Cat trees – adored by cats and hated by humans.
On one hand, they’re great for cats because they’re entertaining, physically and mentally stimulating, and challenging. On the other, they’re incredibly impractical for humans because they’re expensive, extravagant, and take up too much space.
What’s the consensus on cat trees, then? Do we need them? Do we want them? Or do we think our cats are going to agree to more cuddles and snuggles should we agree to provide them with a cat tree?
Whatever the case, cat trees are a burning discussion among pet parents and we’re here to share our two cents on the matter.
1. Great for Grooming

Right off the bat, cat trees are awesome for grooming. Most cat trees are made with a specific, special rope or twine that’s appropriate for a cat to scratch and sharpen her claws on. More often than not, cats want to do that the moment they wake up, so you should consider setting the cat tree near where your cat normally naps.
To make matters even better, cat trees are an effective way to prevent your cat from scratching your furniture. Cats possess an innate need to scratch things because that’s how they’re wired to groom themselves, sharpen and clean their claws, and mark their territory.
2. A Good Way for a Cat to Mark Her Territory

While we’re on the topic of territory marking, cat trees are also appropriate for teaching your cat to stop urinating on your furniture and use a cat tree instead. We’re kidding – but we’re not kidding about the fact that cats use cat trees to mark their territory and spread their scent.
Sure, urinating might be one of the most prominent territory-marking behaviors. But cats are also known to spread their scent by rubbing their paws, cheeks, and mouths against different surfaces. Cats possess scent glands around their cheeks, chin, top of their head, and base of their tail.
3. Awesome for Stretching

Cat trees are excellent for stretching, too. Now, cats don’t mind stretching without the assistance of a cat tree. But there’s something about cat trees that motivates cats to stretch more often – every time they awake from a nap, get up to take a little walk before feeding time, or catch a glimpse of the tree from the corner of their eye.
Stretching brings numerous benefits to cats, too. Stretching not only gets your cat’s muscles moving, but it also encourages blood and lymph circulation, and flushes the toxins out of her body.
4. Perfect for Napping

“Did someone mention napping!?” Humans might disagree, but cat trees are comfortable spots for napping. Cats are fond of heights, and they’re fond of running away from everything that might bother them while trying to get some beauty sleep.
They prefer secluded spaces for rest, and cat trees are one of the best options for them because they’re high up and aren’t accessible to everyone (a.k.a. bothersome toddlers).
5. Provides a Safe Escape

It’s no news that your fluffy friend probably doesn’t take kindly to cats, dogs, toddlers, and vacuum cleaners bothering her while she’s trying to rest. Well, we’re here to make your cat’s case.
Cats can get stressed out, overwhelmed, and anxious when they’re surrounded by chaos. For that reason, they need a space they’re allowed to retreat to when they’re done with the rest of the world. Cat trees are perfect for this because they’re inaccessible to pretty much everyone except your cat.
6. An Appropriate Alternative to Scratching Posts

We highlighted that cats can employ cat trees for grooming. We haven’t, however, mentioned that cat trees can completely replace scratching posts.
Cat trees are often made with the same rope or twine that’s used for scratching posts; and, on the off chance that they aren’t, they’re known to feature a scratching post or two. Considering the fact that cat trees take up quite a lot of space, that’s great news for both you and your cat.
7. Mentally Stimulating

Whether you’re working with a gentle Ragdoll or an energetic Bengal, cats can become mischievous when they’re bored. We’re pretty sure that the word “mischievous” can’t even describe the madness that goes on when a cat doesn’t know what to do with the excess energy.
While you can (and should) spend time entertaining your cat, we suggest getting a cat tree to ensure she’s equipped with a source of entertainment when you’re not around.
8. Keeps Cats Happy, Healthy, and Fit

Whatever positive or negative opinion you might have about cat trees, remember that cat trees can assist you too. Cats trees are great for keeping your cat happy, healthy, and fit – but they’re great because they’re able to do that even when you’re not there. Cat trees for the win, right!?
If you agree with that but still haven’t purchased a tree for your kitty, then this is a perfect opportunity to change that. We’ve gathered a few options, depending on what you’re looking for and what your pet needs.
9. Boosts Joint Health
Cat trees provide essential exercise that helps maintain your cat’s joint health. When cats climb, stretch, and jump, they engage in activities that naturally lubricate their joints, promoting flexibility and preventing stiffness. These movements mimic the actions cats would perform in the wild, thus supporting natural joint function.
By offering a variety of heights and angles, cat trees encourage continuous movement, which is crucial for older cats. Regular use can help reduce the risk of arthritis and keeps your feline agile and active. Investing in a quality cat tree is a proactive step in preserving your pet’s joint health.
10. Stimulates Natural Hunting Instincts
With a cat tree, your cat’s hunting instincts are well-fed. The various platforms and attached toys imitate natural challenges, providing mental exercise and excitement. Activities like stalking or pouncing help your cat develop focus and tactical thinking.
These behaviors are not only fun for your cat but also crucial for their cognitive development. A well-designed cat tree keeps your cat’s mind sharp and fulfills its need to explore and conquer new territories. It’s an engaging way to keep your feline friend mentally agile.
11. Alleviates Stress and Anxiety
Offering a safe sanctuary, a cat tree reduces stress and anxiety by giving your cat a high perch to observe and retreat to. This personal space is especially helpful in multi-pet households, providing them with a secure escape.
Having access to a dedicated spot for relaxation can help in calming an anxious cat, providing peace of mind and comfort. The structure’s design caters to a cat’s need for solitude, making it an essential tool in managing feline stress levels and promoting a tranquil environment.
12. Promotes Social Interaction with Other Pets
Perfect for promoting socialization, a cat tree offers a shared space where pets can engage in playful activities. Multiple platforms allow them to interact, while giving each pet a spot to relax in their own space.
This can lead to increased camaraderie and reduce territorial disputes. By providing a communal area, cat trees help diminish feelings of isolation and foster a sense of community. A harmonious relationship between pets results in a happier household, making a cat tree a valuable addition for multi-pet families.
13. Gives Kittens a Safe Space to Explore
For kittens, a cat tree is an exciting adventure playground that offers a safe space to explore. With their innate curiosity, kittens benefit from the various textures and levels that stimulate physical and mental growth. The enclosed spaces and hiding spots on a cat tree provide a controlled environment for them to hone their climbing and balancing skills.
This environment prevents unsafe exploration elsewhere, reducing the risk of injury. A cat tree not only entertains but also educates young cats on navigating their world safely, ensuring they develop into confident and agile adults.
14. Enhances Balance and Coordination Skills
Enhancing a cat’s balance and coordination, a cat tree offers opportunities for jumping, climbing, and balancing on ledges. These actions help develop important motor skills and keep cats agile and sharp.
Regularly challenging themselves on a cat tree helps cats refine their movements and coordination. It provides a safe environment to practice these abilities, which can translate to better performance in other aspects of their lives. Investing in a cat tree is a proactive approach to maintaining your pet’s physical prowess.
15. Prevents Furniture from Damage
With built-in scratching posts, cat trees provide a positive outlet for your cat’s scratching instincts, reducing the chances of them damaging your furniture.
The variety of materials and textures on a cat tree cater to different scratching preferences, keeping your cat engaged and your furniture intact. It’s an investment that protects your home and satisfies your cat’s instincts simultaneously. Offering an appropriate place for scratching is essential for both your cat’s well-being and the preservation of your living space.