I think I could go for hours talking about this terrific breed, but I know that you may get bored, so I’ll try to keep it concise. There are many reasons you should get yourself a Maine coon Tabby cross and I’m just mentioning some of them.
Honestly, I don’t understand how you still didn’t buy or adopted one after reading the article up to here. But don’t worry. I know that I won’t need many more words to persuade you to go and get yourself one of these babies.
Are you ready to be completely in love with gentle giants? Buckle up, because we’re about to start describing the most purrfect cat of all cats. Even dog lovers will want one!
1. They have a pawesome personality

Throughout the article, I’ve mentioned multiple times how these cats are also known as gentle giants and dogs in the cats’ world. They are super friendly and kind. Of course, this beautiful cross between Maine coon and Tabby absolutely adores spending time with her owner.
Their curiosity will make them follow you all around the house and they’re extremely loyal and social animals. They are overly friendly and will enjoy playing with something simple as a feather toy, or if you opt for fetching, they won’t mind it.
2. They are family-friendly

As I’ve mentioned previously, the Maine coon Tabby cross is an extremely friendly breed and they’ll fit perfectly into your little family. They genuinely enjoy someone’s company, so don’t be afraid that you may bore them with constant petting.
3. They live long

Okay, okay, it depends on what you consider a long life span, but these beautiful felines come from parents who live for 15-16 years (Maine coon) and 11-14 years (Tabby). So you can expect that this furbaby will “torture” you for quite some time.
It takes up to 5 years for them to fully mature, but they do develop quickly from a kitten – both physically and mentally. Remember that each cat is different, so it doesn’t necessarily mean that all things mentioned will apply to your furbaby.
4. They’re intelligent

They’re so intelligent that you can actually train them – and they learn fast! Most of their owners say that it’s almost like training a dog and a thing that proves that is that they can be taken on a leash. Considering the fact that they can grow a lot, I think it would be a great idea to teach her this first.
5. They don’t require special care

Even though their furry coat is pretty long, these babies don’t require special care. You can treat them almost the same as your regular cat. You should brush her fur from time to time since they’re prone to forming furballs which may be dangerous.
Also, they don’t need any special diet plans, but food that is high in protein like fish, turkey, or chicken.
6. They are playful

A bunch of cat breeds can be called playful, but Maine coon Tabby takes it to another level. Do you know how people use their inner child as an excuse to behave childishly? Well, it’s kind of the same for these lovely babies. We’ll blame it on their inner kittens.
Sometimes it seems like they’re just that – little, vulnerable kittens in a body of a grown-up cat. For this reason, you’ll need to provide them with a lot of toys and play with them often. They’ll also hunt birds for fun, so don’t be surprised if you see a pigeon, sparrow, or something else on your porch.
7. They have a beautiful appearance

The cross between Maine coon and Tabby is absolutely dazzling. They have a thick undercoat that helps them survive even those extremely cold winters, and their light, fluffy coat on the top is usually longer. The fluff around their neck and soft tails will grab your attention.