re low in fat and protein. These two are important energy sources for a carnivore, so that’s why these fruits aren’t the best option possible.

Dried cranberries and cranberry sauce aren’t recommended because of the high levels of sugar. It can be harmful if consumed for a longer period.

Can Cats Eat Cranberries?