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Meet The Coon Clan Gentleman: Black And White Maine Coon

Meet The Coon Clan Gentleman: Black And White Maine Coon

We all agree that there’s something super special about black and white Maine Coon cats, right? Whether we’re referring to the fact that they’re the best-dressed moggies out there or the fact that they’re reminiscent of the distinguished gentlemen from the 1950s, we can’t get enough of them.

Whatever the case might be, these fashionable felines deserve our attention. Maine Coon cats seem to have been around for ages, and they’ve managed to become one of the most popular, prominent breeds out there. With big bodies, long, luscious coats, and tufted ears, Maine Coons are a sight for sore eyes.

Maine Coons are surrounded by myths and tales aplenty trying to explain the unknown history behind the breed. We know that Maine Coons are native to the state of Maine, but we don’t know when and how these curious creatures reached Maine.

Whether Maine Coons were a cross between a raccoon and a cat, descendants of Marie Antoinette’s Turkish Angora cats, or a part of the crew on a ship sailing around the New England coast, the world might never know. What about black and white Maine Coon cats? When did these Oreos appear?

1. Black and white Maine Coons aren’t the same as tuxedo Maine Coons

Source: Shutterstock

We mentioned beforehand that pet parents oftentimes mistake black and white Maine Coons for tuxedo Maine Coons. While we do understand where the confusion comes from, that’s not the case – tuxedo’s a pattern rather than a color combination.

Black and white Maine Coons can possess a myriad of patterns, with tuxedo, Van markings, cap and saddle, cow pattern, Mohrenkopf, Thai patter, blanket or mantle pattern, Cummerbund pattern, tips pattern, and locket patter being some of them. But tuxedo’s the most common one, by far.

Black and white Maine Coons are unpredictable because you never know what they’re going to look like. Black with white spots or white with black spots, they’re the cutest creatures ever.

2. Black and white spots boil down to genetics

Meet The Coon Clan Gentleman: Black And White Maine Coon
Source: Shutterstock

Well, you probably predicted that one. Black and white Coons get the signature contrasting color thanks to a gene called the white spotting gene.

Basically, the white spotting gene causes those white spots on the black fur. However, a black and white cat’s coloring depends on whether the gene is dominant or recessive and gets measured against a scale. What do we mean by that?

Maine Coon cats that have no more than 40% white spots on black fur are considered “low grade,” whereas the ones with an even percentage of black and white spots are considered “medium grade.”

3. Maine Coons are gentle giants

Source: Pinterest

We can’t get enough of Maine Coon cats because they’re the sweetest, right? Whether they’re napping on the bed, meowing the day away, or turning heads on the street, they’re the most affectionate, appreciative cats ever. That’s why they’re deemed “gentle giants of the feline world.”

Maine Coons are big, bold, and beautiful, but we do need to put the emphasis on “big” considering that’s what brings them the most popularity. Moreover, they’re great with humans, pets, and pretty much everyone who gets to hang out with them. Who wouldn’t want a pet that’s fun and friendly?

4. Coons are Chatty Cathys

Meet The Coon Clan Gentleman: Black And White Maine Coon
Source: Shutterstock

We’re pretty sure you don’t need more reasons to sway you toward adopting or purchasing a black and white Maine Coon kitten, but – there’s always a but when we’re talking about these beautiful beasts.

Coons are Chatty Cathys and they’re more than happy to meow the day away when you aren’t showering them with attention and affection.

Maine Coon cats communicate with a strange chirping sound that might take you by surprise. Most cats meow, purr, and growl, but Maine Coons come with an array of strange sounds ready to attack when you’re asleep, working on your laptop, or minding your own business.

Chirping, trilling, and chirruping are about to become your BFFs, though, because you’re going to know exactly what your Coon wants based on the sound she produces – you simply need to figure out a way to decipher them.

5. Black and white Maine Coons are rumored to be the queens of sass

black and white maine coon
Source: Shutterstock

Tuxedo Maine Coons are the most common black and white Maine Coons, right?

Turns out that tuxedo cats possess something known as “taxitude,” a cheeky attitude that makes them even more fun to be around. Tuxedo cats’ parents swear that black and white cats showcase a bunch of behaviors that are characteristic of them – whether they’re fun, friendly, playful, sassy, or moody.

We do need to mention that there’s typically no connection between coat color and personality, but we wouldn’t want to argue with pet parents who experience these behaviors on a regular.

6. Coons carry the gene for extra toes

Source: Shutterstock

Don’t be surprised when you count one too many toes on your Maine Coon kitten! Depending on something known as the Pd gene, Maine Coon cats are likely to be born with extra toes. Now, most moggies are born with five toes on the front paws and four on the back paws.

But polydactyl cats, or cats that carry the Pd gene, are born with six or more toes on each paw. Before you say anything, know that polydactyl cats don’t suffer due to the extra toes. More often than not, they’re able to pad through snow better, catch mice with ease, and climb trees more quickly.

7. Black and white Coons aren’t high-maintenance

Source: coleandmarmalade

Black and white Coons aren’t different from Coons with colorful coats. Maine Coon cats are happy and healthy when they’re surrounded by humans and when they’re provided with plenty of attention and affection.

This breed isn’t meant to be alone, and these felines are the happiest when they’re playing with cats, snuggling with humans, and munching on paw-licking treats. Grooming and brushing are a must considering that Coons come with heavy, shaggy coats that require regular maintenance.

Other than that, though, they’re incredibly intelligent, highly trainable, and loyal. Of course, they’re a healthy breed, too, and they’re expected to reach a ripe age of twelve to fifteen years.

8. Maine Coons, black and white or otherwise, are similar to dogs

Source: Loving Lynx Maine Coons

Cats are rumored to spend most of their time napping, running away from their friends and family, and hiding somewhere no one can find them. Maine Coons are the opposite of that – they’re over the moon whenever they’re given the chance to run around, meet new friends, and cause trouble.

But that’s not the biggest reason why they’re similar to dogs. Maine Coons adore playing fetch, walking on a leash, and learning tricks – like dogs. Coons are excited to explore the great outdoors and that’s why they’re purrfect for people that spend a lot of time outside.

9. Black and white Coons aren’t afraid of water

Meet The Coon Clan Gentleman: Black And White Maine Coon
Source: Shutterstock

When you get a phantom Coon, you might think you’re going nuts because you’re suddenly showering with them, bringing them to a pool party, and splashing water on them when they’re hot. Worry not, black and white Coons aren’t afraid of water.

Whether that’s because they’re equipped with waterproof coats or because they’re rumored to have sailed the seas many moons ago, we don’t know for sure. We do, however, know that you need to get your hands on a motion-sensitive faucet or a pet fountain ASAP.

10. Maine Coons make for perfect pets

Source: Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coons, black and white or otherwise, make for purrfect pets because they’re the embodiment of everything we adore about our feline friends. With fluffy, scruffy coats, soft paw pads, and addicting purrsonalities, these Batmans of the feline world are what dreams are made of.